The next afternoon, the port of Shields was surrounded by people.

"Big brother~"

Lika was in her mother's arms, looking at Sauron in front of her with reluctance.

But he also knew that Big Brother was a man destined to go to sea, and he had no reason to stop him.

So, at least for the last time...

"This is the rice ball made by Lijia herself, with sugar, very sweet."

"For Big Brother~"

Lika took out the rice ball that had been prepared long ago and handed it to Sauron.

"We will never forget your help to us mother and daughter, Mr. Sauron."

Lika's mother also bowed at this time and said seriously.

Looking at the rice ball in her hand, and then looking at Lijia and her daughter staring at her.

Zoro didn't say a word, but silently opened the rice ball and stuffed it into his mouth.

The rice ball filled his mouth, but Zoro didn't care.

He said while eating: "Delicious, very delicious rice ball."

Then he turned and left without looking at the mother and daughter.


"Mr. Luffy, I have officially joined the navy."

The pink-haired Coby wiped his tears and looked at Luffy who was still smiling in front of him and said:

"I am very grateful for your help before!"

If I hadn't picked up Luffy at sea, maybe I would still be living in fear on the pirate ship.

If I hadn't seen Luffy's courage to sacrifice his life for his dream, maybe I would still be timid and dare not move forward.

But...but Mr. Luffy, please forgive me.

"From today on, we are enemies, Mr. Luffy."

Coby said with tears in his eyes but full of determination:

"I will definitely train hard, and in the near future, all the pirates on this sea, including Mr. Luffy's pirate group, will be put into prison!!!"

"The navy is justice!!!"

Although Coby roared at Luffy, he knew in his heart that this was just a promise made to himself.

"Okay, but I won't be caught by you,"

Luffy smiled after hearing this, with confidence and expectation on his face:

"I won't stop before I become the Pirate King!!!"

"Well, see you on the sea, Mr. Luffy!!!"


"Mr. Bai Ye."

Bryan, the navy, was wearing casual clothes and facing Bai Ye at this time.

Looking at Bai Ye who saved the town of Shields and the 153rd branch in front of him, his eyes were full of complexity.

On the one hand, he was very grateful for everything Bai Ye had done, although Bai Ye had put forward many conditions and requirements for them.

But these things are nothing compared to what Bai Ye did.

On the other hand, as an upright navy, Brian's faith does not support him to thank Bai Ye. In any case, the man in front of him has decided to embark on the road of pirates.

What he should do is to arrest him, not to say goodbye here.

"This is the Den Den Mushi you need, and..."

Brian hesitated a little. He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to give such a thing.

But at this point, even if he didn't give it, I'm afraid this man would snatch it away.

"And the nautical chart of the Grand Line."

Brian finally chose to hand over the nautical chart.

"That's right, Mr. Brian really kept his promise and fulfilled this part of the agreement."

Bai Ye took the things in Brian's hand, put the nautical chart into the inner scene, and put the Den Den Mushi into his pocket.

There is no way. Now, whether it is the inner scene where Bai Ye is practicing or the inner scene of the Taoist Collection, no living creature except Bai Ye is allowed to enter.

"This is what you deserve as a hero who saved this town and the Navy branch."

Brian now faced everything that was about to happen calmly, and said in a relaxed tone:

"Then it's settled, Mr. Bai Ye. Before you have your own pirate flag, our Navy Branch 153 will not regard you as pirates."

"During this period, Mr. Bai Ye can call us according to the agreement we made before, and we will take over as soon as possible."

"And when you raise the pirate flag on your ship, it will be the day when we will no longer hide your identity."

"Is that right, Mr. Bai Ye?"

Brian finished speaking in one breath and looked at Bai Ye.

"Well... that's about it."

Bai Ye replied: "Don't worry, Mr. Brian, helping to conceal our pirate identity is only

It's temporary."

"I believe it won't be long before you see our bounty."

"After all, this is something my captain cares about very much."

Speaking of this, Luffy's voice was heard from the port behind him.

"Hey! Bai Ye, it's time to go!"

Hearing this, Bai Ye clasped his fists and bowed to Brian in front of him.

"Then, I look forward to our next meeting, Mr. Brian."

"Well, I hope that next time we meet, we won't be enemies, Mr. Bai Ye."

Brian watched Bai Ye board the ship, lowered his head and turned around and disappeared into the crowd.


Seeing Bai Ye board the ship, Luffy tapped his palm and made a decision.

"Then let's set off and continue sailing!!!"


Zoro's voice came at this time, he folded his hands on his chest and looked at Luffy with a helpless expression.

"Take a good look at the ship under your feet, okay?"

"Ah? "

Luffy looked around, and Alrita's Swan Head Pirate Ship was no different from before.

Seeing Luffy's expression, Zoro rolled his eyes.

"How can the three of us sail such a big pirate ship?"

"Now it seems that we either need to change to a small boat or hire some boatmen."

"But we are pirates, and not everyone may be willing to board the ship."

At the end, Zoro also analyzed it seriously.

"Is that so?"

Luffy suddenly realized: "Then let's change to a small boat."

He had no intention of hiring anyone. In Luffy's view, sailing at sea should be done with his partners.

Just like Shanks.

"No need to change boats,"

Bai Ye's voice came, and at this time, a stack of human-shaped yellow paper with many inexplicable lines on his hand appeared in his hand.

"I can solve the problem of insufficient manpower. "

Bai Ye didn't have a special liking for Alrita's ship, but there were other reasons.

On the one hand, he didn't want to be like in the original book, where several people squeezed on a small boat before getting the Merry.

There was not even a place to sleep.

On the other hand, this pirate ship was also in Bai Ye's subsequent plan. Although it was not irreplaceable, there was no need to abandon it deliberately.


Seeing that Bai Ye took out something he didn't recognize again, Luffy, who had long been accustomed to Bai Ye bringing surprises from time to time.

Naturally, he came to Bai Ye's side as soon as possible, staring at the stack of yellow paper, his eyes shining.

"It's really an incredible thing, so amazing!!!" "

Zoro: ...

No matter how you look at it, it's just a pile of paper. How can you find it incredible!!!

While complaining in his heart, Zoro couldn't help but look at the pile of yellow paper.

Although they had only been in contact for a short time, according to his guess, the things that Bai Ye could make out of thin air must be very magical.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Bai Ye no longer kept them in suspense.

These paper figures were naturally learned by Bai Ye through the Taoist Collection of Scriptures——

[Taoist Secret Art·Paper Cutting into Soldiers]

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