"It's good to be settled, Tea Dolphin, and then we're going to build up the defense belt here as soon as possible. General Fuji Tiger said.

"Don't worry, Fujitora, now Marshal Akainu, Kuzan, and Polusalino have all awakened, and even the aunt has been killed, and the edge of the navy is not something that everyone feels to try. The tea dolphin said indifferently.

In the distance, a large number of admirals and colonels were escorting the emptied pirates and began to transport them towards the warship, all of them showing excited and excited expressions.

After all, the Navy has been silent for too long, and even stayed in the G1 base for a long time, and the whole world seems to be missing the Navy's information, and the so-called justice has become just a joke on the lips.

But now, the strong return of Marshal Akainu has made great things as soon as they came, which made the morale of the entire Navy Headquarters suddenly like a rainbow.

It's a long way from the G1 branch, but it's also one of the three most important entrances for the Navy today, so this entrance area must be taken anyway.

Simply, this time, Marshal Sakasky directly safed Admiral Fujitora and Admiral Cha Dolphin, and the two admirals plus more than 5,000 naval soldiers naturally easily made the pirate gathering place here.


Just as the tea dolphin finished speaking, a violent ~ explosion suddenly sounded on the coast.

In the blue and white light, the naval soldiers who were transporting the pirate prisoners were thrown directly into the air, and the person in the center disappeared, and a huge hole exploded in the ground.

"What's going on!!"

The tea dolphin was suddenly startled, and the two looked at the position of the shore in unison.

I saw a pure golden giant ship slowly approaching, and in front of this giant ship, there was a blue-white thunderbolt figure floating in the air.

"Golden Emperor!!"

"Emperor One!"

The pupils of the two of them suddenly contracted to the size of a pinpoint, staring at the ships slowly sailing on the sea in the distance, feeling that their breath was stagnant, and they were a little breathless.

The pressure on Emperor Yi on them is too great, it can be said that the existence of Emperor Yi suppresses the geniuses of the entire era and can't raise their heads, and all the genius brilliance is dim in front of him.

"yes hahaha~~~ big. I was finally released!!Breathe this free air!Feel killed. Hurry up and kneel down and beg for mercy, navy!"

The blue-white thunder and lightning in the sky was wrapped in extremely harsh and arrogant laughter.

This time, as the pioneer, it was Anilu, which was also what he had been asking for Emperor Yi, and Emperor Yi was forced to be a scoundrel, so he could only agree to his nonsensical request.

"Damn bastard! this is Navy territory, don't you want to live!"

The Navy on the coast immediately pulled out its guns, black holes. The muzzle of the hole was aimed at Anilu in the sky, and one by one shouted angrily,

"Tut-tut, Navy, big. Master, what I'm looking for is the navy, hurry up and surrender, big. The Boss is coming, and you're barely going to surrender later!" Anilu laughed maniacally.

The vine tiger can no longer be calm, and disappears into the air with a shave in an instant, and the downstream can appear directly in front of Anilu.

"Anilu?" said the tea dolphin.

Anilu is the object of focus in the navy, for the simple reason that he is the main combat force under the command of Emperor Yi, and all those related to Emperor Yi need to be focused on.

········ Asking for flowers...

However, Anilu had shown that he was obviously not weaker than the admiral in the previous battles, which made the tea dolphin suddenly feel awe-inspiring.

"Hehe, I know it's Benda. This is my boss!Get out of here, and the blind man next to you will be very upset when he sees you!"

He is in a good mood, with so many naval dishes in front of him, it is also very refreshing to let himself exercise when the time comes.

"Thunderbolt Kid!"

Fuji Hu was also awe-inspiring in his heart, this guy was just a small person at the beginning, but later he was able to go up and down with Admiral Yellow Ape, which surprised the Navy.


However, Fuji Tiger did not focus on Anilu's body, but constantly sensed the slowly approaching warship with his domineering appearance, and even felt a familiar aura on it.

"It's her!" Fuji Tora's face changed slightly.

"Hey, blind man, and you, I didn't hear big. Hurry up and get out. Anilu laughed.

"Boy, are you so arrogant? I'm here to teach you a lesson!"

The general's tea dolphin directly surged into his heart with anger and pulled out. The long knife in his hand suddenly jumped high.

"Wind Slash!"

The tea dolphin snorted, and the two knives in his hand, one long and one short, fell, although his mouth. Ba Shang was very angry, but he was still very concerned about this matter in his heart, Anilu was an existence that could fight with the unawakened Yellow Ape General, and he didn't dare to be distracted in the slightest.

Fierce sword qi crisscrossed the air, piercing the air and slashing down towards Anilu.

Anilu's eyelids were one, and his body had turned into a blue-white thunderbolt and suddenly disappeared.

The wind is slashing at the sky!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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