One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 868: Give you a chance, cherish it

Looking at the body with dirt, he saw the rickety body, full of tired Nagato, the face under the mask, with a faint ridicule, even with the eyes of reincarnation, Nagato was just a chess piece in his hand.

"Hui Liuhu, don't let me down." Nagato adjusted his breath for a long while, and sighed softly. There were a few more wrinkles on that cheek.

If the power of the reincarnation eye is used excessively, the price paid is his lifespan, but for the plan in his heart, Nagato has abandoned everything a long time ago, and his life span is only a small amount, as long as the plan is successful, he will not care at all.

"I hope so." The voice with the soil couldn't hear the joy or anger, and after speaking, he turned to look at the scene in the sky.

As time goes by, the moon is gradually covering up the sun's rays and forcibly creating a golden ring solar eclipse, just for Bei Liuhu to successfully integrate the fifth blood inheritance boundary.

Although Dai Tuo didn't know how strong the Biliuhu would be after the fusion, but the current Biliuhu alone was already in the late stage of the film, one step short of super film.

If it weren't for the unpredictable power of Nagato's reincarnation eye, and his own kaleidoscope writing round eye could use space ninjutsu almost unlimitedly after fusing the inter-post cells, it would really be impossible to suppress that guy.

According to him, as long as that step is taken and the cycle of the five blood continuations is completed, the power will be doubled, and one step into a situation where no one can beat.

The scene at the beginning flashed through the mind, Uzumaki Akiba's terrifying power comparable to the demon god, made him shudder whenever he thought of it, and the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura was as weak as a baby in front of him.

Can Bei Liuhu fight against Qiuye Uzumaki. He was in a daze, and instinctively told him that it was impossible. Even if he had five blood inheritance limits, Bei Liuhu was not the man's opponent.

The only hope is that Bei Liuhu can use that last resort, then from now on, the Ninja World will no longer be able to counter his power.

Bei Liuhu looked at the golden ring solar eclipse that gradually formed above his head, and the face under the bandage, with a slightly crazy smile, felt Luo Ya appear beside him, and a ray of light bloomed in his eyes.

"Five generations of Hokage Uzumaki Autumn Leaves, it seems that my three subordinates didn't stop you." The body was shrouded in white robe, and the voice of humiliation was hoarse and harsh like glass rubbing.

"That kind of trash, don't take it out to be embarrassing." Luo Ya gave a slanted look, looked at the point treasure box on the side, and walked towards it.

Of the five ninjas tied to the X-shaped wooden frame, four of them have lost their lives: Iwaninkari, Sand Ninja Barkura, Mizuninakaji, Yunnin Troy.

The only ninja who wrote round eyes was left, who was half-dead at this time, and the ghost shoots art had begun to slowly assimilate his body in order to facilitate the absorption of Bei Liuhu.

"Don't stop me from acquiring the fifth blood succession boundary?" Bei Liuhu narrowed his eyes, looking at Roja, who seemed to be indifferent to him, and didn't rush to attack. The golden circle solar eclipse takes about five minutes. Time can be completely formed.

"No matter how diligent the ant is, it is still an ant." Roja looked at it weirdly, and wondered in his heart that he couldn't talk less for the Mao villain's boss. Big event?

"You will regret it." When Bei Liuhu saw Luo Ya's eyes, his heart was stunned, that kind of underestimated gaze, he had seen countless times because of this gaze, he was motivated and changed step by step. Strong, turn yourself into the perfect strongest ninja

"Give you a chance, cherish it." Luo Ya snorted, crouched and put away the points treasure box on the ground, looking forward to putting his mind on the system.

"System, open the point treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the point treasure box and getting the treasure box to redeem 3000 points."

Hey, the system is a little bit tricky

Roya heard the system's prompt sound, with a painful expression on his face. If the 3,000 points were a mysterious treasure chest, he could already exchange three, but it was far from the exclusive treasure chest of 50,000 points.

After years of hard work and accumulation, Roja's redemption points have reached nearly 40,000, and now he has gained another 3,000, leaving only a little more than 7,000 redemption points from 50,000.

Although you can get it out by throwing a few treasures, everything in the system warehouse is a treasure left after Roja's careful selection, and I feel terrified to abandon any of them.

"Forget it, take it slow." Luo Ya shook his head, converging his mind. Only the General Assembly Master was left in the Long March, so he was anxious to do what he did at that moment.

With more than 40,000 points, even though he could redeem a full forty mysterious treasure chests, Roja felt crooked when he thought of what the mysterious treasure chests opened.

A piece of seaweed, two drops of sea water, a piece of old Beijing smog, if you want to drive that kind of thing again, you have to make people alive.

Straightening up, Roja looked up at Pu Liuhu who was standing in the center of the altar and looking up at the sky. Following his gaze, he saw that the sun in the sky was mostly blocked by the moon.

"What about your accomplices" Luo Ya asked in a soft voice, what Dai Tu and the others were doing now, he was really curious, did that guy count on Bei Liu Hu to have five kinds of blood and explode with him after Boundary Smash

"It seems that you know a lot of things, but I am different from them. Those people are just rats that live in the ground all their lives, and I will use the Ghost Bud Luo technique to obtain five kinds."


Roya heard a few words and saw that Bei Liuhu was about to brag about his ghost shoots art, and quickly interrupted him, that kind of garbage ninjutsu, giving him away, he felt sick and panicked.

Rats, cockroaches, etc., are not the same as those who dare not push Zhao Hao into his body. Luo Ya just glanced at the bodies of his three men and almost vomited out directly.

Beiliuhu was interrupted by Roja, and couldn't help but fluctuate rapidly, but after all, he was afraid of the power on his body, did not immediately strike, and silently looked at the golden ring solar eclipse in the sky.

In less than five minutes, the sun's brilliance was obstructed by the moon, forming a rare solar eclipse scene in Naruto World. Roja looked at the surrounding altar with an expression of interest on his face.

This kind of power is obviously already the highest level of formation use, although the difficulty coefficient is not as good as the three generations of the big five element attribute sealing technique without side effects, but it is also very rare.

A ninja with poor talent can create this kind of technique and test it until it is nearly successful. Beiliuhu still has some ability, but this ability is obviously used in the wrong place, and he himself picked the wrong enemy. ..

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