One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 627: What do you mean?

Roya felt the cool touch on her cheeks, and a smile appeared in the corners of her eyes. This little girl really learned her own bad taste.

Sending a fragrant kiss, Quan's face burst into a big smile, and it was attached to Luo Ya's ear and whispered, "Master, you are so good." After saying that, Quan Xiao's face was blushing with shyness, directly A slip of smoke ran towards the mansion.

Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, with a smile on his face, and walked slowly towards the house.

On the evening of the seventh day after the Xia Ren battle assessment, Luo Ya was preparing to undress and fall into a dream, but Kagura noticed the changes in the Uchiha clan in his heart.

Three ninjas of the Uchiha clan walked out of the residence of Uchiha Tomokazu. The god "One Hundred Seven" on their faces was clearly sentimental with a determination to regard death as home.

One of them stroked his mouth, looked at the location of Yanren Village, waved his hand and led his subordinate to sneak out of the village.

No need to guess, Roja knows that they are the ninjas who were sent to Iwa Shinobu for trading. The three of them are good masters in the Uchiha clan, and each of them is a three-gou jade writer, and each has its own specialties.

Before Fuqiu ordered this matter, the three of them didn't know the purpose of the patriarch's call for them. This matter was done in a concealed manner, and even the elders of the clan knew only a few people.

As Konoha's guard team, the Uchiha clan will naturally not fail to deal with the perception barrier, quietly approaching the perception barrier, and open a scroll.

The originally transparent enchantment showed signs, and a series of dazzling knots in the hands of the three upper ninjas dazzled ordinary people, and a hollow for several people slowly appeared in the enchantment.

As soon as their bodies flashed, the three of them left the enchantment and headed to the northwest with extreme speed. Their time was limited. Not only did they have to send the scroll with the huge amount of silver to Yannin village within three days, but also to rush in the shortest possible time. Back, no one else can know whereabouts.

Roja put on a robe, urging the moment in his pupils, and in the blink of an eye, he was on the only way that was dozens of kilometers away in front of the three Uchiha ninjas.

It didn't take long for the three people who hurried to see Roya who was blocking the way. The two directly took out the Kuwu in the ninja bag and rushed towards him, while the other was ready to support them at any time behind them.

The tasks they perform are of great importance and cannot be known by anyone, let alone fail. Since someone is blocking the way, they must be obliterated.

The three-goed jade among the three pupils flashed, gleaming with scarlet light under the dark night sky. In the face of ordinary Shangren, they had the help of writing rounds, and the close combat almost took advantage.

Roja, who was leaning on the tree trunk, bowed her head and raised her head, and the three ninjas who could see their faces quickly stepped back. In Konoha, no one would be unfamiliar with this face.

After looking at each other, the three swallowed fiercely, and the person in front of them was not something they could deal with.In their minds, let alone three supreme forbearances, even thirty, facing this kind of human-shaped tail beast, there is very little chance of winning.

The leading Uchiha Ninja was running fast in his mind, thinking about countermeasures, and quietly gestured to the two companions, and first put away the kunai in his hand.

"Akiba-sama, I didn't expect to see you here. Takuya Uchiha is Konoha Shinobu. We didn't intend to offend just now. We were only performing a secret mission. I hope that the adults will be able to help."

Uchiha Takuya bowed slightly and bowed to Loya, his face seemed to relax a bit, pretending to see the village ninja relieved.

There was a smile from Roja's eyes, and he had to say that Uchiha's ninja's acting skills were good. If he didn't know the truth, I'm afraid he would really be confused.

"Takuya Shinobu, aren't you a member of the security team?" Luo Ya pretended to not know, but his heart was filled with the feeling of cat and mouse.

"Master Akiba, recently there seems to be some changes in the border between Takinin Village and Kuonin Village. You also know that our family is good at observation, so the high level of the village will temporarily transfer the three of us out."

"Isn't it a secret mission, how can I say it"

"Uh, because adults are Heroes of Konoha, I believe that adults will not do anything harmful to the village"

Luo Ya looked at the Uchiha Takuya in front of him with interest, searching for a reason, the cold sweat on the back of his head wafted out, I am afraid this guy has never used his mind like this in his life.

"Thank you for your trust."

"Master Akiba is polite, we have to perform the task, so we must take a step first." Uchiha Takuya faced Loya's coercion, and after a few words he trembled.

After barely speaking, after finding a reason, he gestured to the two behind him, wanting to pass by them.

"Did I say that I let you go?" Roja said softly, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. This kind of acting is estimated to be able to deceive Mattkay's kind of stuffy stuff, even if he doesn't know the whole story, I would not believe it.

The three Uchiha's Shangren bodies were stiff and unable to move. As early as just now, they had already been hit by Loya's illusion.

The eternal kaleidoscope writes round eyes to the three-gou jade, and the absolute suppression on the bloodline is much easier than against ordinary ninjas, and their eyes deceive themselves in turn.

"How is it possible, this is the art of sanghang" Takuya Uchiha was shocked. He was able to make the Uchiha family of Sangoyu a illusion without knowing it. After knowing it, they could not solve it. This is beyond his reason. 38 Solution category.

"The technique of double flailing, tusk, the Uchiha family is really rich." Luo Ya kindly reminded him, leaping to the leader Uchiha Takuya, and took out the seal scroll the size of the palm of his arms, through the shallow Sealing technique clearly saw the silver biscuits like a mountain.

"Akiba-sama, what do you mean we are the ninjas of Konoha Village, you have violated Konoha Village's Ninja Regulations"

Uchiha Takuya has already realized the huge gap with Loya, pretending to be angry, he is obviously still seeking that vitality, if this mission fails, he can't imagine what kind of situation the Uchiha clan will face, this kind of thing Can't be known by the village.

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