One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 4 - Sparring

In the marine headquarter, Marineford.

A large number of the headquarter's recruit were running and training in a wide square. The recruits were differing in age, but the only common thing between them were that the fact that they all look like teenagers except of Aizen that seems to stand out with his small build and small age.

Under the jeering and the scornful eyes of his seniors, he continued to run while he was thinking inwardly.

'Strange, it's been two hours since we started our running session, and they already started breathing heavily!'

The recruits who saw that Aizen was still in a good shape couldn't stop looking down on him.

"This cheater know no shame!" Said a recruit in white training attire.

"Don't bother, he is a mere child" Answered his colleague back.

Then again, the only explanation to this was the fact that he was cheating, still, the recruits didn't really care nor mind.

Aizen who heard them seems to understand a little that his current performance seems to be quite the feat to be labeled as a cheating. He couldn't help but rejoice that he seems to be talented, only not that much in his master eyes.

Ignoring the 'weak' recruits, Aizen started to widen the distance while looking with disdain towards his seniors.

The recruits were pissed off, but they could only wait to take their revenge in the second training session.

"Ok, stop running, you can have a break for ten minutes" Said a mentor after seeing the tired expressions of the recruits.

Aizen stopped running and imitated his seniors by sitting on the floor to take a break.

The confident Aizen turned back to the 'weak' recruits and flashed a disdainful smile. He just couldn't swallow the fact that they called him a cheater.

Strangely enough, the other recruits looked at him as if he was some idiot. It was quite the dumbfounding matter for Aizen, but soon he understood his plight.

"Break time is over, let's start the second session, Sparring!" The rest time was over, and with it came the trashing time.

Aizen who heard the announcement of the mentor, his face paled with fright as he could see the ridiculing faces of his ȧssociates.

"Little boy, let's have a fair and square sparring!" The marine that called him cheater before approached him while giving him a sinister smile, while instigating him to accept.

"You want to fight a child, and you call it fair and square?! how dare you call yourself a justice guard with this kind of temperament!" Said Aizen with black lines in his forehead.

The marine recruit was a little surprised, but soon he was enlightened.

"You are scared aren't you?" Said the marine soldier smugly while his friends started jeering at the little boy. totally what you would expect from teenagers bullies.

Aizen face was red with rage, of course he is afraid. those recruits even though they look like teenagers, everyone of them have the power to be called superman in his world.

"I warn you, my master is Sengoku the fleet admiral, my uncle is Akainu the admiral, and my father in law is Aokiji! if any of you touch me, death is the only outcome that awaited for you!" Said Aizen with a straight face while warning them.

The recruits were really apprehensive under this threat, and already started thinking that maybe he wasn't lying.

"He is lying, I'm his roommate, he only arrived yesterday, and he didn't even take a glimpse at what the headquarters look like!" Shouted a teenager that Aizen found him a little familiar.

The recruits that almost got tricked by Aizen were boiling with rage.

Without any warning, they lashed at him. Everyone of those recruits had a power level between 80-160 as they are headquarters recruits, they were totally different from the marines trash that you would find outside.

Aizen knew that he was screwed, and even though he was reluctant to being beat up, he didn't know how to Shunpo like the real Aizen.

As the recruits approached him with multiple fists and kicks, Aizen suddenly felt a strange feeling. even though it was faint, it existed.

His legs suddenly blurred, and unconsciously, he was away from his recruits about 10 meters.

The recruits didn't notice any change and lashed at his afterimage, and because there was nothing there, the excess of power in their fists and kicks broke their stances, and they ended up hitting each other while also harming themselves.

Aizen watched the sight in front of him with a bewildered expression.

'That was shunpo' Said Aizen inwardly. but soon he shook his head, it wasn't a real shunpo, rather a strange power moved his legs forcefully and followed his internal dėsɨrė. He felt a little bit tired, but soon he was refreshed and that only deepened his confusion.

Through the eyes of the den den mushi that was planted by Sengoku to monitor Aizen, there was faint bulging expressing its shock.

Sengoku along with Tsuru and Gion were watching the first day of Aizen training in the sake to understand more about his qualities and genius and they weren't really disappointed.

The fact that he used Sengoku as backer along with two other admirals pissed Gion a lot, while Tsuru and Sengoku didn't now how to react.

Tsuru admired his mischievous character, and the fact that he used his head to protect himself as he can't do it with force, while Sengoku was having troubles hold his laughter imagining the reactions of Sakazuki and Kuzan.

But soon their reactions turned to shock!

"Was that Suru?!" Asked Sengoku with a shocked expression while turning his face to Gion.

Gion shook her head "I didn't teach him that!"

Her expression mad eit clear that she also was surprised.

"It's not Suru" Said Tsuru with a wise look.

"Hm? Then what was that?" Asked Sengoku, he very much trusted Tsuru deductions.

The screen at that time showed the recruits beating the crap out of Aizen while he was trying his best to avoid or to block, strangely enough, he would take the less threatening hits, while avoid the fatal ones. Aizen himself only followed his intuition and the red dots that started to appear in front of his eyes along with the slow motion mode that he was strangely on.

"It was just an unintentional reaction of his body, the boy is an innate genius, only his combat awareness without the other qualities that Gion mentioned is enough for him to make his way to the Admiral Rank, call it an intuition, but this boy is deemed to greatness." Said Tsuru while she watche the screen.

Aizen also started attacking the bullying recruits from unpredictable directions that seems unavoidable. but soon he wasn't able to fight them due to their sheer number.

So, in the central square, a strange sight transpired, a bunch of teenager were kicking the shit out of a small boy.

Gion forehead was bulging with blue veins, if not for the mentor that hurried up to stop the fight, she would sure destroy those trashes.

Sengoku could only sigh in relief as the boy didn't seem to be that heavily injured.

"I'm leaving Sengoku san" Said Gion with a cold tone, as she left the office.

Seeing her expression, Sengoku didn't know what to say, but Tsuru face on the other hand was unfocused as she looked towards the screen.

The boy seems to have a scary regeneration, even though he was injured a lot of times, his body would be healed in the next moment, but it seems that his healing take a tax on his stamina, the reason why he fainted at the end of the fight.

The square was full of bloody recruits as the fight with Aizen was really brutal. They didn't thought that the boy was that ruthless, now that they calmed down, they finally understood that they provoked someone they shouldn't pissed off, coupled with the cold look they got from Gion Vice Admiral, they knew that they were f*cked up.

At the distance, there was a youth in his twenty, a marine recruit, he had a tall and lean build, a reddish brown hair coupled with a scar on his broad chin.

He was one of the recruits that didn't attack the boy, and only watched from far away.

"Interesting..." Said the youth, while he left the square.

He was Drake, the most talented one in the recruits of the headquarters, and also the one that was expected to join the Elite Camp, by the end of this year.

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