One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 814: Where's the tattoo on your face?

The ability of the true eye, Roja tried for a long time before he was able to retract and release freely. This kind of talent, as it said, is much better than the ability.

First of all, the first function, perspective

The glance just now made Roya fully understand the role of this ability, which is much easier to use than blindly. With this ability, you can look at which girl you want to see in the future.

Of course, looking at girls is only an incidental ability. Perspective can be used almost anywhere in life. Looking for rare mineral veins, digging for jade, gold, and even digging graves, discovering some hidden traps and organs, is no disadvantage.

Even if Tsunade's casino opened, he would not only be able to play mahjong, dice and other things that can be perceived by Kagura's eyes, he could also play poker directly, and he would be absolutely invincible, instantly incarnate as a gambler.

The second function, see through illusion

This kind of ability may not be of great use in the Pirate World, but when it comes to the Naruto World, it is completely unfavorable. Putting Madara's round tomb hell on him, the egg is useless.

Even Kaguya Ji’s Infinite Moon Reading will have no effect on herself. This ability is the nemesis of any illusion.

The third ability puzzle.

Roja has not seen 143 real mazes so far, that kind of thing seems to only exist in the world of Xianxia, ​​and there is no one who can use mazes in the two worlds he has experienced.

However, be prepared, maybe when I went to such a world, I have the ability to see through the maze, what kind of ancient immortal cave mansion, immortal monarch mansion, not let me come and go free.

For the remaining charm, Roja had to complain about the system. Does this guy see his resistance to beauty is a bit low, so this additional function has been released.

Nine-tailed fox Baiji's abilities can be easily resisted by herself, even if there is such a naturally charming girl, she can't affect him in the slightest.

Unless it is the rebirth of the legendary Su Da, it is estimated that there is still a little bit of hope for Luo Ya to be directly recruited.

"Husband, is it better or drink this?" Robin handed the concentrated water of life to Luo Ya with a worried look. Although she knew her man's resilience was amazing, she still wanted to do something.

"It's okay, I worry about you." Seeing Robin's expression, Roja couldn't say anything to refuse. He took the small bottle of life water that was at least ten times more concentrated, and drank it with his head up.

"It's okay, brother huh, what happened to you just now?" Kerla patted his Xiao Xuan, who was scared by the whisper just now.

"The eyes have awakened a new ability, just a little bit uncomfortable." Luo Ya opened the mouth to explain, feeling the extraordinary effect of Robin's water of life, the more he felt that the fruit of life was so horrifying.

"I am truly a leader, and I am improving myself every moment. As a subordinate, I am really ashamed." Long Balabala started to flatter, with a pilgrimage look on his face.

Fujitor's face couldn't help showing a teasing smile. He had never seen a serious dragon show such a face, and he really didn't know if he knew what the peace dove represented would have the urge to commit suicide.

"I stopped, I know I'm ashamed, I'll work hard, I don't know how you spent so many years, and now my strength has actually dropped to this level."

Roja waved his hand to stop Long's flattery, who hadn't made any progress for many years. As the Secretary-General of the United Nations, this guy has no chance to exercise his skills.

"Ahem, um, boss, I always have things that I can't handle every day." Long explained embarrassingly. Since sitting in this position, he wakes up early and greedy for the dark. He is either dealing with documents or in meetings, so there is no time to practice. .

Cultivation is to travel against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't exercise for a long time, the consequence is that this guy now has no BDBA's strength, and I am afraid that he will be tied with Kerla.

"What about the tattoo on your face" Luo Ya looked at the white dragon, with curiosity on his face. He wanted to ask when he was greeted just now, but the dragon's words were too long, so the so-called so-called never asked.

"The chief said that as a leader, we must establish a positive image, so I quit smoking. After sitting in this position, I actively responded to the chief's call and washed off the tattoo."

"Stop" Luo Ya looked helplessly at Long and was about to start flattering again. He really felt that this guy should go to the cross talk. It's okay to say a word, nagging, and he has to bring a few words of flattery.

Fujitor almost laughed out loud when he heard the conversation between the two. He hadn't seen the dragon eat flat in five or six years. I remember the last time it was because the kid named Lu Fei made a big fuss in the small garden.

"The leader will come back this time and I won't leave again. Otherwise, I will be the same deputy as before. Only under the wise leadership of the leader can I find a way forward."

"I said you are annoying or not, there are still waiting for me to go back to be the village head, so don't make trouble. I'll be on vacation this time, so I'll bother me if nothing is wrong."

Roja was really fed up with the chattering dragon, hugged Kerla and Robin's waists directly, urging the instantaneous ability, and left this luxurious office in a flash.

"The village, the village chief is the global village that the leader mentioned in the plan really deserves to be the leader?" Long was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of a previous plan and made a sudden realization.

Fujitora reluctantly covered his face with his hands, shutting off his perception of seeing, hearing, and seeing, completely not understanding why the always majestic dragon changed his personality after seeing Roja.

"I'm going" Roja whispered in his heart, using the air dance technique to bring Kerla and Robin into the air. Originally, he was going to use his instant ability to go to the Chambord Islands and relax. Who ever thought, Actually only moved a third of the distance

In the Naruto World, Roja's Chakra control was very accurate for the most frequently used moments. Even from the east to the west, the error was definitely less than one meter.

After returning to the Pirate World, such a problem only proved that the energy of Chakra was suppressed to a certain extent in the Pirate World and did not exert its original power.

Thinking about the gap between Bamen Dunjia in the Pirate World and the Naruto World, Roja is also relieved, I am afraid that other ninjutsu, here, will also be affected to a certain extent.

However, in the Pirate World, there is a source of power, and it doesn't matter whether the Chakra is strong or weak, and he is not only relying on Chakra mixing..

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