One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 830: The task of eliminating evil

"Sauron, we are all looking for you, Master, Master for help, now many people are going to catch me." After seeing Roja, the rubber man Luffy changed his expression instantly. With that pitiful appearance, Beibo behind him waited. People's jaws are almost falling to the ground.

"I owe more than one billion Baileys, don't catch you." Luo Ya glared at Luffy, making this guy who had been trained by himself since he was a little chilly, shrinking his neck and daring not to speak.

"Master Suer Roja, it's really Suer's good luck to see you today." Frankie has dealt with Roja several times and greeted him eagerly, but this way of greeting is really abnormal.

"Big, big, sir hello." Beibo stammered hello. This hapless bear from the fur clan had seen Luo Ya from a distance when he was in Zuowu.

"Biography, Biography, Biography, Biography, Legend, Speaking" has always been a timid spit boy Usopp, even now he is twenty-five or sixty years old, seeing Roja still can't even say a complete sentence.

The legendary Master Yan Di stuttered for tens of seconds, and Chopper, who was also timid, was helpless.

"Little reindeer, is Kuleha still alive?" Roja looked at the little reindeer hiding behind Beibo, with a friendly look on his face.

When he left the Pirate World, Kureha was already 139 years old, that kind of age, he still used to drink and belch from time to time, that is, a bottle of wine.

However, the old witch had saved herself somehow, and most of the medicine bottles supplied by the Revolutionary Army at the time came from where, Luo Ya still had a certain affection for this hard-hearted old woman.

Of course, it is limited to the kind of goodwill for the elders, that old bark-like face, now that I think of it, I have an urge to go home and wash my eyes.

"My lord, Doctor Kureiha is in good health and can live to be at least two hundred years old." When the little reindeer Chopper heard Roja's voice, he blinked and answered honestly.

"Tsk tut, two hundred years old" Roya said with a tut. Now Kuleha is 147 years old and lives to be two hundred years old. Except for those with pure gold, he can definitely rank first in the Pirate World. Characters.

"Master, are you not going to save me? Then I can only borrow Bailey from Makino." Luffy was crying, not feeling ashamed for his words and deeds.

"Fuck" Luo Ya glared at this unsuspecting disciple, and kicked him to death. Nima, actually borrowed money from her own woman so confidently.

However, according to Mackinaw's soft and weak temperament, seeing Luffy begging for a home, he would never ignore it. Moreover, with the existence of Noah's winery, one billion Baileys is not a big number.

Roja took a few deep breaths before he lowered the pressure of the fire in his heart, this kind of bastard thing, how did he accept it as a disciple because of his head cramping?

Looking at Ace and Sabodo makes people worry, Ace is in charge of the second half of the order in the new world, and the title of Emperor Xiaoyan is now exceptionally loud.

Sabo guards the order of the first half of the Great Channel, and the name of the little fierce beast has made countless people fearful. The one used by the Eight Door Dunjia is called a six-six-six.

Only Luffy is an idiot. It's fine to get a job in the United Nations, and go to the sea without looking at your IQ. Business has never been successful.

Although helping a few small countries has solved a lot of troubles, this stuff's stubborn head has also caused a lot of trouble.

"You are all here now. This island has the remnants of the original Tianlong people. If they are all eliminated, the rewards you get should be able to pay off your debts."

Roja suppressed the impulse to hammer Luffy to death, and finally showed him a clear way. Although he did not take much effort to deal with it, he was lazy to deal with the garbage.

Although Luffy's team has no business acumen and has a lot of ability to cause trouble, it is undeniable that the combat effectiveness of this guy's team is still good.

Sauron now has the strength of a great swordsman, and Luffy can be regarded as stepping into the edge of a general. In addition, this tendon often explodes, and the ordinary general is definitely not his opponent.

After many reforms, Frankie should be almost a lieutenant general. Although the little Chopper looks weak, he is fine with a proper lieutenant general.

Brooke finally didn't live in vain for so many years, he was barely a lieutenant general, and the weaker Beibo and Usopp still had the rank of major general.

Ask for flowers

There are two of the forces hidden underground on the island. Roja is interested in seeing him. With this meeting, the combat power of a general and a lieutenant is gone.

There are two generals left, but Lu Fei and the others should have no problem dealing with them. At the most, they would take a bit of effort and get hurt.

Who called Luffy, this 225 dared to threaten him invisibly just now, isn't Mackinaw Bailey his own Bailey? What's the difference between it and paying money from his pocket.

"Yo Xi is ready to start work" Lu Fei shouted loudly, making the pedestrians on the street stop, while Chopper and others next to him responded. The days of debt collection were too painful.

"Yo, my body is in place, too." Brooke's humble laugh came, and a skeleton ran over from a distance, the speed no longer inferior to ordinary generals.

This guy may not have enough strength, but with a body that was only ten kilograms after death, this speed is indeed not slow. Luo Ya's assessment just now is slightly lower.

"Master, where are they." After Lu Fei finished roaring, he realized that he still didn't know the specific location of the enemy, so he stopped in a dazed manner and got close to Luo Ya.

"Hey" sighed, Luo Ya shook his head helplessly, urging his instant ability, and directly wrapped a few people and moved to the entrance of this underground force.

On the rocky seashore to the northwest of Rogge Town, there stands a small wooden house in which three civilian-like men are playing poker.

These people are the watchdogs of the Tianlong people, pretending to be civilians guarding the entrances and exits. Below this wooden house is the tunnel into the basement.

"Remember, I'll do my best to eliminate evil." Roja spoke softly to a group of people around him. He didn't worry about Sauron and the others. He was afraid that Luffy, a stupid boy, would be kind, just beating up but not killing. .

"Understood." A group of people nodded rather solemnly, even Luffy. The education back then was not for nothing. Even if Luffy still didn't change his straightforward nature, he knew when to get serious and couldn't do it. Good people..

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