One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 811: the first UN Secretary-General

Hancock covered his mouth, with an unbelievable look on his face. The past eight years have been very difficult for her, even more so than the previous ten years of Rainbow Mist.

"Mimi seems to be, because I feel it too." Minas followed Hancock closely and looked towards the red earth continent with him.

In the Chambord Islands, Tina, who had just arrested a few prisoners, trembled. Under the doubtful eyes of a group of subordinates, she looked up at the Red Earth Continent in a daze.

Above the sky, an insignificant thin line caused a bright smile on his face. After throwing the prisoner in his hand to his subordinates, he was impatiently boarded on the warship.

"Set sail, turn on the power propeller, and return to the United Nations headquarters as quickly as possible." Tina gave an order, standing on the bow of the ship with her hand resting on the railing. If the two places were not far apart, she even wanted to use it directly. Moon step flew back.

Xia Li, Ain, baby5, Monet, Cintogli, Bermel, Guina, Mackinaw, Nami, Nokigao, Vivi, Perona, White Star, Bonnie

Almost at the same time, everyone felt a little bit of emotion, crying, or excited. They had waited too long for eight years.

On the White Beard Moby Dick, White Beard, who was already very old, hung five huge infusion bottles beside him.

"Sons, let's have a banquet." A loud laugh came from his mouth, making the little nurses beside him busy stabilizing the infusion set.

In the original book, the white beard who died in the war on top, eight years have passed, still galloping on the sea in the new world, taking risks, doing business, and getting rid of some restless criminals by the way.

"Have a banquet and roar" a group of young men actively responded to the call of Baibeard, and free music began to echo on the boat.

Shanks, Lederfield, Raleigh, Tiger, and others also had some feelings in their hearts. Even if they were not confirmed by the phone worm, everyone was very sure of the accuracy of this feeling.

This kind of induction is born not because of how high the strength of these people are, but because of the power of the world origin in Roja, which directly connects the will of the world.

"My eyes are going to be blind." Luo Ya muttered, slowly descending from the colorful beam of light, the surrounding colorful light is too dazzling, it doesn't matter for ten minutes, the key is that he ran inside for a whole day

Roja completely miscalculated the speed of returning by relying on the power of the world's origin, originally thought it was like using a system to pass through the card, just a blink of an eye, who knows that you need to run by yourself

The time and space barriers between the two worlds are so horrifying. This is because he has the original power of the Pirate World, and the whole Pirate World is pulling himself. Otherwise, let alone one day, it is ten or eight years. They may not be able to escape from the inside.

The colorful beams of light around his body slowly disappeared into the sky, Roja stood in the air and blinked, looking at the surrounding scene, his cheeks twitched slightly.

Is the world of Madeleine Pirates rebelled? The long guns and short guns are all aimed at Lao Tzu's individual rocket launchers. What the hell is it, and the 4a1 in the hands of those soldiers?

The fort behind, how can it look like the French cannon in the Red Alert? This thing is equivalent to that of Bondiwald’s Momo cannon.

Oh Mika, what is that high-voltage lightning gun over there. Doesn’t it mean that this thing can’t be driven by more than a million volts? What's the matter with the flashing electric spark

"Unidentified invaders raise their hands and give up resistance, otherwise we will launch a self-defense attack." The broadcast sound was heard from the tower on the ground. The voice was vigorous and full of masculinity.

Is it a devil to raise your hands and be Laozi?

Roja had an unkind look on his face. The ghost knew why he landed here, and as soon as he appeared, he was surrounded by a huge circle.

Do you look like a bad person? What happened in Pirate World for a few years? Where are the people I know?

"The last warning is the last warning. Raise your hands and give up resistance, otherwise we will send it." Just half of the broadcast sounded, the announcer was like a duck whose throat was pinched, and was forcibly interrupted.

"All staff lay down their weapons and deguard to welcome the return of the first Secretary-General of the United Nations, Lord Roja"

The dragon’s voice came out of the microphone, causing a group of soldiers who had already opened the insurance and were ready to do it all looking at each other, looking at the small figures in the sky, slowly showing ecstatic expressions on their faces.

"Master Yandi Luoya is Master Luoya"

A loud cheer came from the ground. Even after eight years, there were many of these soldiers who had followed Roja in the first battle in the Holy Land Mariagioa.

After hearing the words of the second Secretary-General of the United Nations, Munch Dlong, one by one they threw their weapons into the sky, shouting loudly in their mouths.

After Roja left, his affairs were beautified and appeared in a new generation of textbooks. They were completely mythological characters.

With the passage of time, although he can only hear his name and no one can be seen, the legendary Roja, the weight in the hearts of these people has not decreased but increased.

Luo Ya looked at the scene above the ground, finally showing a smile on his face, Mad, he was ready to do it just now, and the guy Long didn't know to speak earlier.

Putting down the thoughts in his mind, Roja slowly lowered his figure from the air, narrowed his eyes, and saw the huge picture on the wall of the United Nations Headquarters with a smile on his face.

What is a successful man who doesn’t pee his pants at the age of three, can eat by himself at the age of five, can drive himself at the age of eighteen, a girlfriend at the age of twenty, rich at the age of thirty, rich at the age of forty, and 07 money at the fifty. There is a girlfriend at the age of sixty, he can drive by himself at the age of seventy, eat by himself at the age of eighty, still not wet his pants at the age of ninety, have not hung on the wall at the age of 100, and still hang on the wall at the age of 300 With.

I was in my thirties and I hadn't waited a hundred years before being hung on the wall for people to admire. This felt really weird.

Letting go of Kagura's conscious perception, Roja easily found Robin and Kerra on the ground looking forward to their eyes, and they came close to them in a flash.

"I was shocked. I thought that after I left, what happened in the world." Roja chuckled and opened his arms to Robin and Kerla.

"Brother Husband, I miss you so much." Robin and Kerla cried and laughed and threw themselves into Roja's arms, wet his clothes with rolling tears, and confided their thoughts with their actions..

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