One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 672: Flicker Half-True Half-False

"Take revenge?" Xiao Nan knelt on the Hokage Rock, and could clearly see the scene in Konoha Village. Although it was not as comfortable as the Moon Country, it was a world away from the chaotic town.

Luo Ya stood quietly and waved away the Konoha Anbu who came to check. As the hero who saved Konoha, although there is no real power on the bright side, all Anbu is directly under the three generations. Received an order to follow its dispatch.

In the original work, Nagato once personally came to Konoha and released a super large-scale Shenra Tianzheng, turning this place into ruins.

"It made the world feel the pain, who will be responsible for those dead souls who claim to be the savior with a pair of shit eyes, and want to deter all countries. Those who died under his hand and used him as a tool to kill chickens and monkeys, they also have relatives. The "One Seven Three" family also has children. If they want to hurt the world, what kind of scene would it be?"

Luo Ya said lightly, revealing the most essential facts, telling Xiao Nan how far Nagato's thoughts had been distorted.

Under the banner of dreams and peace, doing revenge against society is no different from the devils of the plaster country in the past life.

If Konoha was razed to the ground by Nagato in the original work, and after countless people died, how would the people in the country of fire react? How would people in other countries react?

Once Ninja Village falls, I am afraid that civilians will cause riots, and there will be no order in the country of fire. How can ordinary troops suppress those civilians who are filled with fear?

People from other countries don't need to think about it. They will try their best to train ninjas and fight against Nagato's nightmare rule.

No one wants to live under such a system, no one wants to live a precarious life, always worrying that their village will be razed to the ground.

Nagato's thinking is a typical plaster country thinking. After being bombed by the US nuclear bomb, he obediently became a running dog of the US, and he loyally pointed and bitten, and wagged his tail to please him.

"The savior, isn't it what the prophecy said?" Xiao Nan looked at Konoha and said softly, holding his knees. The words of Jiraiya came to mind.

"Jilai also believes in the prophecy of the old toad of Miaomu Mountain, and believes that the son of prophecy will save the world. There are too many psychic worlds I have been to, and the existence of proficient in immortality is as many as stars, that toad. Why should we decide the future for the human world"

Roja's face was mocking with disdain, and Miaomushan's toads were nothing more than toads. Through the window of time, to see some fuzzy fragments in the future, they would pretend to be unpredictable, completely unpredictable.

The established trajectory of this world has long since changed because of his arrival, and the final result will only be in his pocket. The son of prophecy is completely nonsense.

"Brother Qiuye, Nagato's eyes are not those of the Six Dao Immortals"

"The immortal is just a name for a powerful person. The six immortals were originally called Datongmu Yuyi, but they are just a member of the Datongmu family. What can those eyes represent, not to mention that they are not the eyes of Nagato."

"Not Nagato's eyes"

"Xiao Nan, Nagato is just an orphan of an ordinary whirlpool clan who lives outside. Those eyes are just someone who kept them in his place, in order to subvert the world."

"Why?" Xiao Nan stared at Luo Ya's face blankly. For her, such news was still a little harder to accept.

Nagato's proud eyes are actually other people's things. The so-called destiny, the so-called prophecy, and the so-called responsibilities do not exist. They are just taking revenge on the world according to personal preferences.

"Someone is playing a big chess game, the size is beyond your imagination. Nagato is just a pawn of the opponent, falling into the darkness, an unsaved pawn."

"Brother Akiba, is that person Uchiha Madara"

"Whether it's the Madara you see or the Madara sleeping underground, waiting to be resurrected, it's just a chess piece."

Luo Ya hugged Xiao Nan in his arms and comforted her shaking body. All this was too abrupt, and the girl was obviously unacceptable for a while.

"Brother Qiuye, what should we do?" After a long time, Xiao Nanfang calmed down. In her heart, Luo Ya would never ignore such a thing.

"As early as the Second Ninja World War, I felt something was wrong with the atmosphere of the war, so I negotiated with Hokage secretly and sent someone to establish the Moon Kingdom. After the third war, this man behind the scenes was revealed. In a clue, in order to further control his movements, I established a stronghold in Uzumaki Kingdom. The fourth generation of Hokage also discovered this earlier."

Roja said nine points of truth and one point of falsehood, not deliberately deceiving this kind girl, but she didn’t want her to do things with the guy who can already be put in a mental hospital.

"Brother Qiuye, what can I do for you now"

Hearing Xiao Nan's words, Luo Ya's face finally conjured up a smile, numb, it was not easy, for this Nizi, he was racking his brains.

Relying on the full point of goodwill and the magical power of the aura of mouth escape, he successfully persuaded Xiao Nan, Luo Ya was very happy, but more, it was her pity.

"The most important thing for you now is to relax." Luo Ya shaved Xiaonan's small Qiong nose, full of gentle smile, healing her soul.

"Brother Qiuye will stay with me?" Xiao Nan couldn't help but pull a little arc at the corner of the corner when he saw this smile, as pure and gorgeous as the first snow.

"Yes, always will." Luo Ya was full of determination to look directly at Xiao Nan's gaze, in a daze, he saw the weak and shy little girl who used to smile many years ago.

"En." Xiao 34 Nan nodded, and the faint mosquito replied, and hugged Loya tightly, clearly understanding the more important meaning of the words.

"Xiao Nan, change your clothes, this fire cloud robe is not suitable for you."


Hearing Xiao Nan's answer, Luo Ya took her to his bedroom in a flash, and took out all kinds of clothes from the system warehouse.

Xiao Nan, who was picky among a bunch of precious clothes, pointed his chin with a lush white jade, and a crystal amethyst on his chin reflected a little bit of fluorescence.

After choosing for a long time, Xiao Nan picked a blue-purple split-fork cheongsam and looked at Luo Ya, who was unblinking with the corner of his eye.

"Brother Qiuye would like to see Xiao Nan change clothes"


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