One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 821: Hancock, the beloved

Monet jumped from a height of several hundred meters. With a wave of his hands, huge snow wings appeared behind him, and little crystal snowflakes floated down from the wings, making the sky shine with business luster.

The rate of descent was slow. Monet smiled in midair and waved to Roja, with a gentle smile on his face, just like the shy little girl next door.

"The concubine is like you." On the other side, Hancock adjusted the balance of his body slightly and aimed at the position where Roja was. He had no intention of slowing down at all, his eyes were full of infatuation.

Hundreds of meters in the sky, under the increasing downward inertia, Hancock's speed is getting faster and faster, Roja is holding his forehead with a headache, this girl is really capable of doing things.

Even in terms of its strength, such a height will not cause any harm to it at all, but if the "2000" falls straight to the ground, I am afraid that after the fallout, this villa is considered undesirable.

Roja moved towards Hancock in mid-air and greeted him. There was nothing to do with this girl's willfulness. After so many years, she was still so clingy.


The two bumped into each other, Hancock's face was blushing, he entangled Roja like an octopus, and blocked the big steamed bun directly on his face.

Roja rolled his eyes, and slowly landed on the ground. This girl has learned from whom, how can she like this tune as much as Tsunade.

"Husband, my concubine hasn't hugged you for a long time." Hancock hugged Roja's head with a chi-wrapped expression on his face, his tone resembling a little woman's grievance.

"Okay, I'll let you hug enough, let's get down first." Luo Ya patted Hancock's little ass. I really don't know how to describe this clingy girl. If you say that the queen fan will lose the country of Java. Have you gone

"My lord." Monet slowly fell to the ground, and the wings on his back disappeared invisible. With regard to the control of the fruit's ability, this girl has now become perfect.

Hancock obediently got out of Luo Ya's arms. In terms of his degree of obedience, if he said he was ranked second, then absolutely no one could be the first. Various postures could be unlocked at will, and there was no unwillingness among the women. , And only she can do it.

Holding Hancock in one hand and Monet in the other, Roja walked to the Lutian tea table where he had just eaten. It was originally a mess but had been cleaned up.

"Have you eaten? I brought some special snacks in another world." At the table, Roja looked at Hancock who was leaning toward him and said softly.

"Monet, did we eat this morning?" Hancock stared at Roja blankly, his cheeks were always red, and he asked Monet without looking back.

"Sister, no." Monet sat aside quite ladylike, and hid his mouth with a chuckle. They came all the way, Hancock didn't even drank much water.

"Husband, Monet just said that the concubine did not eat. Huh, does the concubine say that it is a feature of another world. The concubine really wants to eat." After speaking, Hancock changed his words immediately, as long as he was with Roya. It is the most unpalatable thing, and she can taste the most beautiful taste.

The dignified female emperor actually showed such a small woman's expression, I am afraid that any man in the Pirate World will sway in his heart and show obsession.

Luo Ya smiled slightly in favor, took out the food of Hokage World from the system warehouse and placed it in front of Hancock.

It's just that this girl's mind was all on Roja, and she ate without a bite, but Monet was full of praise for the food of this other world.

"You eat first, I'll go out." Roja was worried about the golden treasure chest in his heart, touched Hancock's head, and said to the two of them.

At such a close distance, if you don't get it in your hand, it's impossible to justify, and the golden treasure box is almost extinct in the Naruto World.

"My concubine, go with my husband." Hancock heard Roja's words and hugged his arm suddenly, as if afraid of his sudden disappearance.

"Eat obediently. Only when you are full can you have the strength to accompany me." Luo Ya shook his head and nodded Hancock's smooth forehead.

It was said that the crying child had milk to drink, and Monet looked at Hancock with a look of envy in her eyes. She was soft on the outside but strong on the inside, but she couldn't make such movements.

"The same with you." How could Roja fail to notice Monet's expression, and nod her forehead as well. He would never be stingy with words of concern for his own woman.

"Yeah." Monet shrank his neck, with a little blush on his face, softly replied, bowed his head and picked up the meal obediently.

Roja smiled, and directly urged the ability of the moment to go directly to the palace located ten thousand meters above, following the location of the treasure chest on the map.

Hancock held his cheeks and looked at the food on a table. He didn't have the slightest appetite. After eight years of suffering, he didn't want to be separated from his man for every second.

"The husband is not by his concubine's body, how can this be eaten." Hancock complained and leaned on the table, the emotion on his face made Monet a little dazed.

"Hankuk, Tina advises you to eat more, otherwise if you have no physical strength, you will faint early in the face of the bad guy at night, Tina is waiting for you to give me revenge."

Tina, who just woke up, was lying on the railing on the second floor with her legs soft, her face admonishing Hancock with the expression of a person coming over. Last night, she and Robin were the only two. That crazy scene, now I want to come, still Can't stand up straight.

"The concubine won't faint," Hancock said quite proudly, but withdrew his mind, lowered his head to eat the food, and kept fantasizing about the scene with Luo Ya and the phoenix.

Roja, who had come to the palace, looked at the quiet scenes around and scratched his head in doubt. In this huge palace, 18 was actually only Sanda Sonia alone.

"Hey Brother Luoya, why are you here?" Sanda Sonia hung up the phone bug in her hand and looked at Luoya with a puzzled look.

"Is Sundar Sonia falling in love?" Roja did not answer Sands Sonia's words, but asked with a smile on his face.

For the one on the other side of the phone worm, Roja deeply admires him from the bottom of his heart, and really wants to say something to him, my dear friend is so serious.

What Sundar Sonia looks like is obvious to all. Although unlike the original book, she has eaten the fruit of snakes and snakes, and the whole person has become inhuman and snakes, but the floating fruit has not brought any positive changes to her, which is still terrible.

Nearly five meters tall, with a round cake face that is bigger than a millpan, although the figure is not as bloated as Mary Grud, it is also not much better..

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