The octopus meat is delicious, Sanji!!!” Luffy stuffed the octopus meat into his mouth and shouted to Sanji, showing a satisfied smile. “Because it’s the first time to use this kind of food, I just fried it briefly.” Sanji lit the cigarette in his mouth and replied, then he looked at the two extra people on the deck and asked: “So, during the time I was cooking, did something happen on the ship?” —— The source of the conflict between the Shandians and the Sky Islanders is Arpayard. That is, the island that carries the Golden Land. People living on the Sky Island have a religious fanaticism for the land. For the Shandians, this land is even more important to them. After 400 years, Arpayard has become a common obsession of the people of Sky Island and Shandia.

So there is only one way to resolve this dispute peacefully.

"Let's live together."

Gan Fol, who was once the god of Sky Island, said to Wepa.

"The hatred that has lasted for 400 years should stop now."

Facing Gan Fol's proposal, Wepa did not accept it at first. After all, in his opinion, Arpayard has always belonged to the Shandia people, and Sky Island has always been a hateful invader.

But he had to accept the reality. If all the people of Sky Island could not be killed, the Shandia people would never be able to monopolize Arpayard.

Then, Bai Ye and others also told Wepa about Nolando's death due to the disappearance of Arpayard, and the efforts made by his descendants in the past 400 years.

Finally, Wepa completed the initial cooperation with Gan Fol on behalf of the Shandia people.

Of course, the first prerequisite for cooperation is that the Straw Hat Pirates can defeat Enelu and his priest army.

This is also one of the reasons why both sides can negotiate calmly.

In the original work, the reason why the Straw Hat Pirates fought with Enelu was because they did not pay the entry fee. After defeating the White Berets on the island, the Merry was hijacked to Arpaiado.

This is what caused the battle.

Now, although the Straw Hat Pirates still have to fight with Enelu and his priest troops, because they have learned the intelligence in advance, they have changed from passive to active.

Moreover, they have also reached cooperation with the Shandia clan and the Sky Islanders headed by Gan Ful.

In this way, the countdown to Enelu's defeat has begun.

Before that, the Straw Hat Pirates have a very important thing to do.

That is-

"Let's go to Sky Island for adventure first, everyone!"

Luffy stood on the bow of the goat and shouted to everyone.

On the other side, Gan Ful and Wepar have also left one after another, and their strength is needed next.

And if you want to enter the White Sea from the White Sea, you need to pass through a place called the Gate of Heaven.

When Luffy saw this name, he was so stupid that he said, "Ah! Am I dead?"

The Gate of Heaven is an entrance that looks like a waterfall.

At this time, an old woman appeared at the entrance.

The old woman was wearing purple clothes. Her short stature made her look wrinkled, and her expression was that she was unhappy with everyone.

Of course, there was also a pair of white wings behind her.

Bai Ye swore that if the legendary angels all looked like this, then the so-called believers would definitely decrease a lot.


With a crisp sound, the old woman put down the camera shell in her hand and said:

"Are you here for sightseeing or for fighting?"

Originally, this was just an official cliché, and the old woman didn't expect the other party to give a true answer.

After all, if they really came to fight, could they say it directly?

Who knew that as soon as she finished speaking, Luffy subconsciously gave an answer:

"I'm here..."


Nami's iron fist of love is late but arrives.

Because she is used to Luffy's big mouth, Nami reacted as soon as he opened his mouth and took decisive action.

Old woman: ???

She didn't understand, but was shocked.

After a long silence,

The old woman seemed to have finally digested what happened just now, and spoke again:

"It doesn't matter which one it is. If you want to go up, please pay the entry fee, 1 billion Aegus coins per person."

"This is the [law] regulation."

Hearing this, Bai Ye was refreshed

took out a bag of Bailey.

Ganfor had previously explained to everyone the exchange rate between Sky Island currency and Qinghai Bailey.

"We have nine people, so that's 900,000 Baileys, right?"

Baiye threw the prepared Baileys to the old woman.

The reason why he chose to pay was because if he didn't pay, he would be chased by the white berets.

This would affect everyone's sightseeing in Sky Island.

After taking the bag and counting it, the old woman nodded, and suddenly looked at Chopper and said:

"In fact, if it's a pet, you only need to pay 10,000 Baileys."

Chopper: ? ? ?

"Who is a pet, you bastard!"

In the end, Baiye still chose to pay 900,000 Baileys, after all, Chopper is not a pet.

He is Luffy's most important --

reserve food! ! !

Soon, two large pincers stretched out from the sea of ​​clouds under the ship and clamped the Merry.

The old woman also started to explain at this time:

"That is the specialty of the White Sea [Express Shrimp], and it will help you on the way forward."

"Dear guests."

The next second, the Express Shrimp started and took the Merry upstream.

"Wow, it moved, it moved!"

"Wow, so amazing!!!"

"Sky Island, we are here!!!"

Accompanied by Luffy's exclamations, the Straw Hat Pirates finally saw the full picture of Sky Island.


There are also different types of clouds on Sky Island, one of which is sea clouds, which have the same characteristics as the ocean.

The reason for its formation is also very simple. The particles that make up the seastone are blown into the sky by volcanic eruptions and condensed with water vapor to form a special cloud.

There are various creatures living in it, and ships can also sail on it.

Before, Luffy and others encountered sea clouds.

After being carried upstream by the express shrimp and rushed to the White Sea, Luffy and others also encountered the second kind of cloud.

Island cloud.

As the name suggests, the island cloud has the same characteristics as the islands in the Qinghai, and people can walk on it.

It is also the main place where the Sky Island people live.

"Wow hahaha, the ground of this island is actually soft clouds!"

Luffy shouted excitedly above the island cloud.

Discovering new and interesting things during travel is the true meaning of adventure, isn't it?

Except for Luffy, almost everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates jumped off the boat to feel the charm of Sky Island.

"It's really nice here."

Bai Ye stood by the boat, looking at the island in front of him, and sighed.

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