In the desert, a turtle wearing a hat and smoking a cigarette was pulling a carriage forward quickly.

This unprepossessing turtle was Binky, the special waterway shuttle of Baroque Studio.

At this time, its destination was a city in Alabasta called Rainland.

And in the carriage behind him, there were five people.

"Don't squeeze me anymore! It's all because you're so fat that I've been tortured all the way."

An old woman with a red afro was firing at the man next to her like a string of bullets.

The old woman was none other than one of the senior cadres of Baroque Studio.

Merry Christmas, Miss.

She was a person with the ability to eat the Animal-type Mole Fruit.

Bounty 14 million Baileys

The man she complained about had a body like a giant bear and looked more like a blown-up balloon.

It was Miss. Merry Christmas' partner, Mr. 4.

At this time, he also tried to curl up and said slowly: "Sorry~ Sorry~"

It is hard to imagine that a strong man with such a body would behave so cowardly.

Mr. 4 is not a capable person, but he is born with supernatural power.

And his pet is powerful, it is a gun that has eaten the dog-dog fruit in the form of a dachshund.

"Yo! Big Bear, Oba-san, just be patient for a while."

At this time, another voice sounded in the car.

It was Mr. 2 who had decided to help Luffy and others.

Currently, according to the plan, they are infiltrating the local area.

In addition to these three people, there are two more people in the car, who are also ranked first among the senior cadres.

Miss. Double Fingers: The beautiful queen with blue fluffy hair is a capable person who has eaten the superhuman "thorn fruit".

Can make thorns grow on any part of the body.

Mr.1: A shirtless man with a monk's haircut and thin eyebrows that are connected together. He ate the superhuman-type Quick Cut Fruit.

Can turn any part of the body into a blade according to his will, making ordinary punches and kicks have the power of a blade.

These five people are also heavyweights in Crocodile's plan.

At this time, as Mr.2's voice fell, Binky also stopped.

Several people got off the car, and what came into view was the most famous and luxurious casino in the city of Yudi, called Yuyan.

Soon, several people followed the guide into a secret room hidden under Yuyan, which had a very good sound insulation effect.

(The original book is not a secret room, but it is required by the plot here.)

And in this secret room, waiting for them was Miss Allsunday.

The senior cadres had naturally met Miss Allsunday. The previous task assignments were all handled by Miss Allsunday and several people.

So several people also greeted Miss Allsunday.

After Robin responded one by one, he finally got to the point.

"First of all, thank you all for coming here from afar."

"This is also the first time that so many senior cadres have gathered here. It is really much more lively."

After Robin simply praised everyone, he continued:

"The purpose of gathering everyone this time is very simple."

Robin glanced at everyone and slowly said:

"That is to start the final battle plan."

Hearing this, Miss. Merry Christmas and Mr. 4 were a little excited.

Mr. 2 put on an expectant expression, but there was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Mr. 1 leaned back in his chair, although he still had no expression on his face, but his heart was also restless.

Is the final battle that has been waiting for a long time finally about to begin?

After taking in everyone's expressions, Robin smiled like a lady of etiquette:

"Before that, let me introduce someone to you."

"The boss you have never met."

As Robin's voice sounded, the sound of leather shoes hitting the ground suddenly rang out in the secret room.

Snap, Snap, Snap~

"He is Mr. 0, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

The voice was getting closer and closer, and a figure appeared in front of everyone.

A man with a big back hair and a long scar on his face.

The cigar in his mouth flickered, and the golden hook in his left hand was unusually conspicuous.

Looking at his body, an orange plaid long-sleeved shirt and a black fur coat set off a 100% gangster temperament.

"Crocodile, the king of the desert, is called the Crocodile of the Sand."

The man sat

On the main seat, he grinned and looked at everyone.

He slowly said:

"The time is ripe, and the final battle plan is officially launched."

"It is called——【Utopia】."


"All the people of Alabasta."

At the same time, in the rebel base of Joba.

A full 300,000 rebels were waiting in the square.

The voice they had been waiting for finally appeared.

"I am the princess of this kingdom, Vivi."

"I am sorry that this kingdom has suffered such a thing."

In the capital of Alabasta, Vivi stood on the palace tower.

Facing the countless people gathered in front of her, Vivi was not panicked at all.

She continued to say to the radio Den Den Mushi in front of her:

"On behalf of the royal family, I solemnly apologize to everyone."

"Everyone, you have suffered."

Even though Vivi knew that many people could not see it, she still bowed seriously.

Not for anything else, just for the people who died in vain because of the inaction of the royal family in the past years.

Seeing Vivi bowing, not only the people gathered in front of the palace were shocked.

Even King Cobra behind Vivi was very surprised.

"Vivi, she is already a qualified king."

Cobra couldn't help muttering to himself.

Ikarem on the side was hesitant to speak.

Because in his heart, the current Vivi is indeed more suitable to be a king than Cobra.

Or to be a queen!

Vivi naturally didn't hear what her father said.

At this time, she was carefully taking out a Den Den Mushi that had been connected from her pocket.

"Next, let everyone listen to it for themselves, who wants to destroy this country."

After saying that, Vivi put the Den Den Mushi in front of the radio Den Den Mushi.

At this time, a voice just came out from inside:

"I didn't expect it to be such a big shot, the Seven Warlords of the Sea - Crocodile."

For a moment, the whole country was shocked! ! !


"So, you are our boss?"

After Miss. Merry Christmas expressed her shock.

Mr.1 asked the most crucial and obvious question.

Hearing this, Crocodile leaned forward and supported his arms on the table.

He crossed his hands and looked at Mr.1, his eyes full of oppression.

When cold sweat oozed out of Mr.1's bald head, Crocodile slowly spoke:

"Surprised? Or, unconvinced?"

Crocodile's voice was very light, but it made everyone feel like falling into an ice cellar.

"Not... not unconvinced, boss."

Mr.1's partner pointed his fingers, his tone trembling, but he still changed the subject:

"We just don't understand. The Seven Warlords of the Sea are legal pirates recognized by the government."

"Why create an organization like Baroque Studio?"

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