One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 641: Hinata Hyuga

Wearing a crimson coat and a beige scarf around his neck, Xiao Hina Tian is squatting in front of a pile of thick snow, with his little red hands, a little awkward pile of little snowmen.

Roja checked the surrounding area with Kagura's heart, but he didn't see any ninja of the Hyuga clan, frowned, and puzzled.

The mother-in-law of Hyuga Hippocampus seems to have only been pregnant for more than seven months, that is to say, Hinata Huahuo will be born in three months. It stands to reason that Hinata’s status should be completely at the level of the pearl of the palm. How could she be so neglected?

The Hyuga Sect family, now she is the only seedling, although she is a female, but Naruto World does not discriminate against female ninjas, and can become a patriarch.

Under curiosity, Luo Ya stepped up to Xiao Cintian's side and knelt down to look at the little snowmen she made.

The corner of his eyes twitched, he looked at Hinata, and then at the snowman. Luo Ya could only say that the appearance of the little goddess and the appearance of the snowman really went to two extremes.

One is cute and cute, the other is extremely ugly, this gap, one in the sky and one underground, I don't know if Comrade Snowman will cry for his appearance.

The cute little Hina Tian turned his head and looked at Luo Ya who appeared beside him, two red clouds suddenly rose on his little face, and he wanted to stand up in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Hina Tian fell backward when she slipped her feet. According to the normal movement inertia, Little Lori's ass was about to suffer.

Luo Ya supported him with one hand, and Xiao Nizi fell into his arms. Xiao Cintian, who was only six years old after the new year, was now small and pitiful, barely just over a meter.

"Thanks, thank you, I'm sorry." Xiao Hin Tian, ​​who is well tutored, bent down and bowed to Luo Ya, but this Nizi hasn't squatted down high, no matter how you look at it, this action is cute and tight.

Roya is now at a loss, this is an apology and thanks again, completely unclear, this little loli really doesn't know what is thinking in her little head.

"Why apologize?" In order not to scare his little goddess, Roja showed a soothing smile on his face. The bright smile from last time doesn't seem to work very well here.

"My lord, I, I shouldn't play in the snow." Hinata Moe raised his head, and mist began to rise in his eyes, as if he had made a big mistake.

"Cough cough, it's okay, I won't blame you, just be careful, don't catch a cold." Luo Ya coughed awkwardly, thinking it was a big deal, little Lolita's world, I really don't understand it very much. .

"Big, sir, can you tell my parents? I'm afraid." Hinata's two small hands were facing each other, her index finger pointed and she was about to cry.

"Don’t tell, definitely don’t tell, I have been building a snowman today, and Hinata is watching, is this a good reason?" Little Lori Hinata's appearance made Roya's heart full of guilt, ah, cute. A certain level of lethality is comparable to nuclear weapons.

"Father said you can't lie." Hinata murmured, and the two slender eyebrows were pulled together, but the tendency of crying was finally stopped.

"Well, then make it a reality"


Roja racked his brains to coax his little goddess, cheating like using chakras to manipulate the surrounding snow, relying on puppetry and tyrannical chakra volume, one by one exquisite snowman was formed under his hand.

Snow deer, snow rabbit, all kinds of creatures, as well as many Pokémon in Roya's memory also appeared one after another, making little Lori's eyes shined with little stars.

"Awesome" Hinata walked to the realistic snowmen, trying to reach out to touch them, but hesitated, fearing that his clumsy self would cause harm to the snowmen.

Luo Ya raised his brows, grabbed Hina Tian's little hand, gently placed it on the snowman Pikachu's head, and gave Hina Tian a warm smile.

The distance between the two of them has narrowed a lot. Hinata grinned and admired all kinds of animals that he had never seen before in the snow, and his goodwill for Roya also rushed upward.

The figure of Hyuga Hippocampus turned from the end of the path and looked at the daughter who laughed loudly. There was also a faint smile on her face, but in a moment she pressed it down with a serious expression and walked over.

Other people’s homes would definitely be anxious if their children ran away, but for the eyes of the Hyuga clan, finding someone was very easy. The detection range of ten kilometers was enough to see the details of Konoha Village.

Ask for flowers

Seeing his father's appearance, Hinata froze in place, his original happy smile disappeared, and he lowered his head and dared not move.

"Akiba-kun, thank you for taking care of the little girl, and I'm very sorry to have caused you trouble." Hyuga Nizu bowed slightly towards Luo Ya, speaking very kindly.

After all, the Hyuga family is a pure Hokage family, where it can't be seen, the next Hokage is likely to fall on Roja, and it is necessary to establish a friendly relationship in advance.

"Jizu-kun is polite, where is the trouble, Hina is very cute, I like this little girl very much." Luo Ya said, and touched Hina's head, making this scared little Luo in her heart. Li relaxed slightly.

"Hinata, don't thank you soon." After Hyuga Nizu and Roja greeted him, he assumed the majesty of being a father, and a word made little Lori aroused.

"My lord, thank you very much for your care." Hinata thanked Luo Ya in a panic, his face was full of expressions of wanting to cry but not daring to cry.

"No thanks, I've said it all, I like being with Hinata very much." Luo Ya knelt down and touched Little Lori's head, his words full of spoiling.

Hinata nodded gently, trying to show a happy smile, but remembering that his father was still by his side, he quickly lowered his head.

Large families will cultivate ninjas when their children are very young, so when they go to ninja school, these children's grades are also among the best.

The reason why Hinata is here is because when she was practicing in the morning, she was reprimanded by Hyuga Hizu. Compared with her one-year-old brother, Hyuga, her soft fist was really far behind.

"Nizu-kun, there are some things about Hinata, I want to talk to you this afternoon."

"Encheng is invited by Mr. Qiuye, and I will visit you in the afternoon."

Although Hyuga Nissa had doubts in his heart, he agreed. There are many house rules in the Hyuga family. In terms of etiquette, it can be said that Konoha is the best.

He bowed slightly to Luo Ya to express his gratitude again, and he took Hinata back to the family land of Hyuga's family. In half a year, the ninja school was about to open. He didn't want his daughter to be the tail of the crane..

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