One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 510: Tsunade’s Please

After finishing the cruel words, the Sansho fish turned into a huge cloud of smoke and returned to the psychic world. With the smoke, Hanzo quickly escaped and fled far away in a moment.

Let me go to your sister, Loya's eyes twitched, Hanzo, this guy is forced to run away

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that even if there is a certain hole card, but with the appearance of the Sansho Fish being suppressed by the Silver Moon Wolf King, it is not necessarily who wins and who wins in the end.

This guy Hanzo said this at the last moment and yelled so loudly on purpose. Isn’t it just to maintain his reputation and create an illusion that Tsunade and others were deliberately let off because of his cherishing talents?

Pretending to be superior to demean the opponent, what is best to say so well, let others know, what is the difference between that and reward

The expressions of Jiraiya, Tsunade and others are not very good-looking. Although this battle was driven by the help of this unknown person to retreat Hanzo, the humiliation of being given a name made the hearts of the three full of anger. full.

The first to calm down was Da She Wan, the think tank of the three. He had learned ten percent of the characteristics of snakes. At this time, he had already noticed Loya who was unmoved.

Originally, the cooperation between the two parties was based on facing Hanzo together. Now that Hanzo has retreated, the cooperation between the two parties has ended.

Under this circumstance, whether the other party will suddenly take action against himself and others, no one can tell, after all, there is such a powerful psychic beast, and he has not taken any action just now, this person is still in peak state.

Silvermoon Wolf King was still fighting with the piece of meat in his mouth. The meat of Sanjiao fish was delicious, but it was too chewy. It couldn't swallow the whole piece, and it continued to chew for a while.

Luo Ya can see clearly, this Silver Moon Wolf King and her child Yue Wan are a virtue, and they are properly eaten. Before they finish eating, who knows whether that piece of meat will return to the psychic world with her .

In case I had disarmed spiritism now and was hated by this old lady who was more fierce than male wolves, it would be a question of whether he would be obedient in the future.

This behavior of not disarming spiritism at the end of the battle was threatening in the eyes of Oshemaru. His eyes were slightly narrowed, and two thin snakes appeared between his waist. They tugged Tsunade and Tsunade who were staring at Danzo’s departure. Jilaiya.

Tsunade and Jilai have been teammates for many years, and they knew what he was thinking by looking at the expression on Oshamaru, and secretly began to guard against the cloak man in front of them.

"Your Excellency, happy cooperation. If I have the opportunity to kill Hanzo next time, I hope I can join hands with your Excellency." As he said, under the sign of Osamaru, the three slowly backed away, pulling away from Luo. Sub-distance.

"Where are you going"

"It doesn't seem to be your business where we go. It's better to get together and disperse after the cooperation."


Seeing Jiraiya who had already pulled out Kumo, Luo Ya angrily touched the tip of his nose, took off the cloak covering him, and revealed a face that made Tsunade very familiar.


With a soft sound, the transformation technique was lifted, and the half-year-old boy was restored to his body shape. Tsunade had already strode up to him and pulled it into his arms.

One jade arm hooked Roya's neck, and the other hand was constantly rubbing his head, Roya's entire face was sunk into the pair of big murder weapons.

"Little Qiuye actually dared to scare your dear sister, do you know how fast my heartbeat was just now? You dare to come to such a dangerous place. Didn't you say that you were not allowed to go to the battlefield?

Tsunade vented his dissatisfaction endlessly, and was devastated for several minutes before letting go of Roja, who was stuck in that soft wax.

Silvermoon Wolf King finally ate the super chewy piece of Sansho fish, and slapped the wolf's mouth, seeming to be aftertaste of the delicious meat.

Looking down at the contractor who summoned her not far away, she saw that she seemed to be reminiscing with her companions. Without a word, she turned into smoke and disappeared. She was still waiting to go home and make a wolf baby with her husband.

The vast smoke finally reminded Tsunade of that terrifying psychic beast, and looked at Loya with a dissatisfaction.

"Little Qiuye, tell me honestly, when did you get the psychic beast, why didn't your sister know, or hum" shook his big weapon, Tsunade asked you to look good.

Roya couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw Tsunade's movements. This girl trembles what those two lumps are doing. Although it is really enjoyable to kill her, but the two big people next to him are watching and don’t know how to converge .

"I went to a hiding place for Shinobi when I was performing the task. I got it by chance." Randomly found an excuse to deal with it. Luo Ya couldn't say that I got it by opening the golden treasure box.

"Autumn Leaves Vortex Autumn Leaves" Oshemaru murmured, and suddenly remembered the younger brother Tsunade talked about every day, no wonder a half-old child could channel such a powerful psychic beast.

The Chakra amount of the Maelstrom family is simply open, and the known blood succession limit of the Naruto World has not yet exceeded the Maelstrom family.

"Haha Dashemaru, this kid is amazing. At a young age, he joined us to retreat to Hanzo. He will soon be known as the Ninja kid. I will definitely promote it for you when I go back." Jilaiya pinched his waist and laughed, his tired face Also full of smiles.


Get Money Zhao

"Asshole Oshemaru, do you want to fight?" Jilaiya looked at Oshemaru's expressionless face and the hair exploded directly, rolling up his sleeves and preparing to start the fight.

"Oshemaru, Jiraiya, I beg you one thing." Tsunade came to the two noisy teammates and said to them solemnly.

This is a truth that everyone knows that Mu Xiu Yu Lin Feng will destroy it. In ordinary times, Konoha has a genius, or he is attracted by the major forces or falls under the influence of power.

Even if they don't die in the struggle in the village, the people in the outer village will not give a genius a chance to grow up. All kinds of unimaginable insidious methods will definitely follow.

Just like the Bofeng Shuimen in the original book, it was not until the three wars that it had fully grown up before revealing its edge, and it was ascendant as it was to the position of Hokage..

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