One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 458: Go to Konoha

"Ahem, I will meet the employer's request." After an awkward cough, both corners put down the plate in his hand and turned and walked out.

The embarrassment was not because Roja could smell him again, but because going to the money exchange meant that he was going to do private work again.

After all, he is now in a state of being employed. According to the ninja, he is performing a guard mission. Taking the time to exchange the heads of those scattered ninjas for rewards, he has violated the provisions of the Ninja Code.

Roja didn't think much about this. As long as there was nothing wrong with the Moon Kingdom, the Horned Ninja Hunting Ninja could make the territory of the Moon Kingdom more comfortable and harmless.

If the horns are not gone, Roja will have to order his people to do it. After all, if a country is full of ninjas who kill and arson, dominate, and provoke trouble, then the country will not be able to develop.

"Brother, Uncle Jiaotou is very nice." Niu Xinnai spoke nicely to Jiaotou after rubbing Loya's cheek.

"Oh, have you been in contact with him?" The front foot sent Jiu Xinnai over for 300. It has only been a few hours now. In such a short time, Jiu Xinnai has been on the line with Kok.

In the mist in Roya's heart, Jiu Xinnai is not the kind of bad guy, and being able to say good things to the corner proves that the corner of her heart is indeed a good person.

"Well, I saw Uncle Jiaodu as soon as my elder brother left." He told his elder brother the whole process of their acquaintance. Jiu Xinnai had a timid expression on his face, as if he was afraid that he had done something wrong.

Not long after Luo Ya left, when Jiao Du came back from the money exchange, he heard a voice from his employer's room in the resident, so he naturally wanted to check it out.

Jiao was accustomed to intrigues, and after seeing Jiu Xin Na, he realized that the person in front of him was the employer's sister, so he sat with her and started chatting.

The newly-built base has just appeared a rough outline, because Jiao Du, as a betrayer, is also a master of the shadow level.Although the people who migrated from the Uzumaki clan knew that they should have a good relationship with him, they couldn't help but put on colored glasses in their expressions.

Either flattering, or flattering, more of fear. In Naruto World, betrayal is not a good reputation.

Jiu Xinnai didn't know the identity of Jiaodu at first, and after knowing it, he didn't care about the name of Betrayal. In her heart, any shadow-class powerhouse was not as good as her brother.

Jiu Xinnai, who was just five years old and just finished his birthday, is born with a trait that makes people like him. He has a pure personality like a red crystal. He is not flattering or polite. He just treats the corner as an ordinary uncle.

This attitude makes the corners who have not experienced the human touch for a long time become quite comfortable, and the more and more I talked with Kushina, the food on the plate when I first entered the door was prepared for the little girl.

The old man in Jiaodu has a childlike heart

After listening to Jiuxinai's narration, Luo Ya looked at the dinner plate, and the corners of his eyes twitched. He couldn't figure it out. Jiuxinai's age and no one-tenth of the horns would hit the corners.

However, this old guy is taking advantage of him. Jiu Xinnai calls him his elder brother and his uncle. Isn’t it obvious that he is a younger generation?

After Shui Dang cleared the grievances, the corners closed their masks again, and a cool expression appeared in the room again.

"When is the task deadline?" Sitting on the high stool, a trace of tenderness flashed in the green eyes of Xiao Nizi who were all looking at the wolf, as if looking at his granddaughter.

"There is no deadline. Until the day you don't want to do it, I won't prevent you from occasionally going out to fight the autumn wind, as long as you don't delay business."

"Yeah. bddi"

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and the horns groaned for a while, nodded in response. The longer he wandered, the more he yearned for a place where he could settle down. Especially after meeting Kushina, the short conversation made his heart feel The desire has increased sharply, thinking in my heart, maybe staying here is also a good choice.

"Should I change my name to your boss?" Jiao Du said after being silent for a while, leading a good reward and doing things that are not difficult. At this time, it seems that he should show his attitude.

"The boss is the name of the bandit. Call it the leader. Of course, you should know my identity now."

"The master behind."

"Clever, the little girl will trouble you to take care of me during my absence. This is a ten-year remuneration. Let me pay you in advance."

With a wave of his hand, he took out a small pile of treasures from the system space, and directly shook the corners of the fortune enthusiast. Gold and gems, various precious utensils, almost blinded his eyes.

"You must have emptied the treasury of the country of fire" said in a nasty voice, and the horns took out the seal scrolls on their bodies, and collected the treasures one by one.

The dark smile in the bottom of my heart was ignorant, and Luo Ya had an inscrutable smile on his face.Pirate World is vast and rich in resources, many times larger than Naruto World. The total treasury of the five major countries does not necessarily have as much storage in his system warehouse.At the beginning, the rainbow mist contained wealth accumulated by pirate ships and expedition ships for thousands of years.

"Brother, is there something going to leave?" Jiu Xin Na who was eating the food stopped and looked at Luo Ya with dismay.Just a word of taking care of the corners made her feel parting.

"Well, don't worry, I will be back soon, Kushina wants to learn ninjutsu, do you know?" Luo Ya whispered softly while rubbing the little girl's head.

"Yeah." Jiu Xinnai responded and focused on the food.The elder brother will not lie to himself, saying that he will come back soon, of course he will come back soon.

Three days later, the whirlpool Yuzhu, who had hidden the trail and entered the Moon Kingdom cautiously, met with the clansmen who came first.

After ordering the plans for the future and leaving a lot of treasure for development, Luo Ya took two Vortex tribesmen, who had already been dealt with by using the technique of submerged brain modification, and set foot on the journey to the country of fire. path of.

The territory of the Moon Kingdom has been cleaned up. With the talent of the whirlpool jade pillar, with the help of the shadow-level powerhouse of Jiaodu, as long as the road that allows the Thunder Kingdom to go to the wood industry is freed, the Second Ninja World War will not be right. What an impact here.

And then, it was time to go to Konoha to meet Tsunade's big fat sheep..

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