"In order to maintain the majesty of the navy and the world government, and make the world more peaceful, the five old stars decided to declare to the outside world that Roger was hunted down by our navy.

As Sora said this, he couldn't help but take a hard puff on Lydinos' high-end cigar.

At the same time, hide the D in Gord D Roger's name and replace it with Gord Roger.

He took a deep look at Karp and Titch who were present, these two people with D in their names, and he was a marshal of the Navy who would passively learn some inside information even if he did not take the initiative to explore the secrets.

"Then the choice of the person to capture Roger has become a problem, if we don't have Vice Admiral Dark, we only need to let Cap take this honor on our behalf, but when the old and new naval heroes coexist, if we ignore Vice Admiral Dark, then the blow to the new generation of navy is very heavy. The

Navy officially recognized Titch's title as the new Navy Hero, and at the same time, needless to say, the five old stars themselves also had a good impression of Titch because of Titch's behavior, and regarded Titch as the future pillar of the Navy.

Therefore, he didn't even use the five old stars to take the initiative to ask, so that Titch and Karp would share the honor of capturing Roger.

"This mission is classified as completely classified, and I don't want to leak a single word.

"Karp, Tiki, the two lieutenant generals are ready to sail together in a few days to make a little noise in this sea, and the others, the yellow ape, the red dog, and the green pheasant, are the three of you as deputies to assist them in their travel. Steelbones

pointed to a sea area in the East China Sea and gave an order to everyone, which was not said in the original book, but think about it, how could it be that the One Piece was captured by the public, how could there be no traces of battle at all? The navy and the world government are not so stupid.

"Zefa, you go to the prison where Roger is being held and keep watch at all times, absolutely guarantee Roger's life, and the risk that others may come to rob the prison, and dial this phone bug at all times if there is the slightest problem. "Cyborg gave Zefa a special-looking phone bug.

"The others, Tsuru and Sengoku are always on standby in the headquarters and waiting for the place where they need support, remember, priority support takes Zefa's call as the highest priority support option, and any other rescue requests will be ranked after Zefa's support request

!" "Hurry up! Act now!"

The plan is very tight, even if it is only a cover for Roger.

When everyone received the order, they all adjusted their expressions very seriously, and walked out of the marshal's office neatly.

On the way, Titch, Karp, and Red, Yellow and Blue Peach Rabbit didn't stop, and they were about to set sail for the East China Sea.

On this road, Titch hung up, hugging the peach rabbit and not caring about the eyes around him.

With a smug and elated look, everyone else could understand his feelings, after all, it was One Piece!

Who can resist this great honor? A person lives a life is nothing more than fame and fortune.

Although Titch was smug on the surface, he kept an eye on Karp's appearance, and found that he had always looked stunned and had a lonely expression.


Titch snorted in disdain.

After these days of getting along, he discovers that Karp is nothing more than that.

This person may be so irresponsible because he has seen the inside story of some characteristics of the Navy and the World Government or the Draconians.

Yes, just not responsible.

As a navy, because of the entrustment of the pirates, he hid with the children of the pirates, and when he helped them hide, how many innocent civilian

pregnant women were involved? If you want to say that you are a pure black careerist like Tiqi, it is okay, since you are a navy, you have no other plans, you are honestly a navy, on the surface, you still look like an upright navy, and secretly disobey orders and kill so many pregnant women.

In addition, your grandson doesn't care? Tiki has seen it, there is a place in the navy to adopt orphans and train them, and he can send Luffy there to train and grow into a qualified navy.

Even if you think Luffy is not suitable, then he is shouting that he wants to be a pirate, you don't stop the precipice, hurry up and send him to the navy to get rid of king addiction, and let him grow savagely, what is this naval hero thinking, this is quite a contradictory person.

He is not a real navy, in addition to strength, he is just lucky, and Roger won the title of naval hero in the Valley of the Gods, and Roger surrendered to him an honor.


the time comes, he will die in Roger's prison in the name of guarding, and it depends on how you communicate with Roger, and how this orphan of One Piece is entrusted to you.

The warship was the top-of-the-line one, and its speed was ridiculously fast, and it didn't take long to reach the waters of the East China Sea, and after looking at the charts, it was determined that it was the place where the steel bones had commanded.

Karp and Titch looked at each other and nodded.

Let's get started.

First of all, the shells exploded with a roar, disguised as a naval battle of ships.

The second was the frozen sea, and then magma fell from the sky, and huge golden lasers flickered across the sky.

Then the sword qi came out of the sheath, densely covering the entire sky.

In the end, it was Titch and Karp's turn to make a move.

The huge dragon horn octopus appeared in the air of the sea, like the big boss in the game, constantly spitting fire and thunder towards the sea, and eight huge tentacles poked at the bottom again and again.

Karp's fist was constantly bombarding the sea, causing waves of small tsunamis.

This huge "battle" lasted three days and three nights, and then it was ready to stop.

All the Navy soldiers present were dismissed, and the remaining lieutenant generals of Kaptic, Red, Yellow and Blue, attacked each other, leaving some scars on each other as a cover, and everyone was ready to stop.

Only Tichy's eyes began to think about an idea again.

Flying into the sky again and transforming into a huge dragon horn chapter, it unleashed all kinds of powerful attacks, accompanied by some inaudible clicks in the sky, ending this farce-like special operation.

Then it was time for the Navy to announce the arrest of Roger, and those in the final photos deliberately hid the scene of the sea, focusing only on Titch.

Naturally, this was also arranged by Titch, and as soon as the Navy announced, he could let Morgans report on the incident and produce this photo at the same time.

At that time, even if it is reported that Karp and Titch will arrest Roger together, with these photos, others will only think that Titch is powerful, and subconsciously ignore and weaken Karp's coordination.

The world is like this, no matter how well you do, it will be in vain if you don't promote and hype yourself.

The same thing is done, people can talk, they will behave themselves, that is the natural way to get more attention, that's the importance, and Titch is playing with this is an easy little trick.

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