One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 622: Test of Shinobi

Even if an examination of ninja had many meanings, it would not disturb the fire country daimyo to come in person, but sent the highest-ranking minister Hayato Tanama and the three ministers of the spine, Toyotomi Kosuke. .

For this broken official position, Luo Ya didn't even know it at all. The internal system of the country of fire was really chaotic, but he still knew that Zheng was the same as the first-rank minister of the previous life.

However, this thing is totally different. Those people who know how to write a small report every day, in the world of ninjas, whether the ninjas who are completely watching the enemy country are looking at him.

Like the Hayabusa, he has always only cared about people's livelihood, and has nothing to do with the fighting faction. What's more rare is that this guy is still a mediocre person, who is not a threat to the enemy country.

"Seven Six Zero"

It is in the interests of the major powers to let the Hayabusa occupy the highest position. Therefore, among the ministers of the country of fire, this guy is the most moist.

To Roja himself, the officials of this country of fire are also sad enough. They have the ability to be afraid of being targeted by the enemy, and they are in a dilemma because they are unable to climb up.

However, this kind of monarchy system, if Luo Ya wants to unify the world of Ninja, it is absolutely not allowed to exist, and they must be the first to use it.

The Land of Thunder, the Land of the Earth, and the Land of the Wind have sent two ministers of military and aircraft to show their importance. In fact, everyone knows very well that they just join in the fun and treat this trip directly as a public travel.

The country of water is currently in chaos in the country, and there is no such formalistic mentality to engage with the country of fire, and it is taking no time to rectify its internal affairs.

The key Yunnin Village, Iwanin Village, and Sand Ninja Villages all sent one or two teams to observe the ceremony. Although the number of people is small, most of them are ninjas who are good at gathering intelligence.

For this, Luo Ya believes that the three generations can do very well, what should be seen, and what should not be seen. The three generations who have been in high positions all year round know very well.

It took Konoha a whole day to complete the basic graduation assessment, and carefully selected 20 graduates, who at least have the strength of ordinary ninja.

Roja's orphanage policy has brought a group of good talents to the Ninja School. Although they are not as talented as the big family, they know how to study harder than ordinary children.

The benign competition has made the average strength of Ninja school students far higher than before. In order not to be surpassed, the family disciples usually have enough energy in Ninja school.

The twenty people selected are gearing up and full of energy. If this competition can win a good place, it will definitely show up.

Regardless of the future selection of the Anbu staff or the assignment of teams, the more outstanding people will naturally have better arrangements and be assigned to better instructors.

Xia Ren's confrontation assessment proceeded as scheduled. Luo Ya, who was not planning to get involved, knew Xiao Ni Ziquan's request, and naturally responded energetically.

Directly ordered the three generations to get a seat, and then added a top three awards, the first award-giving guest is naturally him, the second is the father of the red sunset, the red sunset title is really red, the third is , It is Kakashi Hagi who was called Konoha Technician at a young age.

The three of them are ninjas of the Naruto family, and there is no big family power behind them, unlike Hyuga and Uchiha, which are easy to cause differences.

After three generations of Luo Li's talkative speech, Xia Ren's confrontation test proceeded as scheduled. Now that he is here, Luo Ya will naturally not be foolish to watch a group of children perform.

I swayed silently in front of the missions of various countries, and directly used the technique of memory modification to leave some instructions for them.

Just a few ordinary people, they don't consume much pupil power at all, and this step is simply completed. Although the Minister of Military and Aircraft is two-positioned and does not have the authority to be one-positioned, he is in charge of the military, which is a good piece.

In the message left to them, when Luo Adam was on Hokage, he would provoke his country to attack the politicians of the enemy country.

It is imperative to conquer the other four great powers. Roja will not be as stupid as Naruto, and in the end, the Ninja Alliance will be dissolved again.

First, the imperial power of various countries was destroyed, and Shinobu was the only place where power was concentrated. Then, it was completely unified in the Fourth War.

Although wasting some time, there is no worries about it. It is possible to take care of the matter of obtaining the supreme treasure chest without any harm.

After doing all these things quietly, Roja had already returned to the VIP stage, and Yuri Zhenhong was watching the off-court competition with interest, while chatting with Kakashi.

Kakashi twitched the corners of his eyes and barely managed to deal with it. Obviously, he didn't have much to do with this conversation. Seeing Roja came back, he quickly turned the topic to him.

The strengths of Yurihong, Hongdou, and Uzue Xiyan have improved too quickly, without plug-ins, Kakashi, who is slowly unable to keep up with the rhythm, has rarely asked them to learn from them.

Between tasks, Kakashi would still find opportunities to ask Roja some questions about his practice. He should be much better than the original.

The least white teeth sword technique, this guy has learned seven or eight, which is much better than the situation in the original book that completely relied on writing round eyes and abandoned sword technique.

"Senior Akiba, I heard that you have a disciple among the fresh graduates this time." Kakashi looked at Roya with a helpless look, and had no skill at all when turning 30 questions.

Roya saw that Xiiri was red when he turned his face to see him, and he was full of embarrassment. It stands to reason that this guy is his old man, but the two are completely peers.

Because of his appearance, Yuri Zhenhong, who originally died in the Kyuubi Rebellion, is still alive. Yurihong is happy, but she really can't be happy.

"It's the girl named Quan, Qiuye-kun, the apprentice you received seems to be more prettier than the other" Yuri really blushed in doubt. Her daughter was also the woman whose apprentice became this guy. Is this guy here? What evil nurturing game to play.

"That, Kakashi, I have this hardcover, uncut version of Intimate Paradise here."

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