One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 715: An Opportunity for Peace

For an otaku who likes to buy a full set of equipment while playing games and never bothers to play a copy, as long as he is attracted to a copy of the equipment, even if the explosion rate is only 1 in 10,000, he will definitely Get it

Luo Ya picked up the Itachi, who had no arms or legs missing, but was shattered by Suzuo, who had lost his life, urging the flashing ability in his pupils, and came to Konoha Hospital in a flash.

After giving it to the medical staff on duty and instructing to use the best equipment and medication, Luo Ya was about to turn around and leave, but he smelled a familiar smell.

The taste of toad

The powerful sense of smell attached to the Immortal Body allows Roja to clearly distinguish the remaining odors in the air, much more sensitive than Konoha's Inuzuka clan.

Opening the eyes of Kagura that had been put away after the battle, Luo Ya found the wrapped mummy-like Jiraiya in the Konoha Ward, and walked towards it.

This guy offended someone again. He had seven or eight bones broken all over his body, his lungs were penetrated, and his spleen was a little broken. The average ninja didn't have such powerful power.

Jiraiya is also one of the three ninjas. The ninja world can classify it as such a handful of 397. The missing half of the hair seems to be forcibly pulled off by someone. Only by his appearance, he knows that he must experience it. It was a hard fight.

"Oh, you have also become a frequent visitor to the hospital." Luo Ya walked into the ward, and the acquaintance and Ji Lai greeted him and sat directly on the bench in the ward.

"Master, uncle, don't say anything, stop talking cold jokes, this time I escaped from the dead." Jilai also saw Luo Ya's arrival, obviously thinking of the tragic memories of being beaten last time on his face. With a somewhat distracted expression of lingering fear, the anguished opening was related to his injuries.

"Wait for me to see, the broken bones in the waist and abdomen should have been attacked by a huge force. It seems to be a large-scale attack. It is not caused by the strange force fist and the heavenly foot. Tsunade gave the treatment, otherwise it won’t get better so quickly, the leg bones are misplaced, and it seems that they were almost dragged off by someone. You went to Yunin Village."

Loya's Kagura carefully watched Jiraiya's injury with his heart, and thought for a long time, it seems that only the six penins dominated by Nagato's reincarnation eye can cause such injuries.

"Well, I really can't hide it from you. On my journey, I passed through the country of rain, and found something unusual there, so I went in and checked. I still can't forget the hell-like scene."

Jilai also endured the pain in his body, slowly telling his own experience, nothing more than traveling, feeling the abnormality of the closed rain country, after entering, only saw countless unburied corpses turned into Rations of the beast.

Withered bones everywhere, plagues raging, after the massacre, Nagato had no interest in burying the corpses. In the wet and gloomy country of rain, the outbreak of plague was almost inevitable.

Even one-fifth of the population of the Rain Country is not left. Those who survive struggle to survive in pervasive fear. If they want to leave the Rain Country, they will be brutally killed.

The kind-hearted Jilai couldn't bear to see this situation, and followed the clues to Yuren Village, and first encountered the once-famous Rebellious Red Sand Scorpion.

He was about to win the opponent after repeated battles, but was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the reincarnation eye user, and the opponent almost recruited him and his death.

"Teacher, do you remember the child we took in Yurencun at the beginning?" Jilaiya's face was a bit dignified, so many reincarnation eyes made him feel the seriousness of the situation.

"If you haven't been back to the village for such a long time, Jilaiya deserves you to be beaten like this. Also, why do you call it so wretched by the name teacher? I don't have a surname."

"Teacher Cang Cang" Jilai also looked unclear. So, what was given to bdcd at the beginning was the collection of Maria Ozawa and Maple Matsushima. He had never heard of Teacher Cang's name.

"Ahem, Yuren Village has a spy from the village, and it has become one of the top leaders. There is an opportunity for peace in the Ninja world. When you are healed, talk to three generations by yourself. Don't set foot there again for the time being."

"The opportunity for peace in the Ninja world, but why did I see that scene?" Jilaiya had a bit of sorrow on his face, thinking of the hell-like country of rain, his eyes were full of unbearable.

"Opportunities need to be grasped by people themselves. They cannot be brought by a pair of eyes. Jiraiya, I advise you not to take the words of that toad too seriously. It is just that you can capture the sporadic fragments of the future and be able to achieve this step. someone here."

"How come, the prophecy of the big toad immortal"

"Jilaiya, do the witches of the ghost country know that they can predict the death of a person? I have a giant psychic turtle with similar abilities. The fragments captured by this ability are just sporadic screenshots, without knowing the cause and effect. Now all The intelligence of the People also shows that the owner of the Eye of Reincarnation is the one who is trying to destroy the world."

Roja blocked Jiraiya's words, this indifferent tone plunged him into deep silence, recalling everything he had seen, and sighed weakly.

"What will happen in the future"

"Jiraiya, the future is not static. Human life is full of infinite possibilities. For example, who would have thought that Jiraiya, one of the three forbearances, would develop and develop as a great writer, and it might still be. A painter, this thing is for you, collector's edition."

Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and took out the original Tang Bohu mandarin duck secret book obtained from Pirate World from the system warehouse, and patted it on Zi Lai Ye's body with a look of dismay.

"Oh hiss" Jilaiya screamed like a howling ghost and howling wolf, but his hand clung to the mandarin duck secret book, just looking at the title page, he knew that this was a rare good thing.

"Work hard, write novels that can comfort people's hearts, and draw paintings that can reach the soul, but you must remember, so don't put my name next time, or you will understand."

Roya clapped his hands, turned around and walked outside the ward, and talked to Zi Lai for so long, because he already admired this guy better.

"The sequel to Intimate Paradise, Intimate Violence, has already begun to be compiled, and I will ask the teacher to be axe." Jilaiya said in his mouth, carefully holding the mandarin duck secret book, his face already showing an urgent expression. .

"Well, I'll give you some good ideas at that time." Luo Ya waved his hand and walked out without stopping. Jilaiya, this guy, it's best not to get out of the way, otherwise it deserves to be killed..

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