One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 2 - Training

Training Room.

Aizen was breathing heavily while running around the training room, his whole body was perspiring that his training attire soaked with sweat.

It has been 4 hours since he started his so-called training.

Gion only asked him for one thing.

'Run until you faint.'

She looked very beautiful with her overbearing attitude if only he was not her target.

Gion who was watching from the surrounding was totally astonished. The boy stamina was huge compared to his peers. You need to know that recruits in the HQ, could only run for two hours to four hours after a strenuous yearly training, but the boy only started training and he was already on par with a veteran recruit from the headquarters.

Gion kept monitoring Aizen that kept running for another more hour, before he fell down fainting.

Aizen who didn't find his golden finger until now was forced to put all his efforts and whatever order Gion gave him. He knew very well that the world is dangerous and if he didn't become stronger enough, he was sure that soon he will become a corpse.

After inquiring Gion, he knew that he was at the twelve years after the great age of pirates, ten years before Luffy embarks and started his journey, and that was one of the reasons that he didn't stopped running until he lost his consciousness.

For Gion, it looks totally different, she only thought of him as a genius with great preservation power and crazy stamina, failing to fathom the great sense of danger little Aizen felt.

Aizen woke up the next day and was surprised at how refreshing he was feeling. He thought that he would awake to some endless muscles pain, strangely, he felt stronger.

He didn't forget to look for his golden finger again, sadly, it was the same result. He didn't find a sh*t.

Aizen did the same routine training his master told him about, but this time he was able to run 5 hours without trouble, only to faint at the 6 hour.

It may look like a diminutive improvement compared with those monsters that can fight for 10 days or a month without sweating, but for a beginner like him, it was an impressive feat.

Gion watched his improvement day by day for a whole week, and was impressed at his power of adaptation as the end of the week, Aizen was no longer fazed by merely running.

Other thing that surprised her again was his regenerative capacity, as he always woke up with a refreshing look, as if the training didn't tire him at all.

Aizen only thought that the reason behind that was the one piece world laws, as his master never really showed any impressed expression in front of him coupled with the grinning female marines that make fun of him calling him sleeping princess, the fact that he was a special being never come across his mind.

Today, Gion stopped Aizen from his running task.

"What is it Master?" Asked Aizen as he breathed moderately.

"I just thought that it's the time I'll start training you seriously." Said Gion nonchalantly while Aizen who heard her sentence almost fainted from shock.

He knew that he wasn't some real genius, but to actually think that this hell week that he passed was merely a warm up almost destroyed his little confidence to survive until the beginning of the plot.

Gion seeing his distressed expression seemed to enjoy it, as she would never tell him that he was a genius, that will only bring him more harm than good.

"Aizen-kun, what do you think about the sword?" Asked Gion ignoring her disciple unsettling feelings.

"Hm, sword?" Aizen of course knew, but he knew that this question wasn't for him to answer as his unreasonable master didn't really bother with him, as she continued.

"In this world, there are three supreme roads that every powerhouse tread upon, first, the Devil Fruit path, second, the Haki Path, and third the Sword Path"

Aizen listened closely to his master speech, as he wondered inwardly why only the weapon used a lot in one piece was the sword and not any other weapon.

"You may be wondering what is a Devil fruit or Haki? Devil fruit is an external power that although gave you immense power, had a couple but fatal of weakness such as (sea water, sea stone), as for Haki, it's a power that you could only touch after growing up as an accomplished warrior, so you don't have to ask about it for now!"

Aizen could tell that his master had some grudges when she talked about Devil fruits. It's no wonder as a woman who followed the sword path, she must have come across a lot of people that urged her to forsake this 'manly' path, still, she clenched her teeth and continued her journey. He couldn't help but look towards his master with a newfound respect.

"I will be teaching you the basics of Sword Path!" Gion said overbearingly without really caring about his feelings or opinions. Yet, Aizen wasn't really that bothered because he was also interested in sword fights.

Because it's the most effective and efficient way of combat, a mere slash could end a fight that may take other Haki or fruit users on the same level weeks of time.

Gion was glad seeing that he disciple seems interested, and she started teaching him the basic stances.

"Keep your stance firm"

"Your hands are shaky!"

"There is no power in your strikes"

"Fix your stance!"

Such commands could be heard the entire day as Aizen kept waving his wooden sword. The training was very arduous as the stances took from him a lot of focus and raw power just to keep it right.

By the end of the day, Aizen whole body was aching and threatening to fall apart.

Gion blank expression as she watched Aizen leave the training room soon changed to a joyful one.

"He is really a genius, It seems as if he was born to wield the Sword!" Said Gion proudly as she watched her pitiful disciple.

In just one day, he as able to master basic stances that should at least take a normal person years of hard training. Other than the lacking raw power, his basics already entered a moderate level of sword user.

The following days followed as Gion abused Aizen and destroying his little confidence everyday, but what surprised her was that Aizen didn't really show any bad expression.

Aizen know that he didn't have the time to throw a tantrum. If he missed a day of training because of his so-called pride and bull*hit, he would end up impaled by a pirate sword.

Aizen body regenerative power helped a lot in his training, as he always wake up with a refreshing feel, his basic stances only got more refined, and he could even feel a strange aura that from time to time spark off from his wooden sword.

According to Gion, it was what swordsman called Sword Qi, apparently it wasn't something big.

If only he knew that generating this kind of power meant that he was already at the verge of breaking through the next level.

Gion knew that soon her disciple would discover her trickery, but she would never approve it. She will always look down on his improvement until he became strong enough to protect himself.

The month soon come to an end, and the sword training also drop its curtains. Aizen was able to easily manipulate his Sword Qi, but following his master advices, he didn't stop training his basics.

Aizen grow a little bit taller and his body was full of defined and exquisite muscles, but the thing that draw a lot of attention from Aizen was the raw power he possesses now.

Doriki measurement machine that he discovered by chance. A common armed marine soldier power as he still recalled was 10, while Aizen current power was already 110.

That only meant that he was able to go from 1 or 2 Power level to 110 in a mere month, but soon he was deflated, as he knew very well that he still a small character in the whole scheme of things.

The warship finally made its last sprint towards the MHQ harbor, and Aizen started preparing to join the training camp that his master promised him.

"Aizen-kun, I knew that you got stronger in the previous month, but it's not only you that keep improving and getting better. If I'm not wrong, you already measured your Doriki!"Said Gion while watching her disciple with her overbearing character, inwardly, she won't get enough of his stressed expression, she found him very cute.

"Your 110 Power Level won't even get you a place in the Recruit Elite Training Camp!" Continued Gion while keeping her full attention towards her little disciple.

"What? then how much power needed so I can join them?" Asked Aizen, he knew that to get more resources and protection, he needed to show his worth, plus his clean background, he knew that he can have a worthy rank in the marine corps.

The fact that he is a genius or not, Aizen couldn't really sure, after all, Coby was able to grow up to a strong marine in a mere months.

"At least 300 Doriki, if you were able to triple your current Doriki in the coming years, you would have a chance to join and learn the core superhuman martial arts style - Rokushiki, not to mention the mystical Haki." Encouraged Gion while keeping her neutral expression.

What she didn't tell him was that a 10 years old like him with this kind of power is already off charts. After all, if he was 16 or 17 years at the spurt of his growth like his 'peers', she didn't know what level he would achieve.

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