One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 618: Eye Technique, Don’t Deities

A character like Luo Ya, Shishui thought to himself. If you don’t use Suzuo Nohu, you may not be able to take a single move. Even if you use Suzuo Nohu, he thinks that when facing the physical skill that can offset the tail beast jade I feel guilty when I think about it.

The strength is only one aspect. Shisui admires Loya's personality the most. He can guide himself and Itachi without any irritation, and now he spares no effort to help the Uchiha clan.

Such a person made Shishui admire him from the bottom of his heart. The heart that loves Konoha is not comparable to him. This is a predecessor worthy of his lifetime.

"I admit defeat, no matter what, I am far inferior to an adult." Although Shishui didn't know why Luo Ya told himself to admit defeat, out of trust, he spoke without hesitation.

The admiration from the heart on his face cannot be faked at all, and the prompt sound of the system reached Roja's ears after he spoke.

"Congratulations to the host for defeating Uchiha Shisui, obtaining 13 pieces of the Supreme Treasure Box, and randomly refreshing the Ninjutsu Treasure Box."

The sixteenth piece of the supreme treasure chest

Shishui's refreshment made Roya extremely satisfied. Except for the two stunners like the first generation Mehukage Senjuzuma, he is not an absolute trust and would never speak so easily.

Waved and put away the ninjutsu treasure chest that was refreshed on the ground, Luo Ya walked directly to the door of the ward. After opening the door, he turned his head and smiled at Shishui who was sitting on the sick chuang.

"What do you think of the position of Minister Anbu."


Before Shishui could react, Luo Ya got up and walked out of the room. After he recovered and understood the meaning, he almost jumped up excitedly.

Roja's words are equivalent to telling him that after Uchiha returns to Konoha, he will be the next head of Anbu. You must know that every head of Anbu is an absolute henchman of Hokage.

After leaving the door of the ward, Luo Ya's smile faded a little, and he was just a head of the dark department. That kind of tired and unthankful position could only be done by the old scalper.

Now he seems to have a lot of subordinates, but when he is at Hokage, he can really use few. Zhishui is a good candidate, whether it is strength or character.

Tsunaku is loose-tempered, Yurihong doesn't like the dark environment, so they can be Mrs. Hokage with peace of mind, and leave the dirty work to their subordinates.

"System, open the ninjutsu treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the ninjutsu treasure chest and obtaining the other gods of pupil surgery."

The pupil technique that other gods dominate the will, and the special illusion technique of the kaleidoscope writing round eyes can directly invade the brain of the counter without being noticed, and permanently and completely modify the opponent's will.

I go

When Roja saw what was out of Shisui's Ninjutsu Treasure Box, he almost had the urge to dig out Uchiha Madara and whip the corpse.

Nima's, look at the ninjutsu dropped by Zhishui, look at the imprisonment charm that is spotted, the two are not on the same level at all.

Fortunately, Madara will be resurrected in the future, even if he will not drop the Supreme Treasure Chest Fragment twice, but if he is defeated again, it will refresh the Ninjutsu Treasure Chest.

Other gods are spiritual pupils, which have the same effect as Luo Ya's Heartbreaking. Although they cannot tamper with the memory at will like Heartbreaking, or even completely erase the memory, it is more direct.

Originally, Luo Ya's ninjutsu treasure chest that stopped water would open up his famous instantaneous technique at most, but he did not expect that he would directly throw a big move like the one from Senjujuma.

This technique has the reputation of being the strongest illusion in the original work. There is no doubt that it is powerful. A ninjutsu treasure box can open it, which is definitely a big profit.

With the other gods of Zhishui and their own mind-blowing, with alternate use, many things that were originally to be done are much simpler.

Out of the ward, Luo Ya walked on the streets of the newly built Wuchao Village in a very happy mood. It was no longer what it looked like in ruins.

After contacting Yuenin Village, the original development speed suddenly accelerated several times. With massive financial support, plus enough people transferred from Yuenin Village to be fully trusted, Ushio Village looked like a day.

The newly built high-rise buildings are lined up, and the villages have clear regional divisions, which appear to be completely orderly. The steel and concrete-based houses are a little more modern.

Although the high-tech products of Naruto World have not yet been popularized, they have already looked like Konoha more than a decade later in Uzumaki Village.

For this kind of development, Luo Ya was extremely satisfied. Looking at the many areas that were still vacant, he planned the route that Wuchao Village would take in the future.

Whether it is Tsukinin Village or Uzumaki Country, plus Konoha afterwards, they are all their own capital, and a country cannot have a stable source of economic resources.

After the Hokage Continent was unified, if he couldn't eat enough and was hungry everywhere, even if Roja had a strong force, he would continue to cause wars.

He is not a firefighter. The purpose of unifying the Hokage World is to make his 550 convenient. If Tiantianguang says to fight the fire, it will be a hammer.

In terms of combat power, Uzumaki has a perfect person who is stepping into the shadow level, the two Yumujin, and after learning Chakra, the combat power has soared, becoming a shadow level of Mai Shiranui. It does not need to be too much. Worry.

Back in the small courtyard, Shiranui Mai and Yugi were whispering while Nohara Lin was studying medical ninjutsu earnestly. Her current strength is also a high ninjutsu, which is far behind the other two. .

After all, the original imitating fruit changed her physique and allowed her to improve faster, but after all, it was not the fruit of improving combat effectiveness.

The three of them saw Luo Ya's return and stopped what they were doing. They had already said before they left, and they will set out the future development route after returning.

"The geographic location of the Uzumaki Kingdom is determined. It is not possible to sell resources here like a big country. It can only do fine processing, just like buying materials for making TV, and then selling them to other countries."

Roya saw that the three of them had already prepared paper and pen, and didn't talk nonsense, so he went straight to the topic. At any rate, he had seen people in the three worlds. This kind of problem is very simple. .

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