One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 23 - Belo Betty

Marine base, Rear Admiral Aizen office.

Aizen was presently ȧssaying some reports with a 'serious' expression, as he enjoyed a blowjob from the meticulous Robin that seems to have fall in love with the 'delicious' flavor of his sėmėn and the thickness of his rod.

It seems his sėmėn was abnormally delicious and had a lot of uses such as strengthening and beautifying.

Through all this months of 'Treatment', Robin skin, figure and face features wouldn't lose even to Boa Hancock.

Sitting in front of him, clueless to the fact that Robin was under his crotch servicing him, was a slim woman with short, purple hair in a bob cut adorned by a red top hat with red goggles. She wears a red tie and her torso is bȧrėly covered, as she leaves her cropped red jacket with pink outlines open.

The woman expression seems to be indifferent, at least that what she appeared to be, as she was sitting there smoking with a relaxed feel, her eyes were covered by a pair of black-framed sunglasses with red lenses, so no one could tell what she was really thinking.

It was about one year since he took care of Arlong, and nine months since he took Robin vɨrġɨnɨtƴ, and no, she isn't pregnant.

Van Augur as expected found his way towards the marine base in Loguetown, and joined the military training that Aizen was responsible of. His eyes would from time to time shine under his peculiar looking black sunglasses, every time Aizen visited the camp and guided the recruits.

Other than VanAugur, Bartolomeo and Desire, others were on a subpar level that won't have any plus to his cause, so he already singled them as useless pawns.

Nevertheless, The recruits were at least strong enough, and won't put his name to shame after he leave this base in the future.

There were already rumors about the fact that Aizen would be called back to the Headquarters anytime soon, and may be promoted to the Vice Admiral level after the great results he achieved in a mere two years.

What leads to the scenario in front of him. Belo Betty couldn't sit still, and she finally choose to approach him personally before he left the East Blue.

Additionally, Belo Betty also played the justice card to shake his beliefs as if to open his eyes to the catastrophic truth and the deceit he was believing at, that rotten and flawed 'Justice' enacted by the marines and the word government.

The ugly side of the celestial dragons, and the heinous slavery system that degrade the dignity of humans and other races.

It was a touching meticulous report brought by care and honesty. That was of course if it was any other marine that believed in pure justice or if Aizen was really the person he played he is all along.

It was true that the world government and marines weren't any good, but the revolutionary army was even worse. He didn't know if Dragon and his cadres were doing it intentionally or unintentionally, but the fact that they manipulate people and convert them to their side, sending them to death in the name of all kind of ridiculous and blurred slogans such as freedom and equality was crystal clear to him.

Maybe that's also why the higher ups only looked towards Dragon as a dangerous man and didn't really use all their resources to hunt him down. Other than being an annoying bug, It was all to it, as he didn't have a great power to endanger their great agendas.

Revolutionary army, cadres and soldiers, seems like they were a bunch of people with different agendas and aim, but a large part of them were all there for a chance to take their revenge.

They didn't show any clear goal other than taking down the system. They were a bundle of suicidal people that know nothing about the true power of Marie Geoise, and they thought that if they have more votes on the kings summit, they may change something.

It was the same right now, and also before when they contacted him. It was great telling him the truth about his home island tragedy circumstances, but the way they awaited for his response to join them, only made their whole sincere act appear like a detestable ploy to trick kind souls and amass pawns.

"Thank you, you can leave now!" Said Aizen with an uninterested tone.

"Surprised? Though, I really appreciate your sincerity act sharing the 'truth' with me!" Said Aizen while putting a kind smile on his face.

"Then, you will join us?" Asked Belo Betty with a newfound confidence.

"Sadly, I don't really favor joining a group of idiots without any concrete plans, their designated fate would be either death or tragedy." Said Aizen while keeping his smile, throwing Betty in confusion.

"What do you mean by idiots? so that is your choice although you knew the truth? to be a world government dog?! I'm really disappointed." Asked Belo Betty with an incensed expression. She regretted the fact that she came personally to met him, meanwhile, she didn't give up yet, showing a disappointed expression hoping to sway him a little, making him reconsider her offer.

Through this two years, his justice performance was approved even by Dragon, but now, she couldn't understand at all. Was that really the same guy that was full of justice? the same guy that stood against a warlord for the favor of civilians?

Aizen was still a teenager, so it was easy to sway him and recruit him, but that was only what Aizen showed to this people, no wonder she would be this confused.

"Hahaha, after your manipulation failed, now you would use emotions against me? as expected of a high ranking cadre or is it your devil fruit gift? but I'm really reasonable person, why don't you answer a question first, and if you convince me, I would very much join you willingly!" Said Aizen with a smile on his face, while he watched Belo Betty expression changing from surprise, uncomfortable and finally recovered her calm.

"Go on!" Said Belo Betty, she no longer used her tactics, as it seems inactive against him

Belo Betty was at lost. They may be able to convert people to their use, but their eyes already blinded by hate and revenge. Dragon may be the only stable factor, or may even be worst, no one knew why did he suddenly started this movement.

It should be clear that knowing the truth isn't a sufficient motif to start a whole organization, so his goal to end the era of the celestial dragons may be even deeper than his subordinates hate and revenge.

