One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 608: Little Black Pig [seeking monthly pass]

Roja's resentment almost broke through the sky. With such an awkward thing, he would actually worry about not having a suitable candidate. The key is that his current strength has almost reached the limit of Naruto World.

It is really not suitable to collect those characters who can barely reach the level of Otsuki Yumura. They simply can't bring much improvement to themselves.

After thinking about it for a long time, Roja could only temporarily collect this disciple list into the system warehouse, and the system produced such an amazing thing, really Nima deliberately bored.

As he was about to curse the system, Roja suddenly chuckled. The guy in the system was actually quite pitiful. He would be scolded for something that was rubbish, and he would be scolded for something that was too big to be fried. It was really not easy.

Just a few days after the leisurely life of the big boss behind the scenes, Luo Ya got a headache. After showing off his skills sketch in front of Quan inadvertently, the little Nizi got entangled.

"Master, draw a more dignified one. No more dignified ones that are very cute." Quan looked at the portrait in his hand, wrinkling his little nose with dissatisfaction, and wanted to let him draw that kind of tingling. A dignified and virtuous feeling.

"Then you have to be dignified anyway" Luo Ya rolled his eyes helplessly. The ghost knows how to draw dignified. His sketches are now supported by system skills. He can only see what to draw, and he can draw it all by imagination. The dignity of a hammer.

Selling cuteness, shamelessly, rolling, and begging to hug, these four words are the labels of Quan. In the past few days, she has allowed Luo Ya to draw at least 30 or 40 of her sketches, and her sketching skills have improved. Two levels.

Only thirty or forty sketches have the same feature, that is, they are all very cute.

Jiao Han's appearance is completely different from Quan's own imagination. As a little girl, what she dreams of is to have that kind of temperament that attracts attention.

"I don't care, I don't care, Master, hurry up, hurry up." Reluctant Quan made full use of her own advantages. She was cute, cute, and young. She just saw that Luoya couldn't do anything about her and shook Luoya. Arm, act like a baby.

"Hey, okay, okay, I'll draw another one. This time you stand obediently as I said, don't make any small movements."

"But Master, it's uncomfortable not to move."

"I don't want to be dignified and virtuous, hurry up."


There was a little fox-like hiccup hidden in Quan's eyes. Following Luo Ya's instructions, he obediently made a movement of pinching his waist with his left hand and stroking his neck with his right hand.

Originally in a slightly seductive posture, Xiao Nizi only left her arrogant little naughty, Luo Ya sighed helplessly, and had the urge to kneel.


A burst of instantaneous smoke emerged from Roya's side, and after a salute on one knee, the vortex toon put down a scroll and disappeared instantly.

Unrolling the scroll, looking at the information on it, Luo Ya chuckled. The four-tailed man Zhuli Laozi, because of a serious disagreement with Tuying, has now left Yannin Village and is resting in the chaotic town on the border. .

In the original book, Lao Zi is a stubborn old man with a stubborn personality, and therefore is at odds with the third generation of Mu Ying Da Ye Mu. He belongs to the kind of average strength with a serious mismatch in personality and strength, and he relies on old people to sell old goods.

As a human pillar, the amount of chakra is already much larger than that of ordinary ninjas, and it has both the nature of fire and earth. Under the point of the four tails, it merges into the same blood inherited boundary melt as the four tails. escape.

As a result, I was relaxed by the dry persimmon ghost who was holding the shark muscle. He also said that the water escape restrained the melting, and the blood inherited bound ninjutsu was restrained by a single attribute ninjutsu. This product is definitely a strange flower in the ninja world, and the blood inherited bound ninja’s shame.

It is necessary to know that with the same amount of chakra, the power of the ninjutsu of the blood inheritance limit is definitely at least twice the power of the single attribute ninjutsu.

Otherwise, the Ninja World would not admire Blood Succession Boundary in this way. This guy's strength is definitely lower than the ghost shark by more than a little bit. If the melting is restrained, there is no volcanic eruption under the sea.

Luo Ya doubted whether this guy had the strength of a shadow rank. Now he is more than 40 years old, he is almost past the peak age of a ninja.

Compared to the older Ohnoki who can still use the dust, this guy is completely scum.

However, it does not matter whether he has the strength of the Shadow-level. In the calculation of the system, the power of the tail beast is not counted in its own combat power. There are no pieces of the Supreme Treasure Box at all.

The only value in him is the four-tailed Monkey King.

The diamond mission treasure chest in the Roya system warehouse is extremely difficult to open. It is necessary to gather the chakras of the nine-headed beasts. Until now, he has managed the second, third, eight and nine tails, and it is still not good. More than half.

Now that the old guy is going to run away from home, and Konoha has exactly grasped the whereabouts of this guy, it would be just right to go there by himself.

"Master, you still can't paint." Xiao Ni Ziquan watched Luo Ya staring at the scroll intently. That was an upset at 877, but she was still posing.

"Drawing, of course." Luo Ya put away the scroll in his hand, smiled at Quan, and started to paint.

It's just that this time I painted not Quan's sketches, but used painting magic to outline a pig, and after a few strokes, I painted it decently.

With a wave of the paintbrush in Roya's hand, a cloud of smoke flashed on the drawing board, and a black pig appeared on the ground, staring at the surrounding innocently with big bright eyes.

"Quan, you play with Xiao Hei for a while, Master will be back soon."

There was a misty voice, Roja was nowhere to be seen, Uchiha Izumi stared at the little black pig dumbfounded, not understanding how his portrait could become a little pig.

"Master, you villain, you painted me like a pig"


The little girl Quan angrily accused the sky of her master's unscrupulousness, and looked at the little black pig who was humming and rubbing over, and she was dissatisfied with the little black pig. .

s asked for a monthly pass, hoarsely asked for a monthly pass.

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