One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 16 - Top Swordsman

Gion Vice Admiral Coutryard - Training room.

"Little Brat, I heard that you already applied for graduation, are you that confident?" Said Gion a she moved to meet his katana wave.


"I am, master, don't you feel the force behind my offensive blows?" Said Aizen while rolling his eyes.

"Little brat, you know that what I meant is hunting a 100 Million Berry Pirate, I still think that you aren't prepared enough, why don't I go to annul your request? Sengoku san wouldn't mind." Reassured Gion while redirecting his attack.

If there was someone in this world that could make Aizen smiley appearance crumble, that would only be his master.

Her overprotective behavior that was developed since Aizen's Island Assessment, only got worse with time.

Aizen who already unsealed a whole (1300 power) bringing his raw power to 3200 (Rear Admiral) was able to control the newfound rush of power easily. His body grow up by (6-7cm) and his face mȧturėd also and that's only in a mere day.

No one really was alarmed as his change went unnoticed. He currently look like a 16-17 years old, he got more sėxier and comely, as he also discovered that his body didn't have a so-called 'age', the more he got stronger, the more his body would grow up and his muscles would only get more defined and chiseled.

At first he was alarmed to end up like Edward Newgate with large build and no beautiful woman to 'appreciate' other than Big Mom, but it seems that he could decide his 'suitable build'.

The training ended with Aizen convincing his master about his capability to protect himself, as he was able to take more than 500 moves from his master.

Gion left with satisfied expression. She was now more relieved, at the fact that he could drag it all this time in a fight with her.

His armament Haki was impeccable, his instincts were sharp, his footworks seems to be refined and most importantly, he was approaching the 'Top' third level of the sword.

Her disciple almost approached her sword level. Beside feeling prideful, she also felt a sense of shame, as she left mortified in a hurry.

Aizen suspected that she will go into a long seclusion to breakthrough the next stage 'Master'.

HQ - Sengoku Office.

Today Sengoku office was lively. Garp was there eating his cookies while Tsuru was discussing about something along with Z that seems upset.

The three Admirals were also there. They were quite curious about the little 'hero' achievements.

"Z, stop sulking there like a broken hearted woman, and elaborate!" Sengoku shouted towards Z that seems to ignore him. He felt as if he was speaking to a moody child other than a solemn Former Admiral.

Z refused to look towards him, and continued to chat with Tsuru, while Garp was laughing his ȧss off.

Sengoku face was soon filled with all kind of weird shaped veins that threatened to explode. It was a clear sight that showed how pissed he was.

"Damn Z! do you think I was the one that went to recruit him?! I'm merely acting upon orders from the higher ups! I'm even more helpless than you!" Sengoku shouted with an indignant tone. After all, he was the one that killed Rosinante. Sengoku was more upset than Z, but he could only act upon orders.

He already started to understand why the former fleet admiral kong seems in hurry to gave him his position.

Z face finally eased a little.

"Sigh, that little brat just passed the Fitness Test, His raw power already on Rear Admiral, his speed is even more exaggerated, that I doubt he will lose to any new-pointed Vice Admiral. His Sword Level is approaching the Top / Vice Admiral Level, his stamina already neared the admiral level, as for his regeneration perk wasn't tested, but it must not be any worse than any admiral." Said Z while ignoring the astonished faces of the others, he continued smugly.

"His Armament Haki is already at Vice Admiral Level, but it seems that he doesn't use his observation haki that much, he told me that he trust his instincts more than some half-baked observation haki, but I suspect that his Observation 'Haki' quality must be that rare one 'Glimpsing in the future'!" Finished Z his rapport, while enjoying the gaped mouth of Gap and Sengoku.

The other three admirals were surprised too, but they were also similar, the only difference is that they joined the marines with bigger ages than him (20-26).

"What a terrifying Kohai, I presume!" Said Borsalino while feigning extreme horror.

"Arara, to think that he was able to make this progress in a year, soon, he will start having bottlenecks, 10 years or so, he will already able to stand on the same level as us if he continued working hard!" Kuzan expressed his admiration and appreciation towards the boy talent.

"I heard that he had a bad past with the pirates, why don't you appointed him under me, I'll be sure to teach him the might of justice!" Added Sakazuki from the side, frightening every one there.

'One maniac is enough!' Everyone on the room seems to come to the same understanding.

"How was his first time killing look like?" Inquired Sengoku while totally ignoring Sakazuki as if it was natural.

"Well, that is the interesting part, he was troubled for a whole month, when I asked him, he told me that he wasn't afraid of fight or pirates, rather it was the weight of taking lives. But it seems that he ended up with his decision. He was the one with the higher killing rate in the mission, his eyes when he was beheading pirates seems devoid of any emotions as if he was eying insects, it's may be worse, and that's a little bit troubling!" Said Z with a deep tone.

