The white air wave spread instantly from the intersection of the two fists, like a cannonball thrown into the calm sea, and it swelled in the blink of an eye. Some weak pirates who were watching the show were instantly blown away by the air wave before they could react. "What a joke!!!" The pirates who were a little further away used the house to avoid the air wave, but they couldn't believe what they saw. They trembled and looked at the center of the battlefield. A small figure wearing a raincoat was standing proudly! As for Badgers... At the moment when the two fists collided, he showed an incredible expression. Because he had already felt what kind of power was on the fist of this little devil in front of him. I don't know if it was my illusion, but at this moment, Buggy felt that he was wrestling with a huge sailing ship.

Bang! ! !

In the end, Buggy in the air could no longer resist this huge force.

His right fist made a crisp fracture sound, followed by his right arm, and his expression changed from doubting his life to wearing a painful mask.

Buggy's body, like a broken puppet, drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell on the street.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye, who had guessed it long ago, was also very surprised.

After using the formation and puppets to help Merry condense his body, the Merry was no longer a birdcage that imprisoned Merry, but on the contrary, it would become Merry's helper.

In short, every attack of Merry had at least the impact of the Merry.

In this way, the Straw Hat Pirates' combat power list may be refreshed again.

And once the subsequent transformation of the Merry is completed, Merry will increase its strength again without any bottleneck.

It can be regarded as a kind of innate advantage of the spirits.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye also looked at Merry who turned his head and made a [seeking praise] expression to him, and said with a smile:

"Really good, Merry, I may have to trouble you in the future."

Then, Bai Ye was not interested in caring about Badges who was lying on the street and doubting his life, and continued to move forward with Merry.

After the two left, a voice slowly rang out on the street.

"I remember that man is the vice captain of the Straw Hat Pirates."

The owner of the voice took out a bounty order and showed it to everyone.

Someone came forward to check, but was instantly blinded:

"Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions... one hundred million!!!"

The man who saw Bai Ye's bounty order clearly fell to the ground and muttered to himself:

"Why did Bai Ye, the [Tianshi] with a bounty of 100 million, come here?"


Bai Ye didn't care about the performance of everyone.

Because at this time, he had already found Robin and Chopper.

"It looks like we have gained quite a lot."

Bai Ye came behind Robin and said with a smile.

At this time, Robin had changed into a nice outfit, and it was obvious that he had just gone shopping.

"I have indeed gained quite a lot."

Robin twisted his waist and turned to look at Bai Ye:

"And Chopper just met a strange guy."

Robin touched Chopper beside him, and also noticed Merry beside Bai Ye.

Seeing Merry looking at him with big eyes, looking very familiar, Robin also became interested.

"Oh my, is this the child of the vice captain?"

Robin picked up Merry, and after comparing him with Bai Ye in a seemingly serious manner, he said:

"It does look a bit like him."

"What!!! Bai Ye's child!"

Chopper beside him has always been more likely to trust others, so after hearing this, he also looked at Bai Ye and Merry in shock.

Facing Robin's ridicule, Bai Ye smiled bitterly.

But soon, he introduced them to the two:

"His name is Merry, and he is our pirate ship."

"What!!! He is the Merry!!!"

Chopper, who was relatively simple-minded, easily accepted Bai Ye's seemingly nonsense statement, and looked at Merry in shock again.

"Oh my, this is really shocking news."

Robin, who was more experienced, also sighed after being stunned for a while.

He was familiar with Bai Ye's personality, and naturally knew that Bai Ye didn't like to joke, so he also looked at Merry with a considerate look.

Facing the eyes of the two, Merry was not shy or nervous, but greeted them generously:

"Robin, Chopper, hello, I am the ship spirit of the Merry, I am sorry to meet you now."

At this time, Merry

's heart was filled with happiness. In their eyes, this might be their first meeting.

But for Meli, this was a scene he had dreamed of countless times.

"What!!! Ship elves!!!"

Chopper exclaimed subconsciously, but then continued:

"What is a ship elf?"

"Is it really a ship elf?"

As an archaeologist, Robin naturally knew the legend of the ship elves, so when Bai Ye introduced Meli, she thought of the ship elves at the first time.

However, looking at Meli, who was no different from ordinary people, she was still a little confused.

It seemed that it was very different from the legends she knew.

Fortunately, Bai Ye soon explained the ins and outs of the matter to the two.

Although the two were a little surprised, they were not surprised by Bai Ye's methods, so they quickly accepted Meli's existence.

The latter quickly became friends with Chopper and became good friends who walked hand in hand.

Meli: "Chopper is a very remarkable doctor. He looks the most handsome when he is doing experiments in his room."

Chopper: "I hate you so much. Even if you praise me like this, I won't be happy, you bastard!!!"


Looking at the two cute babies walking in front of him, Bai Ye couldn't help but smile.

"It's amazing that you can make the ship elf have a physical body, Bai Ye."

At this moment, Robin suddenly looked at Bai Ye and said.

Robin's eyes swept over Bai Ye.

At this moment, in her eyes, Bai Ye was like a treasure that could never be exhausted, and people would find surprises from time to time:

"I really want to know, what else do you not know."

Facing Robin's gaze, Bai Ye's face was normal, and he slowly spoke:

"Of course, such as the translation of ancient texts."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Robin smiled even more and said lightly:

"Want to learn? I can teach you."

"But once you learn it, you may regret it."

"By then, you may have to run away with me."

Bai Ye understood what Robin meant.

Robin's 20 years of escape life were not so much brought to her by the 79 million bounty order, but rather caused by the ability to [understand ancient texts].

Robin naturally did not really want to teach Bai Ye this ability, but to remind Bai Ye again.

He was carrying the knowledge that the World Government wanted to destroy.

"You are our partner, Robin."

Bai Ye spoke softly, with determination and seriousness in his eyes,

"The Straw Hat Pirates will never abandon their partners."

"Bai Ye..."

Robin was a little stunned, she didn't expect to get such an answer.

She was about to continue, but was interrupted by Bai Ye.

The latter's expression returned to his usual relaxed state:

"One more thing, when you are about to [forced] to leave, it is best to ask the captain for his opinion."

After speaking, Bai Ye raised a beautiful arc at the corner of his mouth:

"As for leaving on your own initiative, are you really willing to leave everyone?"

After speaking, Bai Ye turned around and caught up with Merry and Chopper again.

"Hey Chopper, don't teach Merry these weird expressions!!!"

"Hey Merry, don't let me see this obscene expression that Usopp only uses!!!"

Looking at the white night in front of him as if nothing happened, Robin smiled:

"I really can't bear to leave you guys."

ps: I have sorted out my thoughts. Starting tomorrow, I will slowly make up for the updates I owe.

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