One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 580: White Fox

Roya looked at the small bottle in his hand and the bright red pill in it, and there was still a lingering worry. This thing sounds powerful, but it is not what she wants most. .

The system can’t be a little more humane. Can I repair the unicorn horns? Is it true that my fire unicorn will be as beautiful as Venus with a broken arm?

What use is there to be stronger than yourself? If you really want to be so strong, how to control it is a problem.

What's more, what I want now is not a combat partner, but a powerful mount that pulls the wind.

That’s the end of the matter, and it’s useless to think about it. Luo Ya sighed and put the pill in his hand into the system warehouse, used water escape ninjutsu to wash briefly, changed his neat clothes, and opened the system map in his mind. Check the location of the treasure chest on it.

The vast psychic world is not far from the Naruto world, and there is definitely more than one powerful psychic beast, and even if you are not satisfied with the appearance of the psychic beast, other golden pet treasure chests may be able to open a repair fire Qilin's baby.

Seeing a location thousands of miles away, Luo Ya urged the moment of Eternal Kaleidoscope 187 writing round eyes, and the scene before him changed in an instant.

The volcano where Fire Qilin lives is not growing, there is lava and volcanic ash everywhere, and there is no vitality, and the scene before and there are completely two extremes.

There are lush trees, a creek in the mountain stream, the gurgling water is crystal clear, and you can see the swimming fish in it, and the crisp sound of birds makes you feel like you are in the countryside.

Not far from the blooming flower fields, all kinds of flowers are planted in an orderly manner.These flowers were supposed to bloom in different seasons, but at this time they bloom together, colorful and beautiful.

Several little foxes in the flower field are playing, full of a leisurely atmosphere, and one of the foxes has two tails behind it.

Luo Ya's eyes condensed, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile.It can be seen from the fire unicorn just now that the species here is probably quite similar to the beasts in the previous Chinese mythology.

A fox with two tails, will there be three, four, or even nine on it?

The fox bdab in Chinese mythology is different from the nine-tailed demon fox in Naruto World. The nine-tailed demon fox is the product of the division of ten tails. In the Chinese mythology, the nine-tailed fox that lives in Qingqiu Mountain has always been a symbol of charm.

Vixen, fox beauty, fox Meizi

With a small furry tail and two little fox ears on his head, in Pu Songling's book, Jiao Didi does some shy things with the scholar.

The skin is like fat, the eyebrows are picturesque, with a frown and a smile, every move is intriguing, inverting sentient beings, and with unspeakable charm, the nine-tailed fox should look like this.

Standing in the air, Roja looked at the cave on the side. The entrance of the cave was meticulously carved, and many rare flowers were planted around it. The golden pet treasure chest on the map system was inside.

In the eyes of Kagura, there was an item similar to a stone chuang in the cave. A fox was lying on it, and his grace was undoubtedly revealed. The nine tails behind him were swaying in the air, full of inexplicable beauty.

Outside this cave, separated by a hundred meters, there are quite a few caves, among them there are quite a few fox races, but not only is the number of tails small, but the tolerance is also far away.

A vixen or a nine-tailed vixen

Roja raised his eyebrows, and immediately urged him to appear in the cave.The rock walls of the cave are carved with vivid patterns, most of which are sacrificial offerings or blessings, and a few are carved with scenes of life and play.

Pieces of crystal clear unknown gemstones exude soft light, illuminating the cave, and the dazzling brilliance makes this cave, which should have been dark, become beautiful.

The nine-tailed fox on the stone chuang was pure white. It had already felt the arrival of Roja. After all, it appeared so upright and bright in the sky above the territory, and with its strength, it would be instantly felt.

Gently wrinkled her nose, the nine-tailed white fox had already smelled the smell of the fire unicorn on Luo Ya. She had been fighting with the fire unicorn for so many years, and she would never admit her mistake.

The Nine-Tailed White Fox knows how arrogant and arrogant Fire Qilin is and what his temper is.

"Nu Jia Bai Ji, I've seen an adult." The nine-tailed white fox Bai Ji was exquisite. She knew that the man in front of her could not be judged by common sense, and she had a care in her heart. She slowly got up from the stone chuang covered with petals.

"My name is Luoya, um, Qiuye Uzumaki." Luoya was shocked by the sweet and greasy voice of the white fox, and then answered.

"Two names, is this the custom of adults"

"No, I'm more special."

"My lord came from Huo Qilin, and his whole body was unharmed. He should have subdued Huo Qilin. Did Huo Qilin tell the adults that the slave family is here?"

The white fox Bai Ji showed a humane expression on her face, her pitiful appearance and full marks, even as a pet, she would be more face-saving, but Luo Ya didn't want this.

"It doesn't matter what it is, that guy is not very good at talking, and has already knocked me out, and probably won't wake up for a while."

"It seems that the adults want to contract my fox clan, but I don't know whether the adults treat us as pet beasts or psychic beasts."

"Leave this aside, let me ask you a question first, can you become a human body? That should be called a transformation." Luo Ya pressed the little excitement in his heart, and pretended to ask the nine-tailed white fox Baiji in a serious manner.

"Pouch" Bai Ji looked clearly looking forward to it, and pretended to be an indifferent Loya, chuckled, and then shook her head innocently.

Roya saw Bai Ji shook her head, and suddenly felt an arrow in her heart. All her dreams were turned into bubbles. She couldn't become a vixen of peerless beauty. Why is that still a vixen?

"This Fang Tiandi can't be transformed long ago, I'm really sorry, I let the adults down." Bai Ji's face was full of apologize, but Luo Ya was taken aback by the information in the words.

He didn't study the difference between pet beast and psychic beast just now. After all, he has a pet space ring, and what does this world mean at this time.

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