One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 602: The Explosive Thousand Hands

Qianshoujian's respect for his brother and sister-in-law was beyond Luo Ya's expectation. Such a realistic illusion technique would leave a shadow in his heart.

You should know those rotten eggs just now, but they hit the key more than once, and the scene of the chicken flying eggs made Luo Ya tremble.

The fourteenth piece of the supreme treasure chest was in hand, with a satisfied smile on his face, Luo Ya waved his hand to put away the ninjutsu treasure chest on the side.

"System, open the ninjutsu treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the treasure chest of ninjutsu and obtaining the technique of Flying Thunder God."

Seeing the ninjutsu out of the ninjutsu treasure chest, Roja raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that the two brothers Senjutsu Zhuma and Senjutsuma were so powerful, and the ninjutsu produced was more luxurious than the other.

"Zero Seven Three"

Although I had learned this ninjutsu when I got the Book of Sealing, it was completely at the level of beginners. It would take a long time to engrave a flying thunder god’s art. Now I get the same ninjutsu and directly It pushed up two levels.

Closing his eyes and feeling it, Luo Ya felt the progress of this technique and was more satisfied. Although it is not as convenient as instantaneously, it is more accurate.

Although it is not possible to engrave the technique like Bofeng Shuimen and the one in front of him, the progress is not small, and the use of the technique and the principle are clear.

Roja had already developed the idea of ​​combining it with his own sealing technique, and even guessed that the Five Elements Detonation Talisman was engraved into the Flying Thunder God Technique, which was almost like a life-saving talisman.

In the original work, Bofeng Shuimen seemed to be able to feel the abnormal movement of the Flying Thunder God technique. After Kakashi threw the Flying Thunder God Kumo, he immediately arrived on the scene.

Looking back, it seems that you have to practice this technique well, at least in the Naruto World, with this technique, the people around you will not have the same dangerous situation as the last time.

"Despicable, shameless and indecent" Thousands of hands woke up from the illusion and kept spitting saliva, seeming to count on his saliva to drown Roya.

"One more time" Luo Ya raised her eyebrows and spoke softly to Qianshoujian.

The voice of Thousands of Hands came to an abrupt end, looking at Roja with a blue expression on his face, turning his head bitterly, still cursing in his heart.

"Yohou, tell me how you slumped the room. Because this guy was disobedient, I broke my brain." Although Senju Zhuma looked at the room as if he had been in illusion, he didn't know. What kind of illusion can make the moment of fear look like this in the blink of an eye.

"Brother shut up" Qianshoujian hurriedly turned around and shouted at the pillar. How could this kind of thing be known to the pillar, it was really shameful.

When he woke up from the illusion, Qianshou Jianma had already realized the flaw of the illusion just now. He was frightened by himself, and the content of the illusion was really a taboo between brothers.

"My method is not suitable for you." Luo Ya patted Qianshou Zhuma's shoulder sympathetically, and handed Qianshou Jianma an expression of letting you go, making this guy who was already angry, even more. It's the three corpse gods violently.

"Isn't it suitable? That's a shame. By the way, can you tell me who you are. To be honest, I'm also very curious." Senjujuma's face looked familiar, and he sat back on the pony. By the way, Roja also made a small Mazha.

The goal has been achieved. At any rate, it is the elder of his own woman. Luo Ya also doesn't want to shake the two of them too hard, otherwise Tsunade will not let him go to chuang, then he will be embarrassed.

"My name is Uzumaki Qiuha, the Uzumaki clan, my current identity, Konoha Shinobu"

"Konoha would have such a shameless guy as you." When Qianshou Jian heard that Roja was Konoha's ninja, he fryed the pot and wanted to scold him with a fierce look.

"Feng Jian" Qianshou Zhujian exploded with a strong aura, the turbulent chakra and gloomy eyes made Qianshou Fujian angry, closing his eyes angrily, and turning his face to one side.

"Yahahaha, I'm sorry, sorry, you continue." The momentum of the whole body of Senjujutsu spread out, let out a burst of laughter, and said to Roya

Roya's eyes twitched, and he felt a little embarrassed. He just made up the illusion of the wife between the pillars and the chaos in the door. As a result, this guy is still talking for himself. He is really a big man.

"At present, it is Shinobu, um, it should be the fifth generation of Naruto in the near future, Shalunyan is naturally awakened, it should be the blood of Uchiha from the ancestors, and Tsunade showed me the Senju clan. The handwriting, I learned it by chance. The reason why I called you out and asked you to admit defeat is because of the secret technique I developed, which can gather luck. That, Uchiha Madara is not dead, this is to face him, maybe in the near future The war started, and Konoha, everything is fine now, more prosperous than before, and the residents happier."

Luo Ya made up an excuse to explain their curious question, and when he looked at the two who were in deep thought, he praised his wit.

Flicker like this, in the future, two people will be summoned to fight for themselves. Even if you don’t use spells, the two will definitely do their best. They use spells and useless spells. Their strengths are different. They are free to fight compared to ordinary shadows. The strong one is definitely much stronger.

"Will there be war again, but with a powerful Naruto like you, Madara has no chance of winning, haha ​​that, you have a good relationship with Xiaozuna"

Zhu Jian was shocked when he heard that 36 spots were not dead, but he immediately left it behind. Instead, he looked gossip about Tsunade's relationship with Loya.

"Um, Tsunade is my wife." Luo Ya drew his horns and was caught by the gossip party, so he could only tell the truth frankly.

"Hokage, Uzumaki, Tsunade's husband, you're a bastard bastard," Senjuka rolled on the ground and looked at Roja angrily, but was stepped on by Zhuma's foot.

"Sorry, my brother is impatient, hahaha, call us out when we need help, even if we are dead, our hearts are still in Konoha." The pillars smiled kindly at Roya, even if he died. He still loves Konoha deeply..

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