One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 460: Swordsmanship for Blades

With the nine tails on Mito's body, Roja could clearly perceive that the evil Chakala, even in the heavy seal, could not stop escaping outward.

This shows how weak the old man's body has become.

"From now on, you will live here. Next to it is the residence of the three little guys."

Walking to the front of a house in the family land, Tsunade pushed open the unlocked door, and a thick dust fell. Obviously, this house had been unoccupied for a long time.

The Senshou clan suffered heavy losses in the First Ninja War. Since then, the population has become increasingly sparse, and many houses have been idle for a long time.

"Thank you, Tsunade-sama." Uzumaki Xiangyang thanked Tsunate with a look of gratitude. This kind of three-entry courtyard is several times better than the original house in Uzumaki’s "Twenty Four Seven" country.

"Your name is Qiuye, right? You are about the same size as my brother's rope tree. If you have time, you can go to me. I will do what I say and teach you physical skills."

Another kind of comfort was given to the struggling child in front of him. Tsunade turned around and headed towards her home. Rosuki was about to leave school, and she wanted to go home to take care of her younger brother.

Shaking his head speechlessly, Roja walked into this temporary residence.

"Xiangyang, Toon, clean up."

"Yes, my lord."

Without outsiders, these two people are Roja's most sincere subordinates. After hearing the instructions, they immediately became busy, cleaning up dust and cobwebs.

The meddling was temporarily over, and Luo Ya looked at the map system in his mind, and the dazzling diamond treasure chest flashed a smile on his face.

Konoha in this period is not weak. At its peak, the ninjuo Sarutobi slash, Konoha white tooth Hagaki Sakumo, Shimura Danzo who was able to compete with Sarutohi slash in his youth, and those who have not yet won the title of Sannin Jiraiya, Tsunade, Oshemaru and others.

The location that can be refreshed is not surprising, but the location that refreshes is indeed a bit scratchy.

Kagura's heart had already enveloped the entire Konoha Village, and at the location of the diamond treasure chest, a man with a breath similar to the age of three generations was drinking tea there.

Konoha White Tooth Flag

Rolling his eyes, Luo Ya is used to the urination of the system. Fortunately, he has not refreshed the diamond treasure chest to the den of Tuan Zang, it is not bad.

Taking advantage of Xiangyang and Toon's time to clean up the room, Luo Ya pretended to be wandering, and walked towards the station of the Qimu clan without delay.

Walking on the street and looking at the prosperous Konoha Village, which is still far less than a decade later, Roja curled his lips. Tsunade’s original speech made Konoha unparalleled in his original speech. Now it seems to be compared. The country of fire is a bit short.

Yile Ramen hasn't opened here yet, but the yakiniku restaurant has opened, but it is far from the scale of the later. The ball shop that the apprentice red bean loves most is still a ninja shop.

Watching casually, Luo Ya walked to the station of the Qimu clan, and knocked on the door generously.

The invisibility cloak can hide the existence below the shadow level. Facing the shadow level, the subtle air flow can make them discover. If the identity is discovered then, it is a lot of trouble, it is better to go straight to the door.

And Roja was still very curious about the person Sakumo Hagi.A person who can become a shadow-level powerhouse is not just a person with high talent, but also with swordsmanship and no strong mood, how can it reach this level.

The amputated suicide in the original book is weird no matter how you think.


The door rang softly, and an old servant who was not young poked his head out of the house and looked at Loya in front of him with a puzzled look.

"My child, who are you looking for"

With hands full of age spots and muddy eyes, the old man in front of him is at least seventy years old and up.The kind face seemed to be indisputable in the world, and Luo Ya did not open his mouth to expel him because of his young age.

"Hello old man, may I ask Shushige Hagaki, is there anyway?"

"Child, do you have anything to do with Master Shuomao?"

Knowing that it was not a random knock on the door, the old man greeted Roya in and slowly led the way in front. The average child would not take the initiative to find a ninja. Even in Konoha, ninjas are always superior, let alone Shushi Hagi. Such a powerful ninja.

"My name is Uzumaki Qiuye. I'm here to ask some questions about swordsmanship."

"The whirlpool family?"

Twisting his eyebrows, the old servant quietly took Luo Ya to Hatake Shumo.It stands to reason that the servants should not take care of the master's affairs, and the question just now was only because of his too young age, for fear that it was just a child's mischief and disturbed the master.

"Uncle Lan, go ahead."

While making tea, Sakuma Hagaki smiled at the old servant and nodded for Luo Ya to sit down.With a keen hearing, he had heard what Roja had just said in the small courtyard.

"Isn't Uzumaki Qiuye? I'll try my best to help you answer any questions." There is no ordinary Shangren to face others, and he doesn't care about his own opinion.Sakumo Hagi pushed a cup of tea to Roja's face, looking approachable.

A ninja who values ​​his companions and loves the village.This is Luo Ya's first feeling. Only when he regards the village as his own home, will he see the look of the younger generation in his eyes.

For the sake of your good attitude, I will be gentle when I greet your son when I go back.

40 in his heart secretly said, Luo Ya put his hand into his arms to make the appearance of fetching something, and took out the basic swordsmanship scroll that he wrote in his spare time and placed it in the system warehouse.

"This is the swordsmanship my father left for me. I hope I can exchange it for the flag wood swordsmanship." This reason is that I have already thought about it on the way, otherwise Luo Ya can still say that he came to Baifang for tea.

The two didn't know each other, and Luo Ya now looked like an eight or nine-year-old boy. I really dare to say that. Even the best tempered person will have a black face.

His face was quite cautious, Roja's eyes had already quietly looked at the diamond treasure chest behind White Fang, it seemed that the treasure chest could be obtained without any effort.

"Swordsmanship" hesitated for a while, and Sakumo Hagi picked up the swordsmanship scroll on the table in front of him..

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