One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 507: Taunt Hanzo

The respirator on his face obscured most of his face, and Hanzo stood on top of the Sansho Fish with contempt and indifference on his face. Compared with him, the three people who had just touched the edge of the shadow class were really different.

As he is now in his prime, he does not have the weakness of the Three World Wars, he is regarded as the apex of the Shinobi world, known as a "half-god", and the strength of a proper shadow level peak.

Facing a few ninjas who have just touched the edge of the shadow rank with the strength of the peak of the shadow rank, the flaws are obvious, and they can only rely on mutual cooperation to deal with, there will be almost no suspense.

Oshemaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade, the three have their own psychic beasts, it is impossible not to use them in such a battle, after all, they will face the legend of the Ninja world.

However, they still underestimated the toxicity of the Sansho fish. Excluding the slugs who were not good at fighting, Wentai and Wanshe were both forced to return to the psychic world under the toxicity of the Sansho fish.

The three of them can still hold on to the present, thanks to the antidote formulated by Tsunade, it is a pity that the amount of antidote is too small, it can only be used by three people, and it is impossible to use it for huge psychic beasts. .

Now they have used up nearly half of their chakras, even if Hanzo consumes a lot of chakras, the sansho fish is still alive.

If they continue, the result of the battle will be very obvious, but they can't be defeated, they can only insist here. If they as the commander in command lose this time, Konoha's army will be disintegrated, and the losses they will face will not be affordable for the three.

Above 10,000 meters above the sky, Kagura heartily fed back the situation on the ground. Luo Ya sighed with relief. It seemed that he was just right. The three of them hadn't reached the point where the oil was exhausted, and Hanzo had only taken advantage now.

Putting on the big cloak, Roja used his instantaneous ability to quietly come to the woods not far away, and several jumps appeared in front of several people.

The trio of Tsunade who were fighting against Sanshoyu Hanzo saw the man in the cloak suddenly appearing more solemnly. Even if a few of them focused on fighting, they could approach without being noticed by a few people, and the strength of those who came might not be simple.

If this is the enemy's reinforcements, then today, the three of them might really not be able to go back.

The patter of rain in the sky gradually increased, wet the clothes of a few people, and made the haze in the sky more dense.

"Is there another little ant? It's okay to all jump out and solve the trouble." He was wary, but he didn't change his contemptuous tone, and Hanzo's eyes hidden under the ventilator were full of evil birds.

Roja, who was tightly wrapped in the cloak, raised his eyebrows. He didn't know the identity of the visitor, so he dared to call the little ant. Hanzo had a big tone. When he was called a demigod, he really thought he was a god.

"The tone is too loud, but it will flash." With a joke on his face, Roja changed his voice to make it hoarse and magnetic, and the ridicule in the tone was not concealed.

"Huh, Rats." Hanzo, who sneered at him, narrowed his eyes, and was able to speak to himself like this without fear, either because the opponent's strength was indeed strong, or he was an ignorant junior.

His always cautious character made Hanzo prefer to treat him as a powerful person and prepare for the worst. After all, he can appear here quietly, even if he is arrogant, the other party does have arrogant capital.

The Tsunade trio on the side breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Hanzo's words. As the saying goes, the enemy's enemy is a friend, and as long as it is not the opponent's reinforcements, this battle will still be fought.

"Friends over there, how are we working together." Oshemaru, who has always acted as a think tank, groaned and spoke slowly, with a sincere expression on his face.

At this time, Dashewan had a slightly gloomy aura, and he had begun to pursue longevity in his heart, but he had not lost himself, and became a metamorphosis in the future, his personality was still not small, and his words were full of unconsciousness. The feeling to believe in.

"If you join forces to kill him, the corpse belongs to me." It was still a hoarse voice. Roja looked at the three people who were extremely nervous, raised his eyebrows, and said a dispensable condition for them.

Hanzo’s body does have many secrets, the psychic of the Sansho fish, the poison sac in the body, and many ninjutsu, but as long as it is killed, most of the rain country will fall into the control of Konoha. , The three people who have never lacked ninjutsu would not care too much.

Ask for flowers

"Okay." Seeing how easy it was to win her allies together, O She Maru couldn't help but smile on her pale face, and now she was more confident in dealing with Hanzo.

It's just that the three people were obviously also guarding against the man in the cloak who suddenly appeared, and did not give him the antidote that could restrain the toxin of the Sansho fish in a short time.

"Little ghosts, you are too arrogant to spray the poisonous mist." No matter who it is, he heard that if there is no one next to him to distribute his body after death, he will not assume that nothing has happened. Hanzo has obviously soared anger.

"Old dog, I only blame you for being short, so no one can't see you." Roja, who hadn't spoken for a long time and mocked people, once again raised the halo of idiots, plus the effect of the halo of mouth, if in an e-sports game , Hanzo's head will definitely appear in four big characters.


Biting his fingertips, Roja swiped his palm and quickly formed a seal. When the poison was still quite a bit away from him, a huge smoke rose up in front of him.

He also has psychic beasts, and it's much more windy than the sticky sansho fish, isn't it just a four-reptile cryptic salamander and it bursts when you look at it.


A majestic voice came from the huge smoke, a silver-white giant wolf model stepped out, a mark on the forehead that looked like a bright moon radiating soft light.

Fairy Wind Strike

Seeing the poisonous fog that was already in his speech, the Silvermoon Wolf King opened the wolf's mouth without hesitation, and a gust of wind mixed with chakra and natural energy rushed out, instantly blowing away the purple smoke in front of him.

Trees fell, gravel splashed, and raindrops falling from the sky broke into tiny molecules under the strong wind. Such power has exceeded the limit that ordinary psychic beasts can reach.

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