One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 662: Takinin Village

Roja held Terumi Ming's left hand, raised her head and gently pressed her forehead, with a gentle smile on her face.

In the morning sun, this smile seemed to be able to illuminate everything, causing Terumi to slowly close his eyes and present his own red chun.

No matter how difficult it is in the future, no matter how big the barrier between the two Shinobu villages is, and no matter whether they can be together in the end, Terumi Mei only knows that at this time she only wants to be with Roja.

"Love me" Terumi Ming responded to Luo Ya jerkily, and murmured softly, making the animals who had been holding back all night impatiently lift the last layer of restraint.

Five hundred words are omitted here.

Terumi Mei and Loya, who broke through the last barrier, were like glue for a while, lingering on the bustling streets of various countries, immersing Terumi Mei who had never experienced love in "Nineteen Nine Zero".

Loya, who bought the special costumes of various countries, did not know how much he bought, and he also found the clothes of Pirate World in the system warehouse. Terumi Ming, who was originally a little fairy, almost turned his fascination over.

"Akiba Sang, I'm going back. Grandpa will worry about it at home after being out for so long." Terumi Ming snuggled in Roya's arms, and Yushou circled his arms, with deep reluctance in his eyes.

"Well, next time I will take you to Yunokuni. I heard that the hot springs there are very good."

"Akiba-san is really energetic, but I want to go too." Terumi Ming blinked her left eye, bit her corner slightly, and released her charm without hesitation.

Roja hugged Terumi Mei in his arms, urging his momentary power, and returned to the dungeon where he left in the blink of an eye.

"Big, sir, help." The black hoe Leiya who was tied up by the five flowers made a weak voice. For seven days, if the roof of the dungeon in the country of water leaked, there was a small pool of water on the ground, and his body could not be specified. It's already smelly.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Roya's face. One of the purposes of appearing at the beginning seemed to be to prevent this guy from being tortured. But looking at his current appearance, I am afraid that torture is better than his current state.

Gently waved his hand and issued a small sword aura, slashing on the rope but only slashed it halfway, Luo Ya's heart suddenly felt, this is probably the rope specially tied to the ninja, no wonder this guy can't break free by himself.

Swiping again with a sword qi to cut the rope, Roja used the chakra thread of the puppet technique to pick up the black hoe thunder tooth that was resting on the ground, and took out food and water from the system warehouse.

He was so hungry and dizzy that he almost couldn't help but eat the soil. When he saw the food, he exploded with his remaining strength and started to swallow.

Terumi Ming's face was also embarrassed, not only Luo Ya had forgotten, but she had also forgotten about such a thing when she tied up the black hoe Thunder teeth by herself.

After eating like a dog, the black hoe Leiya couldn't put any more food in his mouth, and lay weakly on the ground. With the physique of a ninja, he digested the food in his body very quickly.

If it's an average person who eats so much food at once after being hungry for so long, let alone digestion, it might just die.

"Many, thank you for your life-saving grace." Heihoe Leiya finished this sentence with tears. Originally he was thrown here by two people, but now I have to thank my life-saving grace. The grievance in my heart cannot be said in a word. Clear.

"Yes, don't thank you, drink it, the antidote." Luo Ya finished speaking, took out a bottle of water of life, and threw it to the black hoe Thunder tooth lying on the ground.

"Thank you for your reward, and thank you for your reward." Black hoe Leiya turned over and sat up, pouring the water of life, and felt that the whole body was comfortable. Although the charm at the heart was still not unlocked, it was able to unlock the body. The poison in him has already made him excited.

Terumi Mei covered her face as if she couldn't bear to look straight. She had already known about the black hoe thunder teeth in the past two days. She really didn’t know what to say to the stupid watermelon mountain puffer fish and others. .

"Take it, this is for you, do you know what to do in the future?" Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, and threw out a scroll that recorded a lot of thunder ninjutsu and thunder knife.

"Understand, understand, the subordinates must swear to the death of the guardian Terumi Ming" Hei Chu Lei Ya looked at Luo Ya's expression and knew what it meant, and quickly showed loyalty.

In the presence of Terumi Ming, he can never say that he wants to send information to Konoha. Although the guy Heihoe Leiya is not strong and has no potential, his head is really good.

"Akiba Sang, don't bully my subordinates." Terumi Ming saw Luo Ya look down high on the black hoe Thunder teeth, and put his jade hand on his waist with a smile.

With a set of skills on the surface of a woman and a set of skills behind it, Luo Ya had a clear understanding, lightly patted Meiming's little hand, and stopped talking.

Isn't it just acting like a black face and white face, so that Hei Ho Lei Ya can follow so hard to do so hard, life and death are in his hands, and he is not a great character.

Seeing Terumi Ming's familiarity drawing people's hearts, Luo Ya showed a helpless smile. This Nizi's exquisite skill in front of outsiders is really something that ordinary people can learn.

When everything was over, Luo Ya urged the power of the moment in Terumi Mei's reluctant gaze, and came directly to the sky above Takinin Village.

Takinin Village is a village hidden by a huge waterfall. Although it is surrounded by four countries: the country of soil, the country of grass, the country of fire, and the country of iron, the unique geographical location makes Takinin village never be seen by others. The Ninja Village of the country has been invaded.

Now that the conditions for opening the diamond mission treasure chest are only the Chakra of Shigeming Nanao, it doesn't matter if Konoha will go back later. It is really irritating for Roja not to take Nanao.

Seven 21-tailed Shigeaki is the only tail beast assigned to Xiaoguo, Renzhu Lifu. According to Konoha's intelligence, he is still under ten years old and has no mastery of how to use the tail beast's power. It shouldn't take much effort.

It's just that now that he is here, Roja certainly can't just plot a seven-tailed chakra.

This is the hometown of Kakuto, and the art of grievance is a forbidden art that Takinin Village regards as a secret treasure, and there is also the heroic water that can increase the chakra of ninjas dozens of times.

The grievances have been obtained by Roja, but who knows if there are any other weird ninjutsu, the heroic water that increases the Chakra dozens of times, although it is said to have a great load on the body, the effect is indeed coveted.

Give it to Da She Wan to study it. If the side effects can be eliminated, it is definitely a rare good thing..

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