One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 583: A powerful opponent

In the worried look of Nine-Tailed Fox, Luo Ya went to the place of Qinglong alone, and whether it was a white tiger, a giant tortoise or a fire unicorn, it was a gesture of watching the show.

Roja's threat of force allowed them to sign the blood contract. How can they easily return now, even if they have to work for it because of the blood contract, it does not hinder their desire for Roja to collapse.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable that three out of the four golden treasure chests belong to the nine-tailed fox Baiji. These goods are still very much owed, and they will need to be carefully adjusted in the future.

Coming out of the territory of Azure Dragon, Luo Ya directly turned on the fairy mode, and slowly flew towards it in the sky. The power of the fairy mode will continue to increase with the extension of time.

Although what followed was that strong and extreme killing intent, the mere killing intent could not affect Loya, who had spent a full year practicing meditation.

Shang was still more than ten kilometers away from the location of the 13 boxes of the Diamond Spirit Beast Treasure, and a loud dragon chant came from there, and the clouds in the sky were all scattered by the dragon chant.

There were gusts of gusts of wind in a radius of hundreds of miles, and for a while the trees began to sway uneasy, the fallen leaves fluttered with the wind, and layers of dark clouds slowly appeared in the sky, as if heavy rain was about to come.

There was another dragon chant, which was full of warnings, and Roya could clearly feel the emotion that came out of the sound.

"Are you afraid too?" Luo Ya narrowed his eyes slightly, and a smile appeared on his face. Qinglong felt threatened by his aura and was not sure to deal with him.

Otherwise, it would not make two consecutive dragon chants, one to call the wind and rain, and one to intimidate itself.

The air dance kept on, Luo Ya stepped towards the place where Qinglong was, and after another angry roar, Qinglong flew out directly.

This level of mythical beast has long been able to freely control the size of its body. The winding dragon body displayed in front of Roja is not much larger than the unicorn, but the momentum erupted from its body is more than twice as strong as the unicorn.

On the ferocious dragon head, two dragon horns stand facing the sky, and the dragon's beard on the edge of the dragon mouth seems to exude endless majesty. The green scales are all over the dragon body. .


Before the blue dragon flew, a thunderbolt had already fallen from the air. The one-meter-diameter thunder and lightning carried a kind of green light, which was obviously different from ordinary thunder and lightning.

Armed se domineering covering Roya's body, full of energy, a punch against the falling thunder pillar in the sky, and a vigorous collision, the original mighty thunder pillar disappeared without a trace.

With one blow, the gloomy sky was suddenly illuminated, and Qinglong's attack followed closely, and the dragon's claws hit Luoya's heart, as if he was about to take out his heart.

Whether it's a spirit beast or a monster beast, or an ordinary beast, the most powerful of them is always the flesh, and any part of their body can be turned into a weapon of attack.

Indifferent to the dragon's claw attack, the muscle mass on Roya's arm bulged, and the eight-pole collapse urged it to the extreme, mixed with six-type iron blocks, and fists against the dragon's head.


Neither Qinglong nor Luoya had the slightest dodge action. The next moment, the dragon claw hit Luoya's chamber, and the carrier's huge inertia actually broke through the defense of the armed se and inserted half an inch.

Luo Ya's fist was directly pinched on the dragon's head, and the huge dragon's head was missed by Luo Ya, the saliva in the dragon's mouth splashed, and the deep fist mark remained for a long time.

Silky blood flowed out of the dragon's mouth, and this punch made Qinglong unable to stop flying backwards, but the dragon's tail still refused to give up and flew to Roya's side.

Six Types of Profound Righteousness

In the bang, Luo Ya and Qinglong both flew upside down, and several pieces of dragon scales fell from the air. In this collision, one dragon and one person won each other.

Roja looked down at his mouth. The four sharp blood mouths have now begun to heal. The excitement on his face, who has not been injured for a long time, is even greater.

The Azure Dragon is very strong, but the stronger the better. He has countless obedient psychic beasts, with mounts and messengers, and a collection of various types of side gates. It is not strong enough. What use is it?

The dragon's voice resounded thousands of miles, and the Qinglong stopped his body, feeling the slightly loose teeth on the side of the dragon's head and the wound on the dragon's tail, and his heart was completely angry.

Tints of cyan light emerged from his body, filled with a strong breath of life. In a moment, the small wound had healed, and the shortage of dragon scales had also grown.

Roja looked at him for a moment, the green light full of life, like the energy used by the power of wood escape and tranquility, but it was purer than that.

Suddenly remembering the legends seen in the previous life, it seems that the green dragon is a wood, and it is not surprising that it can spur such energy, but this is what a dragon can do.

"Roar" Qinglong flicked its tail and attacked Luo Ya again. The green luster on his body remained, and the power of one claw and one tail was even more fierce.

Boom boom boom

One person and one dragon constantly clash and confront each other. This kind of pure 073 hand-to-hand combat, with each blow has the huge power to crack mountains and rocks, and the earth and rocks are flying in a radius of hundreds of miles, without regaining the original appearance.

The immortal mode requires Chakra's stability and cannot be used at the same time with Bamen Dunjia, but the long-lasting and stable Xianshu Chakra is not comparable to Bamen Dunjia in continuous combat capability.

The eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is constantly rotating in the eyes, but protected by the green energy, Qinglong is not affected by illusion at all. At the beginning, Baihu was tortured in purgatory for more than ten days and fell down.

The space tearing technique similar to the divine power with soil, because the activation speed is slow, Qinglong can actually perceive it, and easily avoid it.

Desolation against ordinary people, or people with a short lifespan, can cause death at any one time, but it has no effect on the horrible lifespan of Qinglong.

The three pupil skills were directly abolished, and Luo Ya also chose to fight melee like Qinglong.This kind of punch to the flesh attack lasted a whole day

The central area of ​​the Great Psychic World was completely destroyed, and everywhere was collapsed like craters. The original lush woods disappeared, and the land had already been rolled over several times..

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