One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 7 - Qualified To Join The Elite Camp.

"Have you heard the last news? the promotion ȧssessment of the elite training camp is about to begin, I don't know if I'm able to pass."

"What the hell are you talking about? pass? with your power level of 170 you can't even make it to the list of the challengers, maybe four years or so you would have a chance, Hahahahaha!"

"Sigh, why are you so ruthless? At least let me dream peacefully. Then again, to be trained personally by the former Admiral Z, the one that meticulously trained the three Admirals. Only true geniuses would have such a privilege."

"Do you have any idea who are the lucky bastards that make it this year?"

"I heard that Drake from our group is qualified enough to pass the ȧssessment. The lucky bastard ate a Zoan devil fruit, he is unstoppable, maybe even those elite recruits would be trashing by him."

"Really? that bastard, he passed years in the training camp without any improvement, to think that he would luck it out in the last year ceremonial ȧssessment"

Such conversations were everywhere inside the square, Admiral Z seems to have a big hardcore fan base in the recruits camps. Praise and glorification could be heard here in there.

Aizen didn't really have any friend because of his small age and build, and although he was about 160 cm tall and looked more mȧturėr and attractive in his white training marine attire, in this world of one piece where humans are about 3-8 meters, he could only described as a cute little baby.

Drake name was a famous name in this group of recruits, they would talk about his old age and luck, and even Aizen got to met him more than one time, and every time he would whisper about them being rivals.

Aizen knew very well that even Admirals such as Kuzan and Borsalino didn't join marine until 18-19 years old, and those teenagers although thought that they have advantages, other than fighting pirates every year, there was none.

The moment a genius started training, he would easily bypass his peers, and that's why although Aizen show a great leap in power no one was really shocked, other than appreciation from the higher up.

The bottlenecks started to appear only after the 1000 mark - Captain (Taisa). And that's one of the requirements to graduate in the Elite Training camp according to Gion Master.

Aizen was different, for him, talent could be described with the world laws suppression. If you were blessed, you are genius, if not, no matter what you do, you will never even broke through the 300 mark. His body that was created by the miracle orb was a body that even true gods would kill for it, he could bypass laws and get stronger only by breathing, not to mention his warping reality soul force.

So he wasn't really that eager to show his worth to his friends and get complimented, that explains why even he was already in Elite recruit level, no one know about it.

Today was the day their mentor would inform them with the names that were qualified to join the ȧssessment, the only difference was that the central square was full of different faces that seems to come from other camps. some looked nervous, other seems hopeful while a bunch of them look over confident and arrogant.

The moment the mentors appeared every one calmed down, while watching them heedfully.

"The names that were qualified to join the ȧssessment would be announced :

- Drake from Camp 1

- Candre from Camp 2

- Glove from Camp 3



- Aizen from Camp 1


... "

The moment the mentor finished, he turned around and left after notify them to come to the harbor Dock N°X at tomorrow.

The square soon turned chaotic, some were shouting that they did it, others were having troubles to accept that they weren't qualified.

Other than some from the Camp 1 that heard the name Aizen, no one really care about his existence.

As Aizen was leaving the square, he could still hear some of his fellow trainees that were debating who Aizen was, after all, he didn't really tell his name to anyone.

"Isn't that brat name Aizen?" Said his roommate as he suddenly remembered the plate name on Aizen room.

The moment they heard that the brat was qualified, their face turned pale with fright, not because of his qualification, rather they feel that there was some behind the scenes actions and to be able to do that, he must be really connected to the higher ups.

There was only one thought in their trembling minds!

'Our future ceased to exist!'

The next day, in front of the Marineford huge harbor, Large warships were docked there and the qualified troop of recruits were boarding them with excited expressions.

As the qualified troops have enough talent, they were of course treated with care, and the higher ups decided to sent Vice Admirals to guard them in their journey.

Aizen of course was ȧssigned to his Master warship, but he was surprised as before he could board on, he met with two of the most superb characters of One Piece.

Garp The Marine Hero along with Zephyr The Former Admiral, the two of them stand there peacefully while joking around, but Aizen could feel a monstrous power hiding deep inside each of them.

"Garp-chan, Zephyr sensei, He is the disciple I talked to you about!" Said Gion proudly while presenting her disciple towards the two old geezers.

Zephyr showed a warm smile, while Garp with his nonchalant expression kept dug in his noise while inspecting the boy in front him.

From what Aizen heard, they were talking about Garp's grandson that was almost corrupted by some red hair, but because of his Garp's intelligence, he was able to save his grandson.

Aizen even though didn't really care, but to stand in front of those characters, he couldn't suppress his admiration as a 'fan', but that was taken by the others as a 'personal' one.

"Nice Meeting you, Garp sama, Zephyr sama, I heard a lot about your greatness from master!" Aizen greeted them politely while showing an elegant bearing. Gion was really satisfied with this part of him.

"What a polite young man!" Said Zephyr with a surprised tone. It was his first time seeing something like that, as all his disciples were a bunch of troublesome kids.

"Hahahaha! I like this boy! so you do know about my greatness! Hahahaha!" Garp was really pleased with the way the boy in front him showed respect, he was suddenly reminded of his two impolite grandsons. he didn't get any thing similar to that from them.

"Little Boy, Do you want to become my disciple? Hahahaha!" Asked Garp.

"Garp chan, How dare you try to steal my disciple ?!" Gion faked her anger.

The recruits around were watching the conversation with trepidation, for them to stand in front of such characters without fear was a great feat.

Aizen didn't really stay much with those two geezers, as he knew that their stage was still far away for him, so after sharing some pleasantries with them, he boarded on his master warship without looking back. Other than getting gazes of respect, awe and challenge from his fellow trainees, he was also labeled as 'not to offend character'

"Hahaha, this boy is really a talent, he wasn't fazed at all!" Said Garp while laughing his ȧss off.

"Garp chan, Sensei, you should have at least hold up a little, the other recruits almost lost their will to live!" Added Gion from the side.

"Hm, He is really a good seedling. Didn't you notice that it wasn't that he was unfazed, he totally ignored our pressure unknowingly, If I'm not wrong, there is a great chance that he is a 'King''" Said Zephyr with deep meaning while watching the back of the boy that vanished inside the warship.

Although they weren't conqueror Haki holder, they were able to pressure people weaker than them, but the lack of reaction coming from the boy can only be explained with one thing.

"Hahahaha, what are you worrying about, isn't Sengoku similar? King or not, what matters is how strong your fist hahahahaha!" Garp wasn't really bothered, he knew that 'Kings' were troublesome, but if he was guided properly, he could be like another Sengoku.

"You are right! I can't wait to train him to be a strong man. That brat Borsalino will soon understand what is a true powerhouse, depending on his fruit, someday he would end up dead!" Grumbled Zephyr as he remembered his idiot disciple.

Gion that was watching the conversation from the side couldn't help but let out a stifled breath that she didn't knew she was holding. Her ample brėȧsts jiggling around coupled with her relieved appearance made her look beautiful.

She didn't know what to do if Zephyr and Garp didn't approve him, but she was relieved, as he was able to left a good impression on both of them.

The warship finally left the harbor at full speed and soon there was only the blue sea with nothing else in the surrounding.

The next destination was a small island not that far from the marineford. According to his master, it was a private island that was full of monsters used to test the contestants.

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