One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 852: Silicon-based Life

Thanks to the day and night efforts of Da She Maru, a research madman, the current base has greatly changed its appearance, as if it were a bit of science fiction.

After the Iron Man armor was handed over to Oshe Maru, Luo Ya had already anticipated the current changes. O She Maru's IQ was not low, and her thinking was even more imaginary.

With the technology in the steel armor, it is impossible not to use it. With the support of sufficient financial resources, this product is madly practicing new technologies at all costs.

The disadvantage is that the industries under Roja's current name are all profiteering, otherwise they really can't keep up with this guy's money consumption. Only one person can be worth most of Konoha's consumption.

The line of cables and fibers, the original steel door, has been transformed into a fully automatic identification device. When Loya is scanned, it opens directly with a beep.

Da She Maru is now lying in front of the experimental platform, using a high-definition electron microscope to view the combination of ghosts and spirits on the experimental platform. His enthusiasm for this new type of power is unprecedented.


Under the power of Huangquan Fruit, Dashewan's soul seemed to undergo a certain transformation. Soon after contacting Lingzi's power, he was able to skillfully use it, and his spiritual pressure surpassed the long-trained Baiji in one fell swoop.

In front of the computer made by the steel armor technology, he was watching the dazzling data without blinking, and his expression was also quite focused.

Roja raised an eyebrow and secretly admired that it was indeed the most correct choice to take out the steel armor for research. Not to mention what it has researched, but the leap forward in research equipment is already considered. The results are impressive.

Although the size of the computer over there is still slightly larger, it already has the appearance of a computer in the early 21st century. The petri dishes and nutrient tanks on one side are also fully automatic and fully mechanized.

If this equipment is reprocessed a bit, it can definitely be widely used in people's livelihood. The current technology of Naruto World is definitely more than 15 years ahead of schedule.

Click click

The Iron Man battle armor, which originally looked like a portable suitcase, first sensed the arrival of Roja, transformed into a battle armor, and stood beside him.

"Master, welcome your visit." A pair of armored salutes, Dashemaru and Dou have long been accustomed to this scene, but Luo Ya still feels a little awkward.

"Jarvis, I'll introduce you to a partner in a moment." Roja scratched his nose, thinking of the Hornet in the system warehouse. It seems that the guy's level is much higher than the artificial intelligence.

"Akiba-kun hasn't seen you in a long time." With a soft smile on Oshemaru's face, the more he studied, the more he felt that following Luo Ya was the most correct choice in his life.

The power of science and technology, the power of Lingzi, and all kinds of unheard of things, he has a foreboding that if this development continues, even one day, the six immortals will become ants under his feet.

Although his complexion was still pale, the temperament of Da She Wan had changed a lot. It was no longer as extreme as before, and he could still feel a ray of sunshine and cheerfulness.

"It seems that your life is going well." Luo Ya looked at the big snake pill, and had to say that such an uncle snake is much more pleasing to the eye than before. If Ji Lai also saw it, maybe he would directly agree with him.

"Exploring the unknown journey is always full of joy." Da She Wan removed the rubber gloves from his hands, and walked to the side of the display stand with ease.

"How is the research going?" Luo Ya sat on a chair beside him holding the fragrant phosphorus and asked Dashewan, while the pocket immersed in the research also came back to his senses and saluted respectfully.

"Ghost Dao is really broad and profound, and the time is still too short. Up to now, I have just mastered the ghost Dao and Bound Dao in the top 30. I am afraid that I can't complete it in one or two years if I want to study its essence."

Da She Wan took a stack of materials and gave it to Luo Ya, in which the preliminary analysis of the spiritual pressure and the joint steps of the ghost road practice were recorded in detail.

"Well, what else I told you about the Blood Succession Snatch?" Luo Ya put away the information, and continued to ask calmly on his face.

It’s just that a group of fat alpacas flew in my heart. For a very special four months, from a layman who didn’t know anything, to now mastering the ghost and bondage ways of the top 30, the Dashemaru actually still An unsatisfied look.

In this way, going to the world of Reaper can directly scare Captain Yamamoto into Alzheimer's. For Reaper, four months is a hammer, and graduates of the Central Spiritual Academy will not be able to learn so many ghosts in six years.

"After some research, I have been able to determine the essence of Ninjutsu. The combination of the seven properties is not an exaggeration. However, it is difficult to complete it with the current human genetic sequence. Recently, some cloning experiments are being done. If you want results, I am afraid that it is not something that can be completed in a short time."

Dashemaru became more excited as he talked about it. Originally, the Blood Successor Boundary that wrote round eyes was a perfect existence in his heart, but later saw that the Blood Successor was eliminated, and now there is the so-called Blood Successor Snare, which refreshes the three views. It is increasingly looking forward to continuing the research and what kind of development there will be.

"Yeah." Roja nodded. Although he guessed that after gaining the power of the source, he would be able to get the Snatch of Blood along the way, but don't forget 153, there is another native power in Naruto World, Xianshu

Just like in the Pirate World, the power of the origin is the power of the devil fruit, and the tricolor domineering is not included in this range. The ghost knows how the system determines the power of the origin.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to this kind of thing. If the power of the source is the Snare of Blood, it means that he can bring the power of fairy magic into the next world.

And if Xianshu is the power of the source, then he can bring the Blood Succession Snare into the next world, and then come to kill the ashes, I am afraid that few people can stop it.

After experiencing more things, the more Luo Ya invented the meaning of the four words "being prepared and free from danger". With the diversity of power, there will be fewer and fewer things that can influence his will in the future.

"Oshe Maru, has brought you something that surpasses the silicon-based life of an intelligent program like Jarvis, well, although there are some minor problems with personality."

Roya thought for a while, and decided to release the Hornet. The key point is that Naruto World really couldn't find a few suitable roads for him to run. Pretending to be a girl is obviously not working in this world.

"Silicon-based life-machine life body? Qiuye-jun can always get some unexpected things." Da Shemaru instantly understood what the silicon-based life meant, and the smile on his face made no secret..

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