One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 865: Against me?

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost the same, Luo Ya raised his hand slightly, and the scene immediately became audible. Tens of thousands of people looked up at the Hokage-sama whom they admired most.

"Jilaiya, Rope Tree, You Nv Zhi Wei Ling Ling" Luo Ya's calm voice echoed above Konoha, and the three people who heard the order came out and knelt on one knee.


"Order you three to form the First Army, with Jilai as the commander-in-chief, Shengshu as the deputy commander, Yuzushiwei as the staff, and 5,000 ninjas. After the inventory is completed, you will go to the Shenwubi Bridge immediately to prevent the invasion of Iwanin"

"Yes" the three of them responded loudly, even if it was a rope tree that had always jumped off, at this time they knew that it was not when they were playing, and they stood solemnly in front of the team.

"Tsunade, Yuhitaka, Nara Shikakura"


"Order your three to form the Second Army, with Tsunade as the commander-in-chief, Yuhihong as the deputy commander, Nara Shikahisa as the staff, and 5,000 ninjas. After the count is completed, immediately go to the border of Yunokuni and resist the enemy from outside the country."

"Yes" the three people responded in a deep voice and retreated to the front of the team. War is not a child's play. In addition to these, there are a series of measures such as logistics and medical care that need to be kept up.

"Scientific Research Department Baichuan, Logistics Department Xi Ri Zhenhong Hearing Order"


"Send the latest weapons to the front lines"


Baichuan of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Logistics Department are really red. At this time, their excited bodies are trembling. They have extremely high confidence in new strategic weapons. That kind of thing is completely a big killer.

Roja announced the orders one by one, and Konoha's war machine began to operate rapidly. With the latest equipment, Konoha's nine parts displayed power far more than any Shinobu village.

Residents on Konoha Street looked at the war machines that had been moved from the Ministry of Science and Technology below Hokage Rock with an excited expression on their faces. The steel beasts that had never been seen knew the power of extraordinary power.

The ninja school has been closed due to unexpected circumstances, and students with ninjas in their homes went to see off. Residents of Ye stood on both sides of the street spontaneously, staring at the ninjas carrying strategic bags and preparing to go to the front.

Roja stood in the Hokage office, with a gloomy expression on his face, looking at Uzuki Yuyan, Xiaonan, Mitarai Azuki, Uchiha Izumi, Kushina, and Mebis on the side.

"This is Fei Lei Shen Kuwu. If there is a situation, I can sense it by throwing them out. In case there are enemies, let the three generations come on top. Xiao Nan, if you are not a last resort, don't expose your things here."

Handing the six kunai into the hands of a few people, Luo Ya turned his head to look at the Konoha Ninja Army who started slowly. He was not afraid of war between the land of the land and the land of thunder, but he was afraid that this was a conspiracy with dirt or Nagato.

It doesn't matter if he is only testing Konoha's background. Anyway, Konoha has been strong enough since its establishment. As long as the purpose of external aggression is not exposed, it is not attacked by the entire Ninja world. There is nothing to worry about.

But if this is to bring the soil and want to move the tiger away from the mountain, directly capture the power of the nine-tailed man, or take the opportunity to destroy Konoha, it will not be easy.

Now Konoha's development has entered the fast lane. In case the super god Luo Tianzheng came to the scene like the original work, all the efforts will be in vain, and Luo Ya does not have the level of Naruto's talk.

"I understand, brother, what about you?" Xiaonan had a worried look on his face. Luo Ya's order like this was equivalent to telling them that he was leaving Konoha to do something.

"Hui Liuhu, that guy can't stay, if you don't solve it, maybe something like this will happen later." Luo Ya narrowed his eyes slightly, and if he followed the original trajectory, let it be more. Live for a while, if he wants to get some moths, he doesn't mind destroying them forcibly and replacing them with another person.

"Master, be careful." Yuyue Xiyan has a deep worry on her face. The four types of ninjas with blood inheritance are almost unheard of, and according to the image, there is a fifth type of blood inheritance.

"It's okay, I am the strongest in Shinobi now." With a smile on Luo Ya's face, he rubbed Uyue Xiyan's head and turned to look at the gloomy Red Bean and others.

"My lord, I have a bad feeling" The ear feathers on Mebis' head moved, and after thinking about it for a long time, he whispered.

"Well, did Mebis find anything?" Roja knelt down, looked at Mebis with a hesitant face, and asked in a soft voice. This little Lolita’s IQ was so high that her strategic talent was even better, with that kind of vision. Comparable with computing power.

Ask for flowers

"My lord, if the information we have obtained is true, then there is a 30% chance that this kind of sudden situation will be aimed at Konoha Ninja Village, and 10% are intended to provoke a war in the Ninja world. Taking advantage of the fisherman’s profit, the remaining 60% is for you, an adult.

Mebis hesitated, because she was worried about Roja's relationship, she still told her own analysis. This analysis was a judgment she made after combining all the information.

"I can't ask for it for me." Roja was taken aback for a moment when he heard Mebis's words, and then reacted in a flash. He has always ignored his own factors.

He was too strong, and he was extremely jealous of his encounter in the Water Country, but he was severely beaten by him, and Madara died as a result.

Roja is a big mountain lying in the heart of the belt. If it is removed, the plan will be smoother for countless times, and no one in the Ninja world can stop his actions.

"Brother, if this is against you" Kushina looked at Loya with a deep worry on his face.

"It doesn't matter, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks are of no use." Luo Ya touched Jiu Xin Nai's red hair and comforted Xiao Nizi.

Compared with Konoha, Roja really hopes that the soil is aimed at himself. With his two-sword space ninjutsu, it is completely abused when he encounters himself, even if he adds Nagato.

Roya didn't believe it anymore. He lived for a day, so he wouldn't dare to advance the Moon Eye project. With his extreme temperament, this possibility was almost zero.

If it is deduced according to Mebis's guess, then this may be a signal that the land is about to advance the Moon Eye project, in order to be able to smoothly implement the plan, to make the last effort.

"The curtain is about to open. It seems that after this event is over, those things will be put on the agenda." There is a trace of deepness on Roja's face, soon, it will not be long before Naruto World will be affected by it. Into the bag.

After saying goodbye to a few people briefly, Roja returned to the mansion, talked to Hancock and baby5, and then urged his instant ability to go straight to the Jinlun Mountains..

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