One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 535: I like this little girl very much

Itachi and Zhishui's character that loves the village can only be said to be unsatisfactory when meeting people, and encountering the abnormal guy Danzo, otherwise they can definitely become an indispensable fighting force in Konoha.

To this day, Danzo is still kept, one is to let the rope tree avenge himself, and the other is to let the director of the Uchiha genocide tragedy, so that he can profit.

Those who attempted to rebel should let Danzo be destroyed. When the time comes, they will recall the rope tree and then kill Danzo. Uchiha's few of the most elite people left by him will definitely be grateful to him.

At that time, the problem of betrayal was resolved, and Uchiha's bloodline was preserved. Shisui and Itachi were Roja's most competent thugs.

The power to control the writing wheel eyes, but something that no one else can ask for. Thinking of the power of Shishui and Itachi's pupil skills that can be called bugs, Luo Ya just feels that the trouble is totally worth it.

And at that time, if the problem of his own eyes is still not solved, relying on the eyes obtained in the extermination, Roja can give it to the big snake pill and derive another evolution method.

717 retracted his random thoughts, and while walking, Roja placed his mind on the point treasure chest he had just obtained and ordered the system to open it.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the points treasure box and getting 2000 points."

Not bad plus the points I got last time, there are already 3,500 points.Although it is still very far away from the exclusive treasure chest, it is the same as gathering the supreme treasure chest, you can always get it slowly, and you can't eat hot tofu if you are impatient.

After opening the treasure chest, Roja stepped out of the jungle and looked at the little figure sitting by the small lake with a smile on his face unconsciously.

Itachi's little girl ticket in the original work of Uchiha Izumi, although she is only a five-year-old girl now, she has three good qualities: light, soft and easy to knock down

And this little Nizi was the first person in the Naruto world who made Roya feel the real sense of recognition.

Last time I met on Konoha Street, the windmill that Izumi Uchiha gave to him was still spinning with the wind on the edge of the window.

"I remember your name is Quan, why are you sitting here alone."

When he walked to the small lake, Luo Ya squatted down beside him, with a strange smile on his face, his affinity instantly increased.

"Hey, Big Brother Akiba" raised her head, Uchiha Izumi's small face was full of surprises for a moment, and on her jade-like neck, she also carried the small pendant that Luo Ya had originally given.

It can be seen that the little girl Uchiha Izumi really likes Loya very much, and the original gloomy expression vanishes when she sees him.

"Well, Quan can tell the big brother why I'm sitting here. You can tell me and I will help you solve it." Touching the little girl's head, Luo Ya sat down beside him.

Naruto World, there are really not many things he can't solve, not to mention how serious a little girl’s worries can be.

"Mom and Dad quarreled again." With a little sadness on his face, Quan kicked his feet with a pitiful expression.Luo Ya didn't interrupt, the smile as always made Quan choose to believe, and gently narrated the whole story.

It turns out that Izumi is five years old and will enter the ninja school next year. The children of the Uchiha clan of the same age have already begun to learn ninjutsu, physical skills, etc., in order to have a better starting point.

Izumi's father, Hazuki, is an ordinary ninja, and his mother is a ninja from the Uchiha clan.Although his wife is a member of Uchiha's clan, Izumi's father bdee does not want her to return to Uchiha.

Such narrow-minded familyism is not accepted by his father, Hazuki, and Quan's mother believes that only by letting Quan return to the family and accept the guidance of the supreme ninja in the clan can he grow into a powerful ninja in the future.

After listening to Quan's words, Luo Ya raised his eyebrows. It was complicated to say, but it was not troublesome to solve. Quan's mother was just thinking about her son, she could understand it.

Roja's identity is much stronger than that of a family. Otherwise, Quan's father, Ye Yue, wouldn't have been busy apologizing last time. Maybe she only needed a word to solve the little girl's troubles.

"Quan don't worry. Before you go home today, I will help you solve the trouble. Now, how about I invite you to eat balls"

"Hey Maruko" heard what Luo Ya said, and a faint water stain appeared on Quan's mouth. Her favorite food was Konoha's Maruko.

After all, she is a five-year-old girl who has no resistance to the food she loves at all, and even the worries in her heart are temporarily forgotten.

Holding Quan's hand towards Konoha's meatball shop, Luo Ya's sense of sight of using lollipops to trick Little Lori became more and more obvious.

"Boss, old rules."

"Master Qiuye wait a moment."

The owner of the meatball shop heard Roya's voice, with an unstoppable smile on his face, and took out a sign saying "Stand out of business" and set it up at the door.

An old rule is worth his many days of payment, and he can't spare any time to make balls for other guests.

Not so, a pot of meatballs was put on the table. Where did the little girl see this kind of battle, she opened her mouth and exclaimed again and again with an incredible expression.

Following Luo Yahu to eat Hesai, the little belly ate round, Quan looked enviously as her elder brother was still eating, she wanted to eat more, but she couldn't eat it anymore.

"Quan, it turns out that you are here, ah, Master Qiuye, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have caused you trouble again, really"

Luo Ya was dealing with the few balls left. Quan's father hurriedly walked past the door and saw Quan's figure at a glance. When he saw Luo Ya on the side, Quan's father Ye Yue apologized with trepidation.

Even though Uzumaki Qiuye's identity is still a Shinobu, he is a shadow-level powerhouse, and no matter which ninja sees it, he must be in awe.

"It doesn't matter, I told you last time, I like Quan this little girl very much."

"Thank you really." Ye Yue said, bowing deeply.

Quan pulled Laroya's sleeves, worries on his small face. .

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