"That's the most dependable way to stratify justice!" Said Sakazuki.

"Coming from you Sakazuki, I'm only more troubled!" Answered Z, drawing an explosive laughter from Garp.

"Don't worry Z, the fact that he was troubled only speak volumes of his true nature, the incident with his eyes devoid of any emotions must be his way to lessen his guilt by taking their life classifying them as eyesores, insects, or even savage monsters" Tsuru reassured him for the side. She was very close with Gion, and she heard a lot of things about her disciple from her, she even met him several times.

The boy was polite and peaceful, never arrogant, even his bullying was under the command of Z, and more importantly such a talent, even if he was troublesome, it wouldn't matter. Look at how rotten the three admirals look like, comparing with them, he was more amiable.

Sengoku by the side also nodded his head. Suddenly as if he remembered something, he couldn't help but show a strange look.

"Hm, what is it Sengoku?" Z was the first one to react.

"I just remembered that one of the Tenryubito princesses asked the Gorosei to appoint him as her guard for sometimes after graduating." Said Sengoku with a twitching lips.

Garp at the side almost choked on his cookies, looking at Sengoku incredulously.

"Puuuf! Sengoku, you bastard! There must be something more to it!"Said Garp, he knew that his comrade wouldn't have accepted something like that.

"Well, The Princess Royal father seems to have a Zoan Mythical devil fruit - Dragon - Amphitere Model with unknown capabilities and would be glad to pass it, so I thought maybe it would be great if the boy have it." The last part was said in small tone. As he felt that everyone was looking to him with unbelievable eyes.

"You bastard! You sold a talent for a devil fruit!" Z lashed at him.

"What are you talking about? the girl seems to be spellbound and enchanted by him, it's his fault for having a good-looking face." Mumbled Sengoku. He was also surprised that one the world nobles, the descendants of 'God' would be interested in 'him'.

"Sengoku Fleet Admiral, the recruit Aizen seems to have some problems, he won't be able to finish his graduation process."Z immediately thought of putting an end to the graduation.

Sengoky lips twitched more intensely again.

"You don't have to worry, he still have some years ahead before he could be appointed at Marie Geoise, at least until the Vice Admiral Rank!" Said Sengoku weakly while his head started aching.

The three Admirals were having different feelings.

Isn't this a little bit damaging?

They were in the marine all their lives, they were heroes, and yet, they were only able to meet the celestial dragons after becoming Admiral.

A trifling kohai was able to get a princess (CD) guard job. Just the sheer of relations and influence he would have may even surpass them as Admirals.

'So it was all about the face' Sighed the three, as if they pry upon the truth of the world.

Aizen was having his combat against Momonga Vice Admiral.

Aizen opponent wasn't even able to take a mere blow, which lead to this scenario.

Vice Admiral Momonga that was here as a witness to the fight was dragged by Aizen to the 'ring'.

"Not bad, little boy, Your bravery is commendable, but you are still faraway!" Said Momonga as he waved his coated haki sword.

Aizen didn't bother talking to him, from his Pov, Momonga was a mere sharpening stone to use.

The Katanas kept clashing, and Aizen seems to get better and better, the more they clashed.

Momonga was powerful with a great raw force and skillful mastery of the sword, but Aizen was better than him in footwork, and that was the reason that Aizen could still keep up with him.

For Aizen, improving was the only goal, as for Ranks and what not, he only found them as a efficient way, to increase the process.

Momonga face started to redden, and his head started sweating.

He could end the fight in a second, but he didn't want to injure the boy in the process. He could only continue to be manipulated under the combat flow that Aizen set.

Aizen could behead Momonga in an instant if he wanted using one of his trump cards, but that wasn't interesting, he wanted to max all his capabilities, and evolve to a perfect being.

The Sword Qi in both Katanas were lashing on each other, while Aizen was overwhelmed and thrown back every time he met Momonga sword.

The recruits and the beaten up Rear Admiral watched the fight with awe.

Smoker beating a Captain class was overshadowed with what was happening in front of their eyes.

"Ok, Stop!" Come the sound of Z, as he choose to save Momonga from the flow he was thrown in.

Momonga still couldn't accept that the whole battle, he was under total control of his opponent, the shameful part was that the other contestant was weaker than him.

Aizen smiled politely towards Momonga, a genuine smile.

Top Swordsman.

He could finally called himself a Sword master without shaming the katana in his hand.

Z send Momonga away after consoling him, and passed a batch of bounties rewards towards Aizen.

The next day, Aizen left the navy headquarters in a marine warship.

Grand line Sea - Drubak Island, that was Aizen destination.

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