One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 638: Big Sheep Casino

When Roja returned to the courtyard with Senjuzuma, the surprised expression on Tsunade's face was dumbfounded.I saw her staring, squeezing, knocking, and finally hitting her with a strange fist.

"Ozuna, force can't solve any problems, I'm here this time"

Senjuju, who was knocked over with a fist, lost half of his head, and sat cross-legged on the ground. While waiting for his head to recover, he persuaded Tsunade to persuade Tsunade. After all, even if he dies, he still accepts it. No more.

One minute later, Senjujutsuma was knocked off by Tsunade half of her body. Two minutes later, only one head was hammered. Five minutes later, a lot of Senjujutsuma recovered and digged directly in the flower bed. Keng buried himself, and made a vivid tombstone with wooden escape.

Ten minutes later, Senjujutsu, who was kicked out of the soil by Tsunade Ichikari's foot, directly rebelled, and discussed the construction of the casino with Tsunade enthusiastically, planning the layout and recruitment of personnel.

Roja stroked his forehead with a headache, only to feel that he was really stupid, and he actually reincarnated the dirty soil of the second stupid child Senju Zhuma to persuade Tsunade.


A month later, on Konoha’s most prosperous street, a huge luxury casino called Big Sheep Casino opened. Everyone in Konoha was rushing to tell each other that the Ninja Big Sheep had opened a casino.

Roja directly moved out the Pirate World and many of the gambling equipment in the previous life. Thanks to the golden city of the Pirate World, he has gained insights. These gambling equipment are all-encompassing.

Luo Ya directly took Dashe Wan to solve all the technical problems, and Dashe Wan had no choice but to compromise in order to be able to study it at ease.

Only on the first day of opening, Luo Ya's pocket money went out to 8 million taels, this is because many other gambling equipment are making money.

This result directly led to the fact that starting from the next day, a team that had to queue for several hours at the gate of the casino could enter.

Ninja Big Sheep opened a casino, this kind of good thing that has been rare in a century, spread throughout the country of fire in just three days. For a time, Konoha's traffic increased greatly, which directly drove the economic development of the village.

After receiving this news, Xi Rihong rushed back non-stop. She knew the strength of her sister.In any case, you can't let it be such a prodigal, otherwise the sisters will sleep on the street in the future.

Finally, on the tenth day, Tsunade, who had lost nearly 200 million yuan, handed the difficult task of turning over to Yuri Hong. With Kagura’s cheating, Yuri Hong spent twice as long as it took. Can recover the cost.

Even so, everyone's enthusiasm is still unabated, and the casino is starting to earn money every day for the new gambling equipment and the resounding name of Ninja Big Sheep.

At the same time, Yurihong slowly won the title of Konoha God of Gamblers. For a time, the appearance of the female God of Gamblers made gamblers even more interested. Many masters who claim to be extraordinary in gambling come with huge sums of money. challenge.

Roja looked at the double-up numbers on the account book and scratched his nose angrily. He was planning to give Tsunade 500 million taels. Through the bitter reality, he told her that a small gambling would be happy and a big gambling would hurt the body. reason.

Then send an individual to take over here, and it counts as much as you can earn. Over time, you can always recover the cost. I didn't expect this god-like turning point to happen today.

The 500 million taels in Naruto World sounds scary, and many ninjas can't earn them in their lifetimes, but Roya's warehouse randomly took out a box, far exceeding this number.

With the reputation of Tsunade and Yurihong sitting in the center, this casino is actually famous in the country of fire, and many people from neighboring countries come here.

Konoha's gd has increased by several percentage points due to the existence of this casino, and various consumptions have soared, making those who do business happy.

The huge benefits naturally affected the nerves of many people. Originally, after Konoha smashed the casino from Tsunade, no casinos were allowed anymore.

After all, gambling is indeed easy to corrode people's souls and cause someone to ruin their families. However, seeing the huge benefits now, no one speaks and wants to shut it down.

In Konoha's huge meeting room, Sarutobi Hizuchi, Zhuan Koharu, Mito Menyan, and Shimura Danzo sat opposite each other. The empty space made the atmosphere very depressing.

"Sarutobi, this kind of income should be collected and used by the village. As a member of the village, he has such an obligation at the critical juncture of the construction of Konoha Shinobu Village."

Mito Menyan was originally in conflict with Roja. At this time, seeing this kind of income, how could he not be moved? The words are quite good, and it is returned to the village for use, but it is just a piece of the pie.

"According to the Konoha Management Regulations, the village can only charge the rent for the shops." Sarutobi Hitoshi said indifferently, the meaning of the words is unclear, after all, his relationship with Luo Ya can not be exposed.

"Then increase the rent. The casino is unreasonable. Even if it is to increase the rent, he has nothing to say." Mito Menyan thought of a crooked trick.

"He is Konoha's hero, and Tsunade Hime's identity has to be considered. Menyan, if he is targeted in this way, I am afraid it will cause bad rumors."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun persuaded that she was able to distinguish between official business and personal gain. She was in charge of the financial expenditure allocated to Konoha by the country on fire. She had never had any greed for 337 money, otherwise she would rely on her own. He has long been rich in important positions.

Mito Menyan touched the scars on his neck that had long since disappeared, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes. For Roja, he didn't have any good feelings at all, not to mention the good news now.

"Regardless of his status, as a member of Konoha, he has to obey the management of the village and some surrounding shops. Recently, their business has also been promoted, and some rent increases appropriately, I think it is very reasonable."

Mito Menyan has a tough attitude, and it is hard to persuade Koharu after turning to bed. If the surrounding shops increase their rents simultaneously, it will be a good thing for the slightly tight finances of Konoha Village.

Sarutobi Hitoshi smoked a cigarette, and didn't express his position, while Shimura Danzo was completely watching the show. He wanted to see how the Konoha hero who has always been simple and simple would react.

Tsunade with impulsive personality and Roja, who has always been tough, Danzo will provoke him like Mito Menyan unless his brain is not enough.

Moreover, he has recently contacted Uchiha Itachi, threatening the life of his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke, Itachi is gradually becoming his pawn.

Soon after the close, Uchiha, the unstable factor, will be removed by him.

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