One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 495: Pet Space Ring

Three minutes later, Luo Ya came to a small pond. Chiyo and Eilao Zang were sitting opposite each other. Most of the fish in the water floated up. At first glance, he knew that the fish had been eaten by the fish.

Eilaozang’s nose was blistering, and he was clearly asleep. Although Chiyo was stronger than Eilaozang, he had not gone to sleep, but he was not as strong as there.

This kind of small fish pond is a rare thing in Sharenin Village, which lacks water. Those who can get this treatment in Sharenin Village are the two in front of them.

He walked quietly to the fish pond and put away the golden treasure box refreshed in the middle of the two. The sleepy Chiyo in Kagura's eyes moved fiercely, and the fishing line on the fishing rod in his hand pierced Roja's throat.

Under the violent sound of breaking through the air, the fishing line covered by the chakra was sharp and tight, but this method had to deal with Roja, which was obviously far behind. Just a vertical leap opened the gap between the two. distance.

The sleeping Eilaozang woke up, and the nasal bubble on his nose burst. Seeing Chiyo who had taken out the puppet scroll in his hand, he immediately became alert, but Loya, who was still wearing the invisibility cloak, was not what he could do. Found 13.

"The system opens the golden treasure chest." The big treasure chest is the largest, not to mention that there is still a golden treasure chest in their hands, so let them be on guard for a while.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the golden treasure chest and obtaining the pet space ring."

The pet space ring contains a pet space, which can accommodate living objects, drip blood to recognize the master, and income space creatures will increase their loyalty every ten days, and they can receive income without the ability to resist or willingly.

The pet ring is a magic tool, do you mean that if you are upset, you can put it in by hitting the nine tails to death

Then a little loyalty for ten days, one thousand days, which is less than three years, is a 100% loyal obedient baby, even if it is a negative one hundred hatred, it only takes five and a half years, which is absolutely compelling. It's a forceful weapon

When the time comes, the nine-tailed beasts will stick out their tongues and be cute.If the ten-tails are also taken in, it will be enthusiastic, and if a word is inconsistent, the ten-tails will be closed, which is too high.

Feeling yy in his heart, he took out the pet space ring, cut his finger and handed the blood up. The wound had healed automatically in a short time, and the ring had a touch with his own spirit, just like opening the system space.

The ring is concealed above the fingers, and it is very convenient to put it away and appear at Roya's wishes. The carved dragon pattern on it is vivid.

Putting his mind into the pet space ring, it was completely dark. Roja frowned. From the perception, this space is not connected to any world, as if it was opened out of a void. The general.

The power of the system is really powerful. This kind of thing is not something that one's current power can create. It is not difficult to destroy such a space, but it is impossible to create it.

"En system, can you put people into the pet space?" Suddenly thinking of something, Luo Ya asked the system in his heart.

"It can be income, but it has no effect on improving loyalty."

Raising his eyebrows, Roja showed a thoughtful look on his face. This ring has completely fitted itself, and its inner space and time are independent of other spaces.

In other words, as long as you want to make other people's income, as long as the other party voluntarily or directly fainted, you can earn income.

There was a smile on his face. Such a ring is very convenient. In this way, when you go out to fight, you only need to put the people around you in, which can ensure their safety to the greatest extent.

"Sister, is that person gone?" Eilaozang watched for a long time and saw nothing, and couldn't help asking his sister Chiyo out loud.

"No, although I can't see it, but I can perceive it. He is still here." Chiyo had already unlocked the puppet seal he was carrying with him, and several puppets with special appearances were guarded by his side.

"Can you tell me how you found me?" Luo Ya put the invisibility cloak on his body into the system warehouse and faced Chiyo's inquiry.

"The Zen of the Temple of the Wind can perceive all the wind and grass. Although you don't know what ninjutsu you used to hide, as long as you have chakras, you can't escape the exploration of Zen."

Seeing the young man facing him, Chiyo kept thinking about the ninja masters he had read in his mind, but he couldn't remember the identity of the person in front of him.

After leaving Konoha Loya, he recovered his body, but his face became extremely rough. After all, he was here to rob the house, which was not a good reputation.

"Who are you?" Hai Laozang asked aloud from the side, but the indifferent and plain expression of the person in front of him gave him great pressure. Such a person is definitely a strong person.

"Guess." Luo Ya has no habit of answering the enemy's questions kindly. Today's purpose is to get the gold 370 treasure chest and the supreme treasure chest fragments.Eilao Zang is an elite kind of Shinobu, except for the ninjutsu treasure chest, it is useless.

Bang Ka Ka

Taking advantage of the gap between Eilao Zang's words, a puppet hiding in the ground broke through to face Luo Ya, the mechanism in his mouth opened, and countless poisonous needles shot.

Chiyo, who has always been more impulsive, doesn't have the kind of interest that Eilao Zang has to move afterwards. Since he came here sneakily, he is the enemy of Saranin Village.


Two steps back slightly, Luo Ya had already flashed the poisonous needle, and the Zhanpaku knife around his waist was unsheathed, and the sword would come oncoming, trying to chop the puppet he trapped in half.

Seeing the enemy's action, Chiyo directly classified him as a ninja of the body type. In the case just now, if it was a ninjutsu type enemy, he would definitely use ninjutsu like avatar to avoid.

Fingers shook the puppet that had been cut in half on the ground. After discovering that the puppet's interior had been completely destroyed, Chiyo's expression changed. Only a single knife caused such damage. She had never heard of such a terrifying sword technique.

Another scroll of puppets unfolded, and Chiyo didn't hesitate to release the strongest ten people near Song. Ordinary puppets couldn't resist such enemies..

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