One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 576: Collect Psychic Scrolls

Xiaoyue, who was lying on the ground, stood up and looked at Luo Ya in front of him solemnly. After a year of getting along, one person and one wolf already had a deep relationship, Xiaoyue did not want him to take risks.

"Xiaoyue, what are you worrying about, I know space ninjutsu, you don't know, space instability has no effect on me."

"Many psychic worlds are extremely repellent to humans. As soon as you enter, you will be attacked by the whole clan. Although you are powerful, you have many strange abilities that cannot be defended against."

Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, and his interest became stronger.In the original work, only the maze mountain that the toad immortal had mentioned once in depth, it is unexpected that there are so many secrets.

Originally, when he knew that the psychic world of the wolf clan was also connected to the labyrinth mountain, he thought that the psychic beasts that had appeared in the world of Naruto, at most, a few races that had never appeared would connect there.

At that time, I planned to fish out some psychic scrolls of several races for Uyue Xiyan and Hongdou.Now when I asked casually, I actually asked this kind of misin.

The weird ability, to some extent, represents a strong strength, such a group of psychic beasts, it would be a pity if they didn't buy a few for Yuyue Xiyan and Red Bean.

But Xiaoyue, is this guy persuading himself not to go, or is he tempting himself to go? Knowing that his curiosity will come together, he can't stop it.

Seeing Luo Ya's expression, Xiaoyue knew that he had said nothing. In the current situation, this guy absolutely must go.

The cultivation of the fairy mode has finally come to an end. Luo Ya has gained far more than just a fairy mode. The benefit of meditation is that the mind is more clear.

If this is not clear, then use Dragon Ball World, the words of Mr. Bobo in the Heavenly Temple are as silent as the sky, faster than lightning.

When fighting an opponent, you will no longer consider the opponent's punch and kick, which direction you should do, and how you should deal with it, but you will naturally have a way to deal with it.

This is beyond the reaction of Kagura's heart, and at a higher level, Roja, who has been passively improving by the system, can obtain such a harvest, entirely due to luck.

Saying goodbye to the wolf clan gang of psychic beasts, Roja used the moment to come to the entrance to the labyrinth mountain, holding a simple map presented by the wolf fairy before leaving.

This map is really simple. It only outlines seven or eight roads and the entrances of a few psychic races. The dense intersections on it are all crossed.

Snakes, toads, and slugs, the roads of the three tribes that appear the most in the original work, have been outlined, as well as the mirage, snail, shark, eagle, and crow tribe.

Slowly walking into the passage leading to the labyrinth mountain, the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel can clearly capture the unstable space around it.

The long narrow passage walked for a long time before it came to an end. There were three forks in front of him. With the idea of ​​first including the eagle and the crow, two flying psychic beasts, Roja selected the passage against the map.

After more than an hour, Luo Ya walked to the entrance of the Eagle Race, looked at the flying pattern of the giant eagle carved on the corridor, raised his eyebrows, and walked in.

In the same dim and unchanging passage, on the surrounding rock walls, carvings depicting a certain story can be seen almost everywhere, full of images of eagle fighting.

Thunder and wind, these two attributes are the most portrayed by the eagle clan. It can already be expected that the eagles of these two attributes must be the most.

There was a glimmer of light in front of him, Luo Ya took a few steps quickly, and stood in front of the light. In front of him was an endless dense forest with a lot of giant eagles flying in the sky.

A lot of young eagles can be heard all around, Roja looked to the sides, and he saw a lot of huge nests, the kind of nests like thatched houses, making the corners of his eyes twitch.

The psychic beasts in the Naruto World are all wise. Although the house they live in is not as exquisite as in the Naruto World, it is not a thing made of branches like wild animals.

Kagura's eyes were raised to the maximum, and Roya detected the position of the strongest eagle. There was a great chance that the psychic scroll would be on the strongest. Even if it wasn't, you could find out where the strongest was.

Ask for flowers

Regrettably, the Eagle tribe obviously does not have the existence of immortals, this tribe does not have the inheritance of immortality, the most powerful one is now flying in the sky.

There was a momentary movement in his eyes, and the next moment, Luo Ya appeared on the back of a giant eagle covered with green feathers, and gently stepped on it to signal his arrival.

The body of the giant eagle with green feathers is more than 20 meters long, with its wings spread out, and the horizontal direction is even more exaggerated. It is just the size of a civil aircraft. Looking down from a high altitude, it is completely different from the senses when using air dance.

"The strong, how did you get here?" The giant eagle with green feathers was much calmer than Luo Ya had imagined, and he felt the person on his back without even shaking.

"Well, from Labyrinth Mountain, let's talk about business first. Time is tight these days. Can you give me a copy of your clan's contract scroll"

"I'm very honored, the strong, my name is Qing." There was a loud cry in Qing's mouth. They are warlike themselves, and they have not had a contractor for a long time. Such a thing cannot be desired.

Qing Luo Ya angrily touched the tip of his nose, thinking of the guard who used the white eyes next to Terumi Ming, as if that guy was also called Qing.

I got the psychic scroll of the Eagle clan from Qing, and Luo Yama kept advancing towards the crow clan. In the original work, the crow clan’s psychic beasts have a lot of effects, and they can even enhance illusion. Itachi and Shishui once contracted this clan. .

There were no twists and turns in the process of searching for the crow clan. The crow clan, which had the contractor itself, didn't mind taking out the contract scroll. The whole process went smoothly.

Re-answered in the labyrinth mountain, Luo Ya looked at the criss-crossing lines in front of him, directly put the map into the system warehouse, and walked casually in it with the feeling.

Anyway, it's really impossible to run around with the moment, a small twisted space can't threaten him..

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