One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 892: There is no opening condition for humanity

"Well, take Raikage Secretary Azabuyi and Yunren Shangren Samui to the interrogation room." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, unexpectedly he hadn't found a reason yet, Inuzuka Claw thought about the reason.

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Inuzuka Claw respectfully saluted Luo Ya, then turned to pick up the prisoner.

After giving instructions to Inuzuka Claws, Luo Ya first came to the interrogation room under the leadership of another female ninja, looked at the newly built interrogation room, and nodded inwardly.

This kind of interrogation room, you can see that it is Morino Ibiki's handwriting. The painted black walls can invisibly give people tremendous pressure. The bench seat made of fine iron can be firmly bound. The prisoner's hands and feet, under this sense of restraint, will also give the prisoner a sense of powerlessness.

There is a small lamp on the desk less than three meters away, and there is only one light source as soon as the door is closed. In this environment, even people who are sitting and unsteady will gradually collapse in their hearts.

Coupled with interrogation skills, many times you can get the information you want to know without needing to be tortured. For example, an important person like Azabuyi who has layers of bans in his mind can only get some information through interrogation.

Ordinary methods of investigating memory, once they intrude into the mind of this important task, their prohibition will be activated on their own, a better one will directly destroy the mind, a bit more serious, an inadvertent, just like a humble call, but also There are many ways to come up.

In a moment, Mabuyi and Samui were taken to the interrogation room for two people, each with an iron bench, and their joints were firmly fixed.

With a chakra restricting device on their bodies, Mabuyi and Samui are now only slightly stronger than ordinary women. As soon as they sit on the cold iron bench, they can't help but shudder.

Mabuyi looked at Roya, who was already waiting in the interrogation room, his expression suddenly became extremely ugly, and he quickly lowered his head to hide his hatred eyes.

The teasing on the battlefield at that time, but this woman still remembered, for Konoha's Hokage, she disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

"You go out first." Luo Ya said to the guards of Inuzuka Claw and the female prison guard, and after the two respectfully responded, they turned around and closed the door of the torture room.

Not in a hurry to say anything to the two, Roja sat behind the desk, picked up a pen and paper, and started his own business, densely writing some interrogation skills that he knew.

The torture chamber became extremely depressed for a while, and Sam Yi, who was unable to move, turned his head to look at the linen, and saw that he shook his head at him, and said nothing.

Since they came to Konoha, they have gone through several interrogations. Most of the time, they were in the single-person interrogation room. A few times, they were with people who had collapsed and didn't want to resist.

Sitting with a companion who was in a mental breakdown, watching the other party pour beans out of a bamboo tube and telling them all the information they knew, it was not uncommon for them who were also criminals to be touched.

This is the first time that two people who have always been tight-lipped are locked together, and the interrogator has become Konoha's highest-ranking Hokage.

Samyi's heart moved, and by chance thought of a possibility, would he have already said the original sentence and tried his best to get out of here in the shortest time, but she was quite moved.

Looking up at the position of the linen clothes again, Sam Yi asked a little bit on her face. Although she believed the companion very much, she still hoped to get an answer.

Azabuyi was very clever, and when he caught a glimpse of Samui's eyes, he knew what his companion was thinking, and gave a wry smile. He hated and feared Konoha Hokage's unreasonable interrogation method.

Human habitual thinking is very terrifying. Even if she tells Sam Yi that she has not betrayed the village at this time, Sam Yi will leave a thorn in her heart and become a breakthrough for the enemy's interrogation.

Suspicion of this kind of thing, once it starts, it is difficult to stop. The trust between peers can sometimes become an unbreakable bond, but once the trust cracks, it is difficult to recover.

Luo Ya wrote a lot in bits and pieces. After all, after the Internet explosion in his previous life, I don't know how many criminal investigation TV series I watched. Various methods of torture have long been chewed up by directors from all walks of life.

Kagura's eyes felt that Mabuyi wanted to speak to Samui, and Roja made the mark of unity with one hand, and the newly acquired blood succeeded in the elimination of sly, imitating the shadow secret technique of the Nara clan, and quickly controlled Mabu Clothing behavior.

There was a bit of shock in his eyes. Under Roja's control, he could only sit stiffly on a stool, turning a blind eye to Samyi's questioning expression.

This kind of stiff expression made Sam Yi's heart stunned, and he just wanted to get it crooked. The little suspicion just now has been magnified countless times, with an unbelievable look on his face.

I can't say that Sam Yi is stupid, on the contrary, she is also very smart, but normal people will guess in the same direction when facing such things.

If all of them were shrewd like linen clothes, and had good human feelings, and could easily see through the enemy's methods, then Konoha's interrogation room would no longer exist.

Roya chuckled in his heart, this kind of method that had long been played badly in the previous life, it was so effective when used here at this time, and it was perfect 240 with the shadow secret technique of the Nara clan.

Seeing the two treasure chests refreshed by the two women, Roja kept one hand in his wide sleeve to maintain shadow manipulation, pacing up from behind the desk, and walked to the two of them.

After waving his hand to put away the treasure chest, Roja walked slowly around the two, while looking at the system warehouse.

In the quiet interrogation room, only the sound of unhurried footsteps echoed. Sam stared directly at the linen shirt. The linen shirt was stiff and unable to move. He couldn't even open his mouth. Every step was like a step. Above the two people's hearts.

Under this kind of psychological suggestion and psychological pressure, even the clever linen was a little panicked, and cold sweat appeared on the temples.

Azabuyi's Treasure Box opening conditions allow him to have a spring dream with the male protagonist as the host 01.

The conditions for opening Samui's treasure chest were to complete the training trilogy on his body, binding, whip, candle 03, and fainted 01 due to excessive humiliation and shame.


The system is not human at all

Luo Ya stared blankly at the opening conditions of the two Xunli treasure chests in the system warehouse, and countless horses rushed past in his heart. The current Xunli treasure chests brushed out by the system had no lower limit.

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