One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 14 - After a year

Aizen passed his year meticulously, and his gains were plentiful.

His sword training, just focusing on his basics pushed him all the way to the intermediate level, while his sword intent only grow steady and powerful.

He already upgraded his Kyoka Suigetsu Complete Hypnosis to the 'seven senses' level while adding 'Ice law' to his sword. But that wasn't all, he exchanged some of sea stones using his merit points, and the result as expected, he was able to ignore it completely, because what he manipulate was the pure laws not a power with 'price'.

The fruit seems to brand the soul of the 'eater' with a curse, and that's why sea water and stones would be its ban. It's kind of a system that keep balance. Aizen didn't really understand what is it about, but The orb bar seems to show some distinct increase. (5.3% Currently)

His upgrade also used the data of Sea stones and other metals to fortify his katana to the limit.

Currently, he was confident to say that his katana didn't lose to any of 12 Saijo Ô Wazamono swords in sharpness, or even surpass them.

His soul power that nurtured his sword, and even imbued it with a law and a foreign power from other world would surely be the best.

He wouldn't be surprised if the Katana turned to a real Zanpakuto any time in the future.

Fortunately or unfortunately, he still didn't test it yet. But, he was pretty sure that every swing of the katana would freeze a large part of the sea just like Kuzan.

The only harm was the fact that he needed a lot of his stamina, but that won't be a problem in the future, as the more his body broke his limits, the easier it would become. After all, this is an Admiral class attack.

His six style arts was also trained to the extreme. He even created fusion between Armament Haki and Tekki fist, that power could only described as frightening.

Observation Haki with Kami-e accomplished each other, as he could avoid the moment he predicted, but he wasn't really interested. He had a mystic eyes that could slow the flow of time, and detect weaknesses and fatal points. To improve his haki, he needed more data.

Suru, Geppo and shunpo along with sonido were also brought to existence by his own warping power. His footwork now was like a teleportation, and although it sounds epic, he couldn't control it at all, not with his suppressed power under 2000 power level.

5%, coupled with his strong body that could now harmonize a little bit with his soul made that technique creation possible.

Aizen soul was really mysterious, he would have been able to do what he wanted, but the moment he was discovered, he would be suppressed. Thanks to the orb, he could bypass the laws alert system, and this is only by 5% of the world understanding towards the world.

Still, he could be described as a lucky bastard. If he wasn't in a place where stronger people common, he would have need to make great efforts so that he could record some Law data. not everybody is Admiral level in this world.

Aizen appearance didn't change much. He choose to seal his (Vice Admiral Lv Power 5000) and only use what he could control (1800), and he suspected that was the reason.

But for others, he only appeared as a great genius with an Admiral potential.

Gion Courtyard - Training room

Klang! Klang!

The sounds of swords clashing could be heard all around the room.

Gion was donned in a dark brown shorts and black heels along with a frilled collar and an open neckline that exposes her cleavage, on her left thɨġh was the familiar black spider tattoo.

"Little Brat! where are you looking at?!"Shouted Gion at her disciple, while sending him flying along with katana.

Aizen stand up from the ground using his katana as a support while smiling wryly.

Gion left for about a whole year to tend her own tasks, and she just returned today.

Aizen was very happy to met her again, sadly it seems that her way of showing her feelings seems very forced.

What he didn't know was that Gion almost throw away her tasks when she heard about the accident that happened in the HQ, but after reading the part where he was hailed as a 'hero', she finally took a breath of relief.

"Not bad little pervert! Already Intermediate level!" Said Gion calmly, but she was very happy to see her own disciple progress.

"I'm not a pervert master, you are! Who would wear such an outfit and not want others to look at!" Aizen mumbled while finding his master quite unreasonable.

Gion heard her mumble and her face darkened.

"Little brat, I see that your boldness just climbed another height!" Said Gion menacingly but Aizen could only describe her pose as a cute.

Seeing her intimidation was inoperative, she couldn't help but sigh in defeat.

"When?" She asked while trying to control her emotions.

"Tomorrow!" Answered Aizen nonchalantly.

