One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 487: The action seems to be too fast

Roja looked at the two people who obviously had the story and scratched their noses helplessly. When he first saw Hokage, the most annoying thing was to read that kind of memoir.

It's almost like an old lady's foot wrap, smelly and long. It's useless except to deceive tears.And it's a passerby, with a sad life experience.

It seems that if you are not sad enough in the Hokage World, your strength will not become stronger.Especially those bosses, in any romance drama, are the protagonists of tragedy.

"The boss has already started to do it, hehe, Sormonro, let's talk about it, this woman's body belongs to me, and how about her appearance belongs to you."

"Huh, then I have to wait until I have finished eating, the girl is Shinobu, but it is very rare."

The non-male and female pervert, and the apparently excessively indulgent Sormonro talked with no one beside him, even if he was warned by the leader, he still didn't care much.

It went smoothly along the way, and their six-member team has rarely encountered opponents in today's ninja world.

Because Haaki Sakumo has been performing missions in the Anbe, the current battle has not yet begun, and he has not killed the Scorpion Scorpion's parents, and his reputation is not obvious.

Although Tsunade had a small reputation, they didn't fight against the Sansho Fish, and they were only regarded as ordinary Shinobu.

In their hearts, there is a leader to deal with the ninja with a knife, and it is undoubtedly easy for several people to work together to win the upper ninja.As for Roja, who seems to be young, has been automatically ignored.

Sanhuai turned his back to several people, so that they didn't even see the cold sweat on their leader's face.With Shumo Hagi's energy locked in, he didn't even dare to speak.

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the appearance of Sakumo Hagiki. She was very clear about the power of the short knife, and the few people in front of him were not his opponents.

Particularly, even if it is strict, it is not considered to be superior. It is just that there is a certain aspect of ability that is more special. For the system, they are all classified into the category of Zhongren.

Faced with goods that even ninjutsu treasure chests don't have, Luo Ya is really lazy. There is only a silver treasure chest in the center of this small village, which is really rubbish.

However, the two perverts who have just spoken have repeated themselves since the beginning of their appearance. If there is no response, they are not men.

"Rubbish"."The two words were lightly spit out in the mouth, Luo Ya moved his feet, but showed a slightly stronger power than Zhong Ren, holding Kuwu in his hand and rushed towards the two.

Hearing Loya's words, Tsunade saw his movements before he said anything, and there was a warm current in his heart, knowing that he could not wait to attack him to defend himself.Without hesitation at the moment, they attacked these people together.

In his mind, although the enemy's ability is not yet clear, as long as the enemy's elite is dragged down, and the two of them work together to deal with these five people, there will be no surprises at all.

Kuwu made a sharp whistling sound in his hand, and Roja injected the Chakra and threw it directly. The five-element detonating talisman on the handle of Kuwu was hidden by the sealing technique and did not attract the attention of the two.

When they saw Roja's forward speed, these people already knew that they underestimated him, and if they were not careful, they would most likely capsize in the gutter.

"Unexpectedly, he is still a genius, hehehe, I will kill you."


The detonation time of more than one second will suffer even if Shangren is not careful, not to mention that these are only special characters at the upper level.

The guy who is neither male nor female has not finished speaking, he was paralyzed by the wanton spread of electric snakes. Although the other was also affected, because he was a ninja, his lower body sank to the ground and maintained ninjutsu. , Barely hid underground.

At this time, Roya had already taken out another handful of Kuunai, and the sharp Kuunai pierced his throat. A garbage villain had so many words, which obviously made him a little unhappy.

The brawny man who wanted to come to support was stopped by Tsunade, and a strange punch hit him, and the brawny man was beaten out, and the rest of the people also focused on Tsunade. .

The ninja whose throat had been pierced with an excited smile on his face, he didn't care about his injury, holding Qianben in his hand and thrusting it straight into Loya's temple.

"Hee hee kid, go." Before the second half of the sentence was said, the ninja's eyes showed extremely horrified expressions, and his movements stopped, and the head was chopped in half by the slap of Kumo in Roya's hand.

Their conversation just now revealed this person's abilities, and the suture marks on the body and neck that were extremely disproportionate to the head also exposed his weakness.

Isn't it the ninjutsu that can change the body just by cutting off the head, it is far behind the flying section and horns.Just a silent Naraku seeing technique, sent him to hell.

The world of Naruto is so wonderful, the head of the flying section can be connected, and the hand of Dedara can be connected. I did not expect to see someone who can change body today.

However, such ninjutsu and horns are the same as grandfather than grandson, and the difference is too far.

The ninja who had escaped into the ground showed his head from one side, and at first glance he saw the dead companion and the battle that fell into the wind in an instant. He was timid by nature and did not hesitate at all, turning around and started to escape.

Roya dangled on the way he had to pass. After activating the King Yide King's stack of ordinary detonating talisman, he slapped it on the ground and retreated again.

There are more than 20 detonating symbols to blow up the garbage in the earth without any effort.If it weren't for Haaki Sakumo and Tsunade, he could only show this kind of strength, such a small role, Roja could kill him by spitting.

The ninja in the soil escaped completely unexpectedly that someone would be able to spot him hiding in the soil, and he was blown off half of his body, twitching a few times without a sound.

After solving the two psychopathic garbage, Luo Ya was stunned when he saw Sakumo Hagi who was still facing off and Tsunade who had not finished the battle.

I'm paralyzed, my movements seem to be too fast, Nima turned around and had to work hard to explain.

Angrily touched his nose, Luo Ya flew over a group of fat alpacas in his heart. Just now, he really only used the power of Zhongnin level.

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