One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 656: That adult is here!

When Roja had just returned from the Great Psychic World, he fought fiercely with Tsunade and Yurihong all night, completely forgetting the existence of Baiji.

And this girl watched the game in the corner silently, without showing her willingness to exist, and watched it all night with relish.

Roja was making gestures with the nine-character mantra mudra in his hand, while following the Wunin Village ninjas high in the sky, watching them jump up and down beside the frantic Sanwei.

Ordinary ninjas have limited means to deal with the tail beasts. At this time, Terumi Ming’s strength is highlighted. Although it is only one foot on the threshold of the shadow level, it is caused by two kinds of blood inheritance limits than a dozen ninjas. The damage is big.

The enchantment squad in Wunin Village has existed for a long time, just to deal with the phenomenon of tail beast madness. After the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura took the position, the enchantment squad was not taken seriously and almost fell into the cold.

Thanks to his inattention, the members of the enchantment squad did not suffer any major damage under the blood fog policy. At this critical moment, it didn’t take long for the enchantment squad to be assembled.

An enchantment was set up in the direction of Sanwei Isao’s traveling, but the speed of this group of people is really slow. According to Roja’s estimation, if no one stops Sanwei, I’m afraid that the enchantment won’t stand up until it gets out of range. .

"Everyone try to delay for a minute, we still need another minute." The captain of the enchantment squad shouted, with sweat falling down on his face. Even if he practiced it in his mind countless times, but when they really experienced it, they Still a lot slower than usual.

"Made's time for a minute, why don't these people die?" The cold sweat on Lei Ya's body was no less than the leader of the enchantment squad, and he cursed angrily.

Facing the three tails, if he can run early, but Terumi Mei is still here, if Terumi Mei has some accident, he can guarantee that he will never survive the dawn, Roja's ability is very clear to him.

"Let’s just say a few words, I’m going to be a ruthless one. If the enchantment squad dies, no one can stop the three tails." Terumi Ming supported the ground with one hand, and the sweat on her pretty face ran down the corners of her temples, wet her hair, huge The consumption of Chakra made her extremely tired.

Hei Ho Rai Ya really wanted to say to Terumi Mei that if he couldn't help it, he couldn't help it. Anyway, he and the others ran away, and Sanwei couldn't hurt himself and the others, but he knew Terumi Mei's character well, and he knew it was nothing. Say.

Roya’s warning was still in his ears, and the black hoes thunder teeth was crying anxiously, and he kept cursing the weak enchantment class in his heart, vowing that he would have to give them some color when he turned his head and ask them what the critical moment was. It's so slow

Sanwei Iso and Renzhuli didn't use any ninjutsu because they were crazy together. Otherwise, relying on the shadow masters and the power of Mitsuo, they properly integrated the surrounding ninjas into a dish.

Scorching Monster

Terumi Mei took the lead, and within a minute, he would do his best if he wanted to stop the three tails. After all, there is no power-type ninja here, and he almost suffers everywhere.

Weird Dissolving Art possesses super corrosive ability. Even if Terumi Ming is not as strong as it was at the Five Shadows Conference a few years later, Sanwei is not Susano.

Painful cry came from Sanwei's mouth, twisting his body and rolling on the ground continuously, and withdrew a lot of it backwards, only to get rid of the range of melting.

It's just that the medicinal effect of I Love Yiichi Chai is really abnormal. Although it is painful, Sanwei still plays Tae Ritian firmly.

Roya looked at the scene below and slapped Zui, the three tails are like this, and I don't know what the soil that can't suppress the effect of the medicine is now, will he hold the electric pole for an affectionate dance.

There is also Terumi Mei, who is behaving so well now. With her background, if not surprising, it will be her turn to be a water shadow after Yakura's death soon.

I don't know if the original marriage contract can be fulfilled. The two village shadows get married, and what jokes are they making. It's only strange that the big names of other countries and the village shadows can agree.

The union of the two Shinobu villages represents almost invincibility in this era. It can sweep any other country, whether it is the country of the earth, the country of thunder, or the country of the wind. It will never allow this to happen.

It seems that before she unifies the five countries, this girl will have to postpone her marriage contract one by one, just like the original book.

Above the ground, the black hoe Lei Ya looked at the lead, and rushed to the front of Terumi Ming, the teardrops in his eyes were rolling, he was sure that he had never been so brave in his life, knowing that he was just but he would not escape. .

Ask for flowers

"You can't die, you die and I will die too." The broken black hoe Thunder Teeth tried his best to activate Chakra inside her body, waved Thunder Teeth in his hand, and slashed into the sky.

Multiple natural lightning

The thunder and lightning in the sky was dragged by the thunder knife in the black hoe Thundertooth's hand, forming a small dark cloud. The thunder pillars with the thickness of the fingers were constantly smashing towards the three tails below, but this power is really too small. For the three tails, It doesn't hurt or itchy at all.

"I have never seen such a horrible thunder." Luo Ya saw that the form on the field became more and more precarious, and looked at the sweaty black thunder tooth below with a dissatisfaction, and took out the Zhan Poknife from the system warehouse.

Thousands of illusions, all gone to death, thousands of thunder

Standing on top of the dark cloud, Luo Ya directly completed the initial solution. With a thought, the terrifying thunder and lightning rushed directly into the thunder cloud, and the dark cloud expanded more than ten times in an instant.

If it weren't for the power to scare people, I'm afraid the entire Wuren Village will be shrouded in thunderclouds.


A blue thunder and lightning that was dozens of centimeters thick fell from the sky and hit Sanwei's body directly, causing him to let out a howl of pain.

The black hoe Thunder tooth's heart suddenly missed a beat. He naturally knew the power of his lightning. He looked up at the thundercloud in the sky, and the confinement charm at the heart throbbed.

The adult came, and he said something in his heart. The black hoe Leiya couldn't help but start to rejoice. Fortunately, he didn't run away just now. Otherwise, you don't have to wait until tonight, and you will die on the spot. This adult's woman is still here.

With an ugly smile on his face, Black Hoe Lei Ya had already guessed in his heart that Luo Ya did not want to reveal his identity, and he quickly drew the thunder and lightning in the sky with the thunder knife in his hand, but no matter how he drives, he can't control such a huge thunder.

"I, weak chicken, weak chicken" Luo Ya hated his misfortune and cursed indignantly. He reluctantly urged the Zanpaku Knife to cooperate with the weak traction to lower the thunder pillars with a diameter of 30 or 40 centimeters..

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