"Stop act like it's nothing, I heard that you bully your seniors in the elite camp, it must be great having confidence in your power, but do remember Aizen chan, if you show weakness, hesitate, or even have mercy ..." She didn't continue, she didn't want to think about it.

"Enough being dramatic Master, and stop raising flags will you? plus there is Z sensei there, and although I didn't kill a human being before, I'll work on it!" Aizen knew very well that tomorrow, he will be forced to take a human life. Any show of weakness would cost him his life.

He also understand that his master thought that he was traumatized by his past, not only her, Z sensei and every higher up that pried on Aizen 'past' informations was concerned.

If there was a shock, it would be better to be discovered early and be treated immediately.

Aizen ȧssured his master that he wasn't really traumatized, and that his memory wasn't blocked because of some kind of trauma, Gion then was a little bit relieved, but that's it.

The master and disciple that night shared the bed together. Aizen felt that his master was abnormally clingy, but he didn't mind.

The warship left the Marineford harbor under the lead of Z sensei. There were a lot of people that come to watch the fun, and there were a lot of maidens that expressed their love towards the little hero.

Aizen only smiled at the soothing scene, and he was finally able to calm his troubled heart and mind.

"So, you are finally able to calm down?" Asked Z from behind.

"Z sensei, since when did you find out?" Asked Aizen.

"What are you talking about? this whole month you seems unfocused, even your master came to me this morning and asked me to give you Xtra protection. I know that you aren't afraid of a fight, but rather, seems that you're troubled about something! What is it?" Asked Z.

"I'm not really afraid of fighting, I even doubt that any of them could even injure me, I'm bothered by the fact of taking lives." Said Aizen while sighing. He was still a modern man from earth.

He may have called upon meteors, but he knew that nothing bad would happen, as even if the Admirals couldn't do a thing, he would have stopped the whole operation.

"Hahahahaha, You're really a brat, aren't you?" Laughed Z in appreciation while sipping from his liquor.

Z was also a man that wasn't really violent, he would even spare lives, and believe in justice. (If you didn't get justice now, you'd still get it later) he had a firm belief.

Seeing his expression, Aizen couldn't bring himself to destroy his fantasy. Aizen wasn't interested in Justice and Evil, he knew that such concepts are broad.

He only fear the feedback from taking a life. Wouldn't he turn to a psychopath at the end of the day.

Aizen soul was strong enough to destroy worlds if he choose to, but he didn't, he only took refuge in the void. It's just like fearing to break a toy.

Feeling the uneasiness of his master, the orb, started sending soothing energy to calm his mind.

Suddenly Aizen laughed a little. He felt the whole thing ridiculous.

'Why is he even thinking about all this? let's kill first, and question life later!'

Seeing Aizen laughing, Z that ended up with his own ideas also laughed along with him.

"Don't worry Aizen boy, the pirates that we are raiding are the trash of society, the worst of the worst, if you kill one, then you have saved a lot of people. I don't say that you must kill every pirate, everyone has his own belief, everyone has his own justice. But this test needs you to take that step, because in the future, if you were to face this choice, you may lose your life in the process!"

Aizen nodded as he felt that his words held quite the wise vibe.

Only, Aizen doesn't pursue Ideals like Justice and stuff, he only pursue power, immortality, and his own satisfaction. why have power and limitless life span if not to enjoy yourself?

He took his decision, and he felt as all those previous thoughts seems nonsensical.

'I do what I want to do! even concepts can't stop me, what are a bunch of ants life count in the whole scheme of things'

At that moment, the planet seems to stop. His Conqueror Haki awakened for the first time.

Aizen raised his eyes to meet with Z eyes, only to be surprised. Everything seems still, the only thing that seems alive other than Aizen was the orb itself that seems to congratulated the owner, for taking his decision.

The Orb scanning jumped strangely 5.4% 5.6% 5.7% ... only to stop at 6%.

Only at that moment, the planet returned to its track. It was the most magnificent Awakening Aizen ever seen. No one lost consciousness, they were all under his mercy, trapped in the concept of time.

