One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 649: Practice the Sealing Technique

Roja was enjoying the festive atmosphere, running back and forth between Konoha, Moon Country, and Uzumaki Country, but the high-levels of Sand Ninja Village exploded at this New Year's Festival.

The disappearance of the fourth generation of Fukage Luosha made their hearts uneasy. The reason for the third Ninja war was that the third generation of Fuekage was missing.

Although a little flustered, the senior management of Sha Nin Village had already experienced such a painful lesson once, and directly ordered the news of Luo Sha's disappearance to be blocked, but secretly sent people out to search.

Two days later, the Ninja Ninja from Sand Ninja Village, who was constantly expanding its search range, found some house remains and scattered bones hundreds of miles away from the southwest of the village.

Through the examination of Chiyo Medical Ninjutsu, it was determined that the four generations of the wind and shadow were undoubtedly, the high-level of the village of Sharenin was silent. After a series of discussions, they decided to hide this fact.

Sand Ninja Village has been weak for a long time, and the trauma caused by the third Ninja World War has not been fully recovered. At this time, the loss of the fourth generation of Kazekage will inevitably give other Ninja villages a chance.

They dare not say, let alone say, that after a high-level research, they accidentally got a glimpse of the new blood and followed the elimination with the fourth generation of eyes Fengying, so they covered up the fact of being killed on the grounds of retreat and practice.

The blood succeeded the eliminated daimyo, who became known as the Shocking Ninja World after the battle between the three generations of Mu Ying Onoki and Loya. The original hidden tricks were exposed, which made several big Ninja villages envy.

After the fourth-generation eye Raikage Ai of Yunren Village learned of this news, he directly handed over the relevant affairs to the village elders, and took Kirabi to Turtle Island to retreat. The enemy was healed before the revenge he was beaten up was not reported. The hair is powerful, which makes him totally unacceptable for his arrogance.

Wu Rencun received the news, and it was transmitted to the ears with soil in an instant. He was also deeply touched by Luo Ya's strength, and his sad hair was quite white.

This time, there was a glimmer of mystery that the fourth generation of Mei Fengying was able to glimpse the blood and follow the elimination. The urgency in the hearts of other Shinobu villages was even greater, and the madness was thinking about countermeasures in the base left by Uchiha Madara.

However, it was strange to be able to come up with useful countermeasures based on that Er Lengzi's head with soil, and he could only be ruthless in his heart and decided to speed up the pace of Akatsuki's organization.

After the New Year's Festival passed, Roja's life was back on track. Every morning, he regularly checked the refreshing situation of the treasure chest on the system map. After that, he studied ninjutsu and developed his original various abilities.

Tsunade and Yuhihong seem to have fallen in love with the business of opening a casino. They are busy every day and are frantically sweeping the money of Naruto World.

Especially after Luo Ya's proposal, held a nondescript gambling competition, this kind of sentiment has become more and more high, and the Big Sheep Casino is now preparing to open a second semicolon.

Uzuki Xiyan and Hongdou are now well-known in the ninja world. Uzuki Xiyan is nicknamed Konoha Kenji, and Hongdou is called Iron Girl by the ninjas.

Xiao Xiyan's nickname is nothing more, it sounds pretty good. When he heard the nickname of Hongdou, Luo Ya almost spewed out old blood.

My Tmall at the time was already enough to fuck me, and I didn't think that Red Bean was called Iron Girl. Although this is a description of Red Bean's body as strong as iron, it feels awkward no matter how you think about it.

The little girl Uchiha Izumi has graduated from the ninja school and has Roja's presence. Naturally, there is no leading teacher. Therefore, Hongdou and Uzuki Yuyan also took her on the mission.

The twelve-year-old Xiaren who can put s-level ninjutsu, let alone Konoha can't find the second one, even if the entire ninjutsu world can't find the second one, Izumi's safety is naturally nothing to worry about.

Everyone is busy with their own affairs. Tsunade and Yuhihong have also disappeared all day long. Luo Yasuo’s psychic has come out of the nine-tailed fox Baiji to accompany him. After all, sitting at home alone, it’s true. Too difficult.

Under extremely boring idleness, Roja began to study the sealing technique. After all, Danzo and Itachi had only started contacting, and Uchiha’s extermination might take a while, and itachi was far from capable of doing this job.

Originally, Luo Ya only picked up a few familiar and well-known studies of sealing technique. After all, at the beginning, he really felt that this thing was not very useful.

The seal art scrolls given by Bofeng Shuimen are only a small part. The above records are only the most commonly used ones, most of which have been learned by Luo Ya.

In fact, the sealing techniques of the Maelstrom clan are so heinous, and the various sealing techniques of the whirlpool clan are breathtaking.In this research, Roja felt that the signs were not right.

In all likelihood, these sealing techniques involve various ghosts and gods.

It is like the ghoul sealing up this technique, borrowing the power of the god of death, and at the expense of his own soul, sealing the other's soul and his own soul into the belly of the god of death.

The Maelstrom family has been regarded as a treasure since ancient times, the Namiantang, in which masks of 27 ghosts and eighty-one ghosts and gods are placed, a total of one hundred and eight.

At the beginning, Roja only thought that the Death Mask was like a prop similar to the pirated amber bottle of the Six Dao Immortals, but through the words in the seal art scroll, it seemed that it was not just a prop.

In Konoha, there is also a noodle hall. It was built after Uzumaki Mito married Senjujuma. It is located on the edge of the mountain behind the village. In the original work, Osamaru also brought Sasuke here to find the mask of death and liberate Qian. The souls of the people in the stomach of Death between Shouzhujian.

Roya raised his eyebrows and was curious. This kind of borrowing the power of ghosts and gods is somewhat beyond his understanding. If you don't take a look, it is really tickling.

"Bai Ji, I want to go out for a walk, are you coming?" Luo Ya got up from the Denuo Zhao chair and said to Bai Ji, who was curled up in a ball. She was really worried that she was here alone.

This girl is now fully learned. When she was away, she slipped into the street to eat and drink for nothing, and those men with low resistance and unsteady mind all followed their ass to checkout.

In just a few times, Konoha had many couples who wanted to get divorced. It was really a headache. Without restraint, it would definitely cause trouble.

"My concubine, my concubine is getting tired recently." Bai Ji raised her head and said softly, then continued to shrink her head to rest.

In Konoha's time, Shirahime maintained her body most of the time, and only after Tsunade and others came back would she become a white fox.

But in the form of a human being, she still retains a lot of the fox's nature, such as when it comes to the ice and snow, she will shrink into a ball.

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