One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 806: Confidential Mission

Roja knew Kakashi’s affectionate eyes were going to be bad. Kakashi seemed to have embarked on an unusual path.

I like my right hand, what is this special, Naruto and Erzhuzi, now I’m so good friends, we don’t want to talk about a quilt, Kakashi is going to be with the five girls forever

If Haaki Sakumo knows, he can’t directly blow up this peculiar thing. How can he do it? You are definitely not allowed to appear such a strange thing.

"Ahem, Kakashi, you know my conditions, think about it for yourself, don't think that finding a fake girlfriend can handle me."

"Hokage-sama, can you ask me why you care about your subordinates' illegitimate life so much?" Kakashi originally planned to talk about his private life, but after thinking about it, he seemed to have little respect for this elder who had always cared about him, so he changed it. "Three six zero" words.

"Your dad and I have passed each other year after year, so how can we see the Qimu family withering." Luo Ya's nonsense, Zhang Zui came, and he didn't even think about it.

Looking at the Yuli treasure chest of Nohara Lin in the system warehouse, a faint sadness crossed my heart, helping Kakashi and the soil three times. It is impossible to bring the soil, and I can only work on Kakashi.

It's been many years, and this treasure chest has only been completed twice. It is as difficult as it is, and it is even worse than Uchiha Izumi's mission.

Now Quan's Xili treasure chest is also lying in the system warehouse. The opening conditions are really embarrassing to tell, telling the difference between kiss and shame.

After so many years, there is no chance for me to speak. As time goes by, the little girl grows and grows, and this kind of thing becomes more and more unspeakable.

"Hokage-sama, that, I dare not go to blind date." Kakashi scratched his head, hesitated for a long time before speaking. Every blind date is not because he doesn't want to go, but because he really doesn't have the courage to go.

Since the death of Taitu and Lin, he rarely teamed up with others to complete tasks. He has always been alone. Even if he teamed up occasionally, he was limited to his good friend Metkay.

He is completely unclear about how to deal with girls. Whenever he thinks of such a scene, he hides immediately in fear.

Roja couldn’t stop seeing the mask on Kakashi’s face. I’m so sorry. I don’t know how this guy grew up like this. Do you want to be so funny?

"You, you, you" Roja pointed at Kakashi for a long time. He didn't know how to evaluate this product. No wonder that in the original book, he was accompanied by Akai to the death. This guy is completely guilty and courageous. It's all inferior.

At any rate, Jilai dared to drink flower wine, had a hand addiction, and occasionally made a small fortune, and would go to the Red Mansion for a walk around to relieve the anger of the old man. Kakashi was completely self-satisfied.

Yuyue Xiyan on the side can't listen anymore. I've seen a timid man, never seen such a timid man, and dare not even go on a blind date. Is it really a ninja?

"Um, Naruto-sama, or forget it." Kakashi didn't notice Uzuki Yuyan's expression at all. He hesitated and spoke again. Intimacy and violence were too important for him.

"You wait, I'll arrange someone for you." Luo Ya took two deep breaths, and kept meditating in his heart for the treasure chest. For the treasure chest, it took a long time to suppress the rising alpaca.

Waved to the Anbu on the side. With the convenience of radio communication, it wasn't enough. The two-hundred-and-five Shengshu swayed to the Hokage office.

Since I got the little widow Yuka, the rope tree seems to have opened up. Every morning, I took a rose seed in my palm, and went to Yuka's booth to give birth to a rose for it, and I personally don’t see Yuka. On the head.

Under the song every night, even the old man's face was a little younger for this guy, his beard and beard all over his face were shaved clean, his hair was neatly trimmed, and his mental outlook was refreshed.

"Boss, what are you looking for? Don't go far away, or Yuka won't be able to sleep alone at night." Sheng Shujian laughed, rubbing her hands, his expression is as wretched as it is.

"Stand up straight and speak, otherwise you will suffer if your sister comes back tomorrow." Roja rolled his eyes at the rope tree and directly stated the date of Tsunade's return.

"Ming, tomorrow" Yuka looked terrified. The next morning when he had a relationship with Yuka, Roja took Tsunade to the Moon Country. So far, Tsunade didn’t know that Yuka was with Yuka. Up

Originally, Tsunade was extremely opposed to the combination of these two people. After all, the identity gap between the two was too great. Only Roja, who has always believed that free love is the kingly way, actively agreed with Yuka to pursue Yuka.

"Old, boss, brother-in-law, you want to save me. I'm your little brother. I have been with you for decades. You can't care about my life or death."

Noose Shu's legs softened and knelt directly. The proud expression of the spring breeze just disappeared without a trace. He looked at Loya with tears. If Tsunade came back, he knew that he had cooked mature rice with Yuka rice, he would never let it go easily. he.

"I can help you, but within one day today, you want Kakashi to successfully find the woman he likes, and do nothing. This guy is not as good as you. He hasn't even pulled a woman's hand." Luo Ya gave it. Rope Tree gave a look, and Rope Tree immediately showed a clear expression.

"Boss, leave it to me, don't worry." After the rope tree said, he turned to look at Kakashi, stood up, and patted Kakashi on the shoulder with an expression of believing that I was fine.

Kakashi scratched his head with embarrassment and blushed like a little girl. No matter how he thought about this kind of thing, it made him feel difficult to complete.

The two walked out of the office together, and after a while, Rope Tree sneaked back into it again, looking at Roya with a slutty expression on his face.

"Boss, medicine, medicine."

59 "What's the matter with Chek's trouble, please be careful not to use it indiscriminately, only if the woman is willing, okay" Roja looked at the rope tree irritably, this guy is becoming less and less formal now.

"I understand, I understand." Sheng Shu's eyes lighted up, and Luo Ya had the medicine in his hand, but he hadn't expected it for a day or two. When he heard the news last time, he specifically checked the information.

In Anbu's top-secret records, Tmall had used this drug once when it completed a mission, and the drug was completely unidentified by six relatives and regardless of gender.

"Remember, don't get caught yourself. Even if this thing is a little bit, even if it touches the skin, you have to go to Konoha Pig Farm tonight." Roja took out a small fingernail I love A piece of firewood, carefully wrapped in oil paper, was handed to the rope tree with a look of expectation..

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