One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 695: Will the teacher go to school for class?

"That's really a shame." Luo Ya couldn't help but muttered, the children of the big family all have their own independent room, and Xiao Hina Tian sleeps alone at night since he was two years old.

But this situation is really inconsistent with the perfect scene in the eyes of a certain wolf. Shouldn't girls be afraid of the dark, afraid of loneliness, afraid of this, afraid of that, and then run into their arms?

"Senior Akiba, Gang, did you just say something I'm sorry, I didn't hear it clearly, sorry" Hinata, who had just arrived, began to apologize hurriedly. The teardrops in his big eyes were already spinning, but he stubbornly held back.

At home, if the elders didn't pay attention to them when they spoke, and if they missed it, she would generally be severely reprimanded.

After all, it is the Hyuga clan whose family rules are longer than the old lady's footwear. The bad rules have long been engraved in the bones, making Xiao Hina Tian subconsciously think that he will be scolded.

The same is true for tears. Although the teardrops can't stop circling, Hinata held it back for a long time. The pedantic guy Hyuga Hizu told Hinata what tears were a symbol of cowardice, and the more he cried, the more he cursed.

"Don’t cry or cry, I was just thinking about which house Hinata would like because most of my houses here are different from ordinary people’s houses, not tatami mats. 220"

Luo Ya quickly knelt down and wiped the tears from the corners of Hinata's eyes, and smoothed the small brows that raised up, Nima, what's going on, this crying look is so cute, I really am not Lolicon.

"Yeah." Hinata replied with his little head lowered, a small sigh of relief in his heart, big eyes blinking, and Roja obediently turned around in the backyard.

When the mansion was built, due to the heinous reason of the large area, Roja naturally opened the courtyard for repairs. Even the backyard, except for the huge swimming pool and garden, the residential area is quite large.

So far, only Azuki, Uzuki Yuga, Yuhihong, Uchiha Izumi, and Tsunade live here. It is extremely empty, and there are seven or eight rooms vacated.

The rooms are full of tall chuang like Huaxia, which is completely different from tatami mats. At the beginning, although Xi Rihong and others were not used to it, they just didn't want to see tatami mats after adapting.

Seven rooms were transferred, and the decorations were different. At first, Luo Ya spent a lot of money, and even let the guy Kakashi become a carver full-time. The wooden furniture is very delicate, even the Hinata who was born in a big family. They are dazzled.

"So which one does Hinata like?" Luo Ya took Hinata around the room that had been vacated and then knelt down and asked softly, still with the same smile on his face.

"Senior Akiba, then, is that one okay?" Hinata whispered, pointing to a room with mainly warm colors.

The main color is beige, the furniture is mostly carved with daisies, and the quilt cover and curtains are all sunflower patterns, with a warm atmosphere.

"Is this one very good for Hinata?" Luo Ya had a pampering face on her face, touched Xiao Hinata's head, and led her to that room.

The subordinates hired by Luo Ya clean up the unoccupied rooms every day, and can move in without a trace of dust.

When Xiao Hina Tian came, the head of Hyuga Nizu was kicked by a donkey, and he didn't even get the clothes to change. I really don't know if it was Xiao Hina Tian's father.

"Senior Akiba, thanks, thank you." Hinata bowed politely, her small face was full of joy, she liked this room very much, and the warm smell filled every corner of the room.

"No thanks, but you can't always call Senior Akiba in the future." Luo Ya squatted down and touched Xiao Hina Tian's head affectionately. The hair feels so good that it makes people want to stop.

Hinata's name for Roya is really sad. It is not appropriate to call brother and elder brother, and it is even more inappropriate to call it uncle. Little Lolita seems to have nothing to call him except Master.


The elder brother has more blood ties, and his identity is the whirlpool clan, and he can't fight with Hyuga Baganzi. This Nizi is too young now.If you call your brother, it is estimated that Hongdou and Yuyue Xiyan will go crazy, and Xiao Nizi will be short for a lifetime.

"What should it be called?" Hinata started to steam again, with two small hands facing each other, this iconic action, the lethality has been completely axed.

"Hinata thinks it's better to call it?" Luo Ya admired the cute and explosive expression, and the evil in his heart became nasty, and he couldn't help but want to tease her.

"Principal" Hinata whizzed around in his little head, thinking for a long time, and whistling.

"Puff" Luo Ya really has the urge to vomit blood and die. What the hell is the principal? Is it because the image he gave Xiao Hina Tian on the opening ceremony was too deep?

Think of the principal and students of the Ninja School, Emma, ​​the picture is so beautiful that Roja didn't dare to continue thinking about it, afraid that he would go astray.

"No, isn't it?" Hinata took a step back and her small face was full of anxiety. This little girl thought for a long time before she thought of such a name. Seeing Loya's appearance, she seemed to be clumsy and doing something wrong.

"Cough cough, no, no, very good, Hinata is very smart. If he is just called the principal, will he be a little bit more productive?" Luo Ya tried to make his tone a little more tactful, and don't hurt Xiao Nizi's fragile little boy. soul.

"Teacher" Little Hinata thought of Luo Ya as the principal of the Ninja School, and naturally now thought of the teacher, and said something smoothly.

"Cough cough, um, it's good for Xiao Hin Tian to be happy." Luo Ya coughed twice, feeling deeply that this name seemed to make people think of bad places more easily.

However, Xiao Nizi's suggestion has been rejected once, and given that the title is so similar to Master, Luo Ya simply admitted it.

"Will the teacher go to the ninja school to attend class?" Hinata's eyes lit up, and he asked softly, his small heart pounding, his face full of expectation.

Little Lori's thinking jumps very fast. Luo Ya really feels that she is already an elderly person, and she really can't keep up with the footsteps of young people. Do you ask the teacher to go to class? There are private tutors too.

"Um, maybe, it should be." Luo Ya touched Xiao Nizi's head and stood up, with such an eager gaze that made people unable to say anything negative.

It is not uncommon to go to a ninja school to serve as a teacher or something. Some of Konoha's more famous ninjas occasionally take over the task of being a special teacher at the ninja school.

As the vice principal of the Ninja School, it seems that there is nothing wrong with brainwashing the Xiaoqiangs in two classes..

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