One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Chest System 681: Kakashi vs Itachi

Zhishui didn't die. Itachi, the kaleidoscope writing wheel that should have been opened last year, hasn't been able to open yet. Now he still has to work hard to play the special training of Rao Shizi. It is full of pain when Roya thinks about it.

"Here." Roja raised his eyebrows and looked to one side of the wall. The small hurricane wolf white hair jumped in first, and Kakashi followed closely behind.

Baimao nodded to Luo Ya, and turned into a smog. Its mission has been completed, and it will naturally return to the psychic world.

Not all psychic beasts like the nine-tailed fox Bai Ji like to lie in this world and enjoy barbecue and human food. What Bai Mao prefers is the strong magical energy of the psychic world.

"Yo, senior, but you rarely call me." Kakashi's exposed eye was bent into a line, and he raised his hand to greet Roja enthusiastically. The limited edition hardcover in his hand was also taken away. Into the ninja bag.

Kakashi was wearing a green vest with Shinobu. The mask concealed most of his face, and also covered the scarlet writing wheel eye, with silver hair on one end, like a non-mainstream explosive head.

The only difference is that a short white-toothed short knife was added to the back waist, and the short knife that was originally broken at Shenwubiqiao was treasured by Kakashi at home.

Now this one is modeled on the original white-toothed short knife and made after slightly changing his own knife-using habits. It has been enlightened by Roja several times. Now he is not as difficult to care about his father as the original.

Kakashi’s talent is unquestionable. He occasionally asks Roya about ninjutsu or swordsmanship. He is only twenty years old and is now at the elite level of ninjutsu. If he continues to develop, he may become no weaker than Hagi. Shumo's ninja.

"Kakashi, play against Itachi, and you will get something unexpected afterwards." Roja waved his hand casually and said straight to the subject.

"Are you going to give us some guidance today? It's a great honor. Then I'm disrespectful." Kakashi knew that Roja wanted to know the Uchiha boy in front of him. Counted among the objects of guidance.

"Is the silver knife flashing practiced?" Luo Ya asked Kakashi's thicker skin and was too lazy to complain.

"It's difficult. I can't get the trick. I've practiced fractures twice, and now I don't even dare to try."

"Is that right? If you win, I will show you something. By the way, I will give you things from others. If you lose, I heard that Konoha recently had a task of cleaning public toilets that has not been answered, so I will trouble you to go. It's done."

Roja raised his eyebrows. In order to prevent Kakashi, a lazy guy from letting out the water, he would open his mouth if he was intimidated and lured. Even if there was no task of cleaning the public toilet, he could ask the third generation to release one temporarily.

Kakashi shivered sturdily, Konoha's famous Shinnin went to clean the public toilet, and it made people laugh to death when he said it. With the temptation of the silver knife flashing, his gaze at Itachi became cautious. .

Since Roja said what would happen if he loses, it means that he is indeed likely to lose in the hands of the young Uchiha clan in front of him.

"Kakashi-senior, in the next Uchiha Itachi, please advise." Itachi saw Kakashi's gaze, the war intent in his eyes did not hide, his pupils gradually turned into a three-goed jade, facing the big one. Year-old senior, he will not take it lightly.

"Uchiha Itachi? I have heard your name, then I have to be serious." Kakashi lifted the forehead that blocked the eye of the writing wheel, and slightly pulled down some masks. The same three-hook jade couldn't help rotating.

Luo Ya slapped Zui, watching this very loving scene in front of him, after the two men with facial paralysis are facing each other, there is actually a tendency to sparkle.

"Start" Luo Ya gave a soft sigh, and when he moved his feet, he sat on the seat at the edge of the training ground, leaving enough room for the two to fight.

Hoo hoo

As soon as Roya's voice fell, Itachi took out a handful of kunai, using the Uchiha clan's kunai throwing technique, slammed it towards Kakashi, seeing the strength, I was afraid that it could easily penetrate the tree.

Kakashi, who blocked all retreats, was extremely fast. Using a substitute technique, there was no suitable target around. If you didn’t want to get hurt, you could only block it. The short knife on Kakashi’s waist flashed a silver light, and nothing in front Suffering was all bounced away, and the mudra was formed in his hands.

Lei Dun walk

The spreading thunder light moved towards Itachi's feet, and Itachi also jumped up into the air, and with a technique of Phoenix Fire, Kakashi directly used the instantaneous spell, appeared behind Itachi, and the white-toothed short knife in his hand was instantly released. Orifice.

It's just that Itachi turned into a raven in the sky at this time, and reappeared not far away, a fireball like Kakashi spit out.

The two have been in contact with each other. Kakashi has been pressing Itachi. After all, he is ten years older. This age gap is extremely difficult to make up, and if it is not dragged down by the writing wheel, Kakashi can display the strength , At least 30% more than now.

In terms of combat talent, Kakashi and Itachi are actually the same. Although the frontal strength is still a lot worse now, Itachi has the advantage that Kakashi does not have. Uchiha's writing wheel is not as expensive as Kakashi's writing wheel. , As long as it drags on, it will be Itachi that wins.

How could Kakashi fail to see such a thing, with the mind of a quick battle, attacking all the way, without giving Itachi any time to rest.

Itachi tried his best to pull the distance away, but it has been ineffective. Kakashi retreated fiercely, and his right hand was already on the handle of the short knife.

Itachi, who had seen this trick just now, stepped back again and again, but was dragged into the soil by a hand that suddenly rose from the ground. This trick was a beheading technique in the heart of the earth.

Kakashi's complexion changed drastically, and when he used the crow clone technique again on his waist, he placed the drawn white tooth dagger on his neck without any trouble.

With a smile on Roja's face, Kakashi, this guy just cheated, and the shadow clone that used Earthen Ninjutsu to drag Itachi down to the ground was obviously not used after the fight with Itachi.

Presumably this guy was busy with something just now. When he called him, he left a shadow clone. At this time, the shadow clone was processed and found that the body was fighting, so he directly assisted.

Luck is also a kind of strength. If you win, you win. Kakashi is somewhat reserved just now. If you want to win Itachi, it is nothing more than to spend more time.

The expressions on Itachi's face were brilliant, he didn't even know where the shadow clone came out from. He just saw Kakashi's every move very clearly, and there was absolutely no time to use the shadow clone..

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