One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 895: The Art of Hundred Springs

"Exercising a confession with words is one of the methods of interrogation. You should know this very well. Is this a teasing? Are you a ninja or a prince's eldest lady"

Roja refuted Mabuyi's words without a pause. He evaded his mouth, except for the few old and refined goods, and the second fool, Naruto, who really didn't hold back anyone.

"I you" Ma Buyi was momentarily deflated, with a pair of show fists clenched tightly. If she weren't able to move on the iron bench, even if she lost Chakra, she would definitely get up and fight Roja desperately.

"Your information, Morino Ibiki has already given me a double seal in my mind, there is also a triggered self-destruct ninjutsu, a triggered attack ninjutsu, it is ruthless, Yun Ren How afraid of your betrayal."

"I set it up voluntarily. Even if I die, you can't get any information from me." Ma Buyi snorted coldly and turned his face away when he heard Luo Ya's words.

The seal in her mind can block many exploration ninjutsu similar to mind reading, two types of triggered ninjutsu, one that can kill itself, and the other that can kill the enemy. It is already foolproof. As he said, even if she died, the enemy could not get any information from her body.

"The method is not bad, but you forgot a little, this kind of ninjutsu, if you voluntarily say it, it will not have any effect." Luo Ya has a confident smile on his face, for him, he wants to know Mabuyi Although the intelligence in his mind was a bit troublesome, it was really not a difficult task, but he was not interested.

What I am saying now is just paving the way for things to come, as long as I give it a step-by-step hint in my heart, the completion of the opening conditions of the Xianli treasure chest is just around the corner.

"Dreaming." Mabuyi glanced at Luo Ya with disdain, but already lamented in his heart, as if she rebelled against Chief Konoha's interrogation, even if she usually performed well, she probably wouldn't be able to get out of here in her life.

"Yes, it is indeed a dream. Every day from now on, you will have a beautiful dream. When you can't bear it, you will naturally say it." Luo Ya walked to Mabuyi's side with a weird smile on his face, eyes facing each other. , Raised his right hand, and pointed his index finger to the center of Ma Buyi's brow.

Azabuyi tried his best to dodge backwards, but was firmly fixed on the iron bench, and could only watch the index finger approaching.

Magical Hundred Death

Under the cover of the magical power, Roja's eyes turned into eternal kaleidoscope writing wheels, and he released the illusion technique that he had used countless times toward Mabuyi.

The Hundred Death Art was originally an A-level illusion art obtained from the Uchiha clan's Shinnin. It can let people see the scene of a hundred deaths. When Roja was training Itachi, he had long used it to learn the principle. Touched it through.

With a slight adaptation, it was originally an illusion that saw a hundred deaths, but now it has become an illusion that dreams a hundred times ashamed, which instantly fills this illusion with a sense of despair.

In order to make the dream more real and the details more like the same thing, Roja did not hesitate to use the eternal kaleidoscope to write the round eyes. Now, this technique is obviously not appropriate to be called the technique of a hundred deaths.

"Tsk tusk, you're done, this technique is called the technique of Hundred Springs." After clapping his hands, Luo Ya looked at Ma Buyi who was caught in the illusion, closed his eyes and looked terrified, and turned and walked out of the interrogation room.

Psychologically, this kind of thing can't be done in a day, so be safe, at least wait for Ma Buyi to show a look of fear when he sees him again.

There was only one female ninja guarding the interrogation room. Luo Ya said to him, and after taking care of Mabuyi separately, he returned directly to the Hokage office.

In addition to sending a shadow clone to Konoha Prison every day, and performing an illusion on Mabuyi, Loya spends most of his time traveling east and west among Uzumaki Kingdom, Moon Kingdom, Sanriyuki Island, Wunin Village, and Konoha .

Because of the rich economic conditions of the Uzumaki Kingdom and the Moon Kingdom, Xiaogu, Shiranui Mai, and the two Yumu people directly copied many of Roja's policies.

Under the management of Terumi Ming, Wuren Village is also slowly getting on the right track. Although the medical insurance policy cannot be implemented because of the large population and the shortage of banks, several other policies have been introduced.

Tsunade has been busy with the casino on Mikazuki Island since the end of the war. Now that most of the construction of the casino has been completed, she and Yujihong are preparing to announce the official opening on the next day.

Ask for flowers

Maoyue Xiyan, Hongdou, and Xiaonan are in charge of all the trivial affairs of the Hokage office. Luo Ya is responsible for controlling the general direction. Apart from the occasional signing of important documents, he can only spare time to make tea.

Hancock and baby5 stayed in Roja's mansion for a while. Bored, now they have begun to travel around the world and see the local customs.

Kushina was afraid that Xiaogu would be alone. Two days ago, he said goodbye to Izumi Uchiha, Xiaonan and others, and was sent back by Loya.

Hinata and Mebis are now also known as the two great geniuses in the ninja school that have never met in a century. One is strong and the other has outstanding brains. Now they are nesting in the library every day, almost treating there as home.

Konoha's China Culture Media Company completed the final editing work, and the series of movies called One Piece began to be put on the screen.

One Piece, which was screened simultaneously in large and small countries, was divided into nine parts, each of which was shown for one month. Many people were attracted by the plot in the movie. For a while, Naruto World actually set off a wave of going out to sea.

The most positive response to this enthusiasm for going out to sea is the land of the land and the land of thunder. Because of the defeat of the war, the two countries filled their pockets and increased the taxation of civilians, resulting in popular grievances.

Powerless to resist this rule, the free sea world described by One Piece has naturally become a holy land for young people in the land of the earth and the land of thunder.

Roya really didn't know what to say when seeing this situation. Naruto World is different from Pirate World. The land area is small. After going out to sea, it is full of oceans. Occasionally, there are one or two small islands and no one lives at all.

The sea is full of storms and whirlpools, the unpredictable weather after going out to sea, plus places without supplies and fixed routes, these people will never come back in all likelihood.

But this kind of thing really has nothing to do with Roja. Others want to die, and there is absolutely no reason for him to stop him. Anyway, he can weaken the land of the land and the land of thunder, so why not do it.

Roja hugged Xiao Nan early in the morning and just woke up, when he heard a voice of unsupportiveness coming from the door, you don't need to guess that it was Tsunade who came back..

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