One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 689: Eat Shiranui Mai

After giving the two thousand taels of silver to Naruto who came back a little behind, the second stunner looked at Sasuke who was chasing Itachi's stretcher toward the hospital, and hurriedly followed him.

"Mr. Qiuye, no one disturbs us now." Shiranui Wu saw the small courtyard cleaned down, stood on her toes, and hooked Roya's neck with her arms.

"Is it convenient today?" Luo Ya raised her eyebrows. Last time she wanted to eat the girl, but her relatives came to patronize her.

You have to ask clearly what you are talking about, so as not to splash the blood on the spot for a while, that would be embarrassing.

"Qiuye-san wants convenience, do you want it inconvenience?" Shiranui Wu blinked her eyes and laughed. The girl's evil taste was obviously recurring.

However, since they were almost there, Roja would no longer be afraid of the girl's teasing, and stretched his hand down from behind her.

"If you don't tell me, I'll check it myself." Luo Ya's head was pressed against Mai Shiranui's forehead, and her big hand had already untied her belt.

"Don't, I just finished exercising, I was all sweaty, wait for me to wash." Shiranui Mai is the most powerful. When she really wants to act, she is also very timid. She quickly put down her arms and grabbed Roya's big hands. Red to the base of the neck.

"That's right, I want to wash too." Luo Ya showed a smile in his eyes, picked up Shiranui Mai, and walked to the hot spring at home.

With a thought, Luo Ya put his clothes into the system warehouse, holding Shiranui Mai into the hot spring that was submerged to his waist.

Shiranui Wu looked at Luoyan's sturdy and sharp, but not bloated muscles, so she couldn't help but stroke it with her lush white jade hand.

Realizing how shameful her actions were, I don't know Huo Wu closed her eyes and drilled her head in her chamber, bit her teeth, a flash of smoke flashed out of her body, and she changed her clothes.

After Roja saw the clothes, Little Roja stood up and saluted directly. It is not unreasonable that the original Treasure Box could open a book for learning sewing skills.

The thin, semi-transparent silk skirt, only the most important three points, has a thicker fabric, and the sling embroidered with small flowers on the shoulders embellishes this shirt is very fascinating.

Shiranui Wu clearly knew exactly what tone Roja likes, and this looming charm directly made her enthusiastic.

Sitting on the steps of the hot spring with Mai Shiranui, Roja's big hands couldn't help but start a shuttle, and Mai Shiranui, who worked hard to cooperate, also responded positively with his small hands.


After her clothes were torn, Shiranhuo Wu's blush on her face became more alluring under the mist, she wrinkled beautifully, and slowly sat down, the pain of tearing made her snorted.

"Does it hurt "

"a little bit."

Roja bit Shiranui Wu's earlobe and spoke softly. Shiranui Wu's stiff body slowly relaxed, hooked his neck, and moved slowly.

Five hundred words are omitted here.

Loya had a good time here, enjoying Mai Shiranui's considerate service, and Uchiha Itachi who was lying in the hospital slowly woke up.

The whole body was wrapped in bandages like a mummy. Although it looks quite horrible, it is actually just a few burns. After medical ninjutsu healed, it can be cured by sleeping at night.

After pacifying Sasuke, who was worried about him, Uchiha Itachi looked at the roof blankly, thinking about the battle results this morning.

Shiranui Mai is different from ninjas in the traditional sense. Most of the moves are close combat skills. After mastering Chakra, the flames above the punch and kick are extremely terrifying.

It's not that I haven't seen Ninjutsu Itachi, but it is the first time he has seen a ninja who has developed ninjutsu to such a level. The flame that moves randomly seems to have turned into a part of the body, and it is full of flames.

It's not that he has never tried to use illusion, but at the beginning, illusion can still make his movements stagnate, but later, every time he is about to activate illusion, he will be seen through, instead, it becomes a gap that the opponent can use.Throughout the journey, Itachi felt like a small boat drifting with the current, without the power to resist.

Is this the power of a shadow-level powerhouse?

Itachi raised his hand and looked at the world outside the window through the gap between his fingers, as if he was the toad looking up at the sky from the bottom of the well, and deeply felt his own insignificance.

The door of the ward was opened, Uchiha Tomokazu, wearing a traditional kimono, walked in, and his son was taken to the hospital. It would be strange if he didn't come to see him.

"Father." Sasuke hurriedly bowed to the side to salute, with a little restraint in his expression.

"You go out first, your brother and I have something to say."


When Sasuke heard his father's words, he raised his head to see the dark expression, glanced at Itachi with a slightly worried look, hesitated, turned and walked out of the ward, and closed the door tightly.

"What are you doing recently? Why did you show up in the house of Uzumaki Qiuye? Yesterday, he fainted and was sent home by the psychic beast of Uzumaki Qiuye. Today, he was sent to the hospital."

The sun shines on Uchiha Tomioka's face, but it doesn't bring a trace of warmth to the gloomy face. The sickly face does not seem to be looking at his own son, but as if looking at a stranger.

"This is the task of the village." Itachi turned his head, the same expressionless face, having such an ambitious and mindless father is a kind of sadness.

"In your heart, the weight of the village has surpassed that of the family, huh, don't forget that the blood flowing on you is the blood of the Uchiha clan, and I, your father, is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan."

Uchiha Fuqiu's complexion was even more ugly, and the hands that hugged Yu faintly pinched his nails in the flesh. That attitude made Itachi Denuo Zhao's heart sigh after another.

"The village said that there will be a very dangerous mission to me. The enemies there are very strong. Let me go to Qiuye to improve my strength. No matter how much, I don’t know. Master Naruto did not I reveal."

Itachi gave out the excuse he had prepared long ago, the expression on his face did not fluctuate in the slightest, his eyes were slightly hollow, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Very dangerous task, the village is always thinking about how to squeeze the power of my Uchiha clan, Itachi, open your eyes and see clearly."

After Uchiha Tomokazu said something, he turned around and walked out of the ward. In his mind, even though his plan fell through because Iwanin Village did not keep his promise, Uchiha was not without a chance.

As long as there is information sent back by Itachi, choosing to gather the power of the whole clan to seize power when the village is empty, there is still a considerable success rate..

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