The first step is to take advantage of the rising current to reach the sky island.

Several key factors are needed to use the rising current to rush to the sky island.

The first is to know the outbreak time of the rising current in advance, and Kulikai also gave an accurate answer to this.

Around noon the next day, the location was directly south of the island.

Secondly, the ship was modified accordingly to make it more suitable for flying upward with the rising current.

For example, adding wings, etc.

Finally, it was the south-facing bird.

Because they were not heading to the island, the recording pointer did not help when everyone went to the rising current.

And on this island, there is a creature called the south-facing bird, which may help the Straw Hat Pirates guide the direction.

So that night, Usopp and Merry stayed on the shore to help Kulikai and others to install the Merry.

The remaining few people went into the forest to look for the south-facing bird.

During this period, everyone discovered that Nami and Sanji were afraid of insects.

At the same time, Bellamy also came to the shore and wanted to steal Kulikai's gold.

Because he had been intimidated by Luffy with the domineering color domineering before, Bellamy felt humiliated.

So after learning about Kulikai, he decisively brought people here.

Unfortunately, the entire Bellamy Pirates were wiped out by the joint efforts of Merry and Usopp.

It also changed the fate of Kulikai and the other three being humiliated by Bellamy in the original work.

In this way, time came to the next day

"Thank you for your medicine, Baiye boy and Chopper kid."

Before that, Kulikai got the elixir given by Baiye.

It is called an elixir, but it was made by Baiye and Chopper together, and it is completely an elixir that belongs to this world.

The effect can be said to be quite powerful.

At least the hidden injuries left by Kulikai due to his long-term deep diving have all disappeared.

This also gave Chopper and Bai Ye more confidence.

Sooner or later, they will be able to refine a better [Blue Wave Ball].

After hearing Kulikai's thanks, Bai Ye nodded and said no more.

Chopper told him not to continue to go deep into the seabed.

Then, Kulikai stood on the shore and shouted to Luffy on the Merry:

"Although everything before was just speculation, I still have to say-"

"Until now, no one has been able to prove that [Sky Island] and [Golden Town] do not exist."

"Maybe some people will laugh at this statement, but what does it matter?"

Kulika opened his arms, as if embracing the whole world, and shouted to several people:

"It is because of dreams-"

"Can romance be achieved!!!"

Hearing Kulikai's words No, several people on the ship also waved their hands and shouted:

"Goodbye uncle!"

"Take care of yourself!"

"We will help you prove that the Golden Country really exists!"


Looking at the Merry that left with the apes and gorillas, Kulikai grinned:

"Don't die, you guys!"


"Wow! What a big whirlpool!!!"

On the Merry, Luffy looked at the terrifying whirlpool that appeared on the sea in front of him, like a huge black hole, and shouted excitedly.

"Wow! If you go in, you will definitely die!!!"

Aside, Usopp was already pale and couldn't even stand steadily.

"What a joke!"

Nami showed a look of horror and shouted to the two large ships in front of the Merry:

"Before we came here, I didn't hear you say we were going to enter the whirlpool!"

"Hey, remember, after entering the whirlpool, you must not reverse the rudder, you must enter the center of the whirlpool."

At this moment, it has reached the most critical stage. The ape and the gorilla will naturally not explain too much. After the final reminder, they quickly left the outer circle of the whirlpool.

"Then, let's go! Go to Sky Island!!!"

On the Merry, accompanied by Luffy's excited shouts, several people completely disappeared in the whirlpool.

A moment later-


A huge rising current suddenly shot towards the sky!

And above the current, the Merry was taking advantage of the situation!

"You must succeed, Straw Hat Boys!"

The gorilla and the ape stood at their respective bows and blessed Luffy and others at the same time.

What they didn't know was that not far away, there was a small raft floating on the sea.

"Captain, are you really not going to do anything?"

On the raft, Van Oka asked the man next to him.

"Haha ...

Haha, although my goal is 100 million heads. "

After taking a sip of rum, Blackbeard Teach continued:

"But the Straw Hat Pirates are really beyond my expectations."

At this time, Blackbeard was holding a stack of bounties in his other hand.

This was just arrived at Magic Valley Town this morning, and it was also a bounty for all members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Although I have long seen that they are not ordinary, but--"

"A full bounty of 475 million is too exaggerated, thief hahahahaha!!!"

When Blackbeard was surprised by the bounty of the Straw Hat Pirates, others also had different ideas.

Barges stared at Luffy's head, and thought of the little figure before, and couldn't help clenching his fists.

Van Oka muttered to himself: "Usopp, a bounty of 30 million? "

Poison Q still looked half dead, and only when he saw Chopper's bounty order did a gleam of light flash in his eyes.

"Okay, go back, guys."

Blackbeard watched the Merry take off, turned around and said to his men:

"Go back to town, after all, we still have to wait for Lafayette to join us."

At this point, Blackbeard turned his head and looked in another direction.

That was the headquarters of the World Government.

At this time, a meeting was being held here.

A meeting that would determine the world situation.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

"It's not me, it's my hand, he moved it himself!"

In the meeting room of Mary Geoise, two vice admirals attending the meeting actually fought each other.

Just looking at the expressions of the two, it seemed as if they were helpless.

"Doflamingo, you are the one who is making trouble."

On the other side, a slightly old woman with the rank of vice admiral spoke up.

"Let them go, they are all good kids. "

Although she said the words of submission, the old woman's tone was obviously commanding.


The man called Doflamingo laughed.

The man wore a red coat and sunglasses, and always had an arrogant smile on his face.

"I can't stand calling them good kids!"

"In that case,"

Doflamingo's five fingers on his right hand began to slowly clench, and on his fingers, there were almost transparent silk threads, which were the ability of the Thread-Thread Fruit he had eaten.

It was also through these silk threads that he could control the two vice admirals of the navy.

From this, we can also see Doflamingo's strength.

"I'll let things end early."

As he said, Doflamingo was about to control the two people to kill each other.

"Don't stop!"

A voice sounded from the door:

"What a disgrace, are you here to fight or to have a meeting? "

Marshal of the Navy, Buddha's Warring States finally came in at this time, and ended this farce.

After a glance, he saw that only Doflamingo, Tyrant Bear and Hawkeye had come among the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and he was not angry at all.

"I didn't expect that three of the Seven Warlords of the Sea would come. It was beyond my expectation."

Just then, a strange voice sounded at the window:

"So, can I join the ranks of observers in this meeting?"

The owner of the voice was a tall man with an elegant top hat and a cane.

He looked at a few people and said seriously:

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am--"


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