"Can't answer? you must have never visualize it before? All of your members are people that lost their purposes in life, and only think about their revenge. How can a suicidal person care about the well being of others? That's why I can't see any benefits to the 'people' by joining you! I didn't lost that hope yet!" Said Aizen with a deep tone, that almost choked Robin that was tending his lower body.

He never cease to amaze her with his capability to spout bullshit with fervor. Even Belo Betty was touched, her expression couldn't help but turn enlightened.

How could the world gave birth to such a 'Saint'?!

Aizen seeing that she was easily fooled by him, he took the conversation to the next level.

"Actually, I already knew about the rotten system sometimes ago, and I wanted to contact your army earlier, but seeing how your army exploited people and sent them to death in the name of freedom pissed me off a lot, and I lost all my belief in you!" Added Aizen with a betrayed expression as if he was pained at their actions.

Belo Betty expression didn't change much, but inwardly she was hurt. She and her comrades were all people with a painful past, so their lives weren't really a precious thing to them. They had even taken pride in the fact that they could die with a smile on their face.

Nevertheless, hearing it now from Aizen, she only felt shame. How could they free people when they were their past prisoners.

"Belo Betty, how about joining me in my endeavor? I want to make the world a good place, I will not sacrifice anyone, I will use my own power to pull those bastards from their pedestal! but I need a worthy comrades to protect my back, will you?" Said Aizen with a hero-like tone, and even end it with a small pleading tone while meeting Belo eyes.

The girl blushed under his clear eyes, and her heart skip a beat, while Robin nibbled his 'stick' slightly as punishment seducing a pure heart lady.

"I can't - I can't betray my comrades!" Although she was a little bit swayed, she didn't choose to betray her comrades.

"What are you talking about? Who told you to betray anyone, The army is all about freedom, so you are free to join any other organization, not to mention that you are joining me for the good will of people, I may not agree with a lot of things the Revo army made, but I have the same belief, more importantly, joining me came with benefits!" Whispered Aizen like a demon on her ears, breaking her resolve even more.

After all, he wasn't against the army, he was more like a person with the same belief, but with a clear goal.

Without waiting for her answer, he took a little bit of his golden hue sėmėn from the lips of the greedy robin, and he presented in front of the baffled Betty.

What she saw was a golden pill that lightened with vigor and mysterious power, attracting her whole body, she gulped down while wondered what was wrong with her.

"This mysterious pill is a technology far far ahead of what the world can explore. I found those pills in a hidden cave in my home island coupled with the way to use. the moment you eat this pill you will gain great power that may put you in the same level with an admiral or even more, but the only requirement is that you would be loyal to me, and won't be able to betray me again. This is what I meant with the power to take the world, The choice is yours now, Take it and join my pursue, or leave, and I won't bother with you again!" Aizen found it hard to keep his smile, but he needed her ability for his coming plans.

The informations channels of the revolutionary army would help him a lot finding good seeds to nurture. He may be easily create his channels if he wanted to, but it would take a lot of time, but more importantly, he needed a high cadre in the revolutionary army, and a woman would be his best target, men can't pick his interest.

Steeling her resolve, she swallowed his pill like ċum, and her eyes shined with delight and glee.

"Delicious!" Shouted Belo Betty.

"Hm, I know, right?" Said Aizen with crescent smiling eyes.

Other than the heavenly taste, her power was boosted, and a lot of her weakness were covered. She even got her hand on a law, an interesting one at that.

"Magma?" Said Belo with surprise and shock as she looked towards this master with awe and reverence.

"Yes, now that you are one of my own people, I need to give you your fist mission." Said Aizen with a smirk on his face, while his eyes shined with nefarious thoughts.

He couldn't help but remember Law speech about the new era, specially the part where the first gear was broken by him, bringing with it the unstoppable swell.

The only difference that Aizen now was the one to broke the first gear, the only difference is that it isn't a wave that was coming, It's more worse, more scary.

Waves are stoppable but floods just swallow everything.

No one knew if her loyalty came from the 'contract' or her real feelings.

Aizen back in his office was putting a thoughtful expression.

'I will be called back to the HQ anytime soon, I don't know what that geezer Sengoku is thinking about, but I could tell from his tone and Garp ranting that I will be sent to an ominous place, but before that, It won't be a problem for me to take a trip to the sky Island to record Lightning law, maybe probing the Marie Geoise in the process seems like a good idea.'

"Robin, stop swallowing my rod already, I will be taking you soon to a place you would appreciate a lot!" Said Aizen while looking towards the pouting Robin.

"Bed?" Asked Robin with her swallowed cheeks.

"Sky Island, Poneglyphs!" Aizen mouth twitched. He already start to think that maybe he broke her mentality.

Robin showed a difficult expression. She wanted to see the Poneglyphs, at the same time, she was reluctant to part away with that heavenly rod.

Robin didn't show any shyness at all, she followed her dėsɨrės without even caring about the surrounding. Her 'Freedom' just got unreasonable as the time passed.

Aizen sighed a little and hugged her as he took her to his bedroom.

It seems he would need to fill her insides so that she could reason rationally.

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