Aizen knew that to duplicate such a sight, he would need to work harder, his current Haoshoku would only be more strong than others, he didn't know what level, but he would test that later.

Z felt something wrong as if his eyes blurred a little. but as he was drinking liquor, he shrugged it, as he continued advising Aizen.

Mary Geoise ...

IMU sama couldn't sit still. He was one of few that felt the turbulence. To think something 'he' could not understand was happening inside territory. For a person like 'him', that was completely privy about everything, and always felt as the god of this world. that was unacceptable.

He hurriedly called for his five dogs, he needed to find an 'answer', sadly, he will only be disappointed.

The warship soon approached the island that would be raided. It seems that island natives seems to be slaughtered, maybe even enthralled. That was this kind of world. The debris and the ruin could still describe how of a cheery place the island was before the cancer known as pirates invaded it.

The recruits seems to change their expression.

Tense, nervous, angry, bloodthirsty... a mix of emotions. As the recruits were seniors and juniors, the seniors seems to be more experienced, so they weren't shaken like the new ones.

Aizen let his eyes trail on the ruined island. He was different than his recruits, with his haki and senses, he could see more.

"Z sensei, I think this is a trap!" Said Aizen as he looked towards Z sensei.

"I know, and you need to walk head on to it!" Answered Z with a smirking expression.

Some of the recruits already started to cower back. walk directly to a trap? wasn't that crazy. They weren't sure they would survive even if it was fair fight, if they walk towards a trap, only death awaited them.

Z didn't mind, he already told them to back off if they didn't want to, but who would be able to throw his dignity and do so.

Seeing that no one choose to retreat, Z started speaking.

"Black Sparrow Pirates, Captain Black Sparrow, bounty: 45 Millions Berry, the others are merely trash, but as I said before, don't let your guard down, even trash can kill you if you blinked an eye in the battlefield!"

The recruits started to walk inside the trap with trepidation. Aizen choose to go alone, while others choose to create teams.

Smoker as he was trashed all the year by Aizen still didn't want to admit defeat, so he choose to go alone also. It wasn't just him, Hina, Shu and Drake all suffered under his hand and they all came to the same conclusion.

Only by passing this test single-handedly could they be call him a rival without shame.

Aizen first searched for explosives in the island. he can ignore them if he turn to light, ice or magma, but what if they were monitored.

He can't believe Z would send his students to their death. Aizen doubted that this pirates were forced to come here to play their roles and dies for the good being.

Strangely, he didn't find any explosives, rather, he found pirates hiding in the ground with cheap knifes and rusted swords. There was no way that they were a pirates crew with 45 Million Berry bounty, this must be a role game when the recruits disguised themselves as marines while the pirates get slaughtered in the process.

It was merciless, but to actually put into this game, those pirates must have been really unlucky, but they may be the dangerous type also. a mad dog was a hard opponent to deal with.

Aizen took his katana out, and waved for the first time towards a human being with the intent to kill.

Splash, a head was sent flying leaving behind a trail of blood. The pirate didn't even know how he died.

Aizen watched the sight of the head rolling in the sky, while his eyes shone with determination.

He felt like those cultivation main characters that swear to kill buddha and gods if they come their way.

'Killing, it wasn't that of a big deal I suppose, maybe just because rules prevent us, that's why we don't lashed at each other, now that rule gave me the right to kill, I don't feel bothered at all'

Aizen sound out like some psychopath in the making, but he totally believed that humans were really that type of creatures.If not so, how did they rule the world?

The monitors in the observatory cabin showed the scenes of the recruits struggling against pirates, or beheading them.

The pirates were weak, starved and thirsty. It was impossible for them to kill any recruit, even the so-called 45Million Berry leader was only better than the rest, and soon he was also slaughtered by Drake.

Z couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"Everyone passed the test!" Said Z as he look towards the monitor. He could see Aizen reaping heads like a farmer.

He didn't know if that was good or bad, at least, he didn't show any crazed look, he was very calm and composed, but that even scared him more.

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