One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 827: Ashes and Smoke

Using the ability of the magical shape, transformed into an ordinary soldier, using Roja who appeared on the submarine for a short while, he almost didn't laugh when he heard Magellan's words.

After so many years, how could it still be such a mindless look, even if the dynamite hasn’t exploded yet, it actually brought me dubbing effects.

That technician is also stupid enough, and he still makes a sound at this time. Didn’t I find myself uncomfortable when I was slapped on my head and I was happy

"Magellan, why do you want to show up if you are alive? Find a place to hide and live, isn't it?" Roja lifted the power demon form and appeared beside Magellan, putting one hand on his shoulder and making a faint voice.

Magellan's body was stiff, and he turned his head in disbelief to look at Roja, completely unable to understand why he was so far apart, all his actions were in the deep sea, and he could still be found.

"You, why did you appear here." Magellan said dryly. The moment he saw Roja, the fear that once rushed into his heart, no matter how much he hated at the beginning, when he really faced this man 13 , Magellan’s heart was left with panic.

"Well, I'm very curious about who made this mindless plan for you." Roja looked at Magellan's fear of being completely unable to move. He did not answer his question, but just let go of his shoulders helplessly, really scared. He accidentally frightened the big five-and-three burly man to death.

Anyway, it used to be one of the iron walls of the deep sea prison, and now this unbearable appearance is really unimaginable.

However, although this guy is a bit unbearable, Magellan is undoubtedly stronger than that of Yuzhiliu who has started to run away before they meet, and he has the courage to wander in front of him.

After Roja let go of his shoulders, he walked to the console. The operator was not as good as Magellan. At this time, he collapsed to the ground, and he didn't dare to look up.

Magellan closed his eyes. After a while, his trembling body slowly calmed down, and the fear in his heart gradually disappeared.

It's not that he no longer fears Roja, but because he knows that even if he fears again, there will be no other end to death today. After looking away, Magellan is relaxed.

"Can you tell me how you found us?" With a faint doubt on Magellan's face, he took a step back and sat on the back seat, as if he was back in the deep sea prison. The momentum of the moment.

Even if he died, he still has his pride, which is difficult for many people to achieve. In the last course of life, Magellan regained his youthful vigor and courage.

This kind of momentum that has mastered countless lives and deaths made Roja slowly show a smile on his face. Even if it is only an enemy, he does not want to see the kind of lingering, like a pug, lying on the ground begging for mercy.

"My ability can easily detect any movement within a hundred miles, even if you are in the deep sea, you can't avoid it at all."

"It's really an incredible ability, can seeing and hearing beauty reach such a level?" Magellan sighed in dismay.

"Eight years have passed, and I haven't felt any improvement from you, that's why you find it incredible, but in eight years, I am getting stronger all the time." Roja knocked on the armrest of the seat, thinking about these eight. Nian's experience is really not clear in one sentence.

"Why? Even when you faced the Five Old Stars, your strength has far surpassed them. As the world's strongest, why are you so obsessed with strength."

Magellan can’t figure out why he has reached the stage of Roja’s strength, and he still thinks about improving his strength every day. Shouldn’t he be addicted to enjoyment? Is there anyone in this world who can threaten him?

"The world you see is only this big, so you will stand still, and your strength is like a circle. The bigger your circle, the more you will come into contact with it. Then you will find that you cannot match it. There will be more."

"Call me good." Magellan closed his eyes, leaned gently on the back of the chair, and looked at Roja calmly, saying that it was not his own life or death.

"You haven't told me who the person behind you is."

"Xaluliya Palace, a very abnormal Tianlongren, but even if you know how the world is so vast, you can't find them."

Magellan said softly, he knew very well in his heart that when Xalulia Palace gave this order, she had already quietly hid in a secret area that no one knew, with her direct line.

"Really?" Roja had a little grin on his face, his eyes gradually turned into a kaleidoscope, and the rotating pentagram made Magellan's body burn with pitch black flames.

The flames of Amaterasu are basically insoluble in Pirate World. With Roja's current strength, the entire submarine will never be extinguished without burning it into slag.

Magellan felt the pain of an inch of annihilation in his body, but sat on the chair without moving a little. He knew in his heart that even if he struggled and embarrassed, it was just the ugly state before his death.

The raging flames spread in the submarine, and immediately wrapped the entire submarine. Those who fled in panic rolled on the ground in pain, screaming in their mouths.

"You are getting more and more fierce 167. It turns out that you didn't bother to kill them." Magellan said, supporting the pain on his body. All the ash below the waist has become ash, this kind of injury, ordinary people are afraid of early Died.

"Is that right? I always felt that I was not ruthless enough. Oh, yes, don't be an enemy with me in my next life."

"Indeed, it is really a painful thing to be an enemy with you. In the next life, will there be another life?"

"Who knows."

Roja shrugged, and the ability to urge the moment directly came to the other submarines, and began to slaughter these guys who were causing trouble.

The screams and wailing sounds echoed in the deep sea. Luo Ya had no mercy at all. He knew very well that he must be cruel enough to keep the forces he has worked so hard on forever.

In a moment, except for the rain that had run for dozens of miles, there was no one surviving on the submarine, and even the submarine turned into a cloud of black dust.

At the same time, Yu Zhiliu, who was dozens of miles away, lay down on the ground in a double-stranded battle, her veins violent, and big beads of sweat fell to the ground.

The cigar that had been in his mouth all the time had fallen to the ground, but he did not dare to pick it up..

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