The only thing is that the two of them are in the same boat.

Just one sentence, Luffy's DNA was activated!

"It sounds like a place worth adventuring! I want to go too!!!"

Luffy turned and shouted excitedly to Bai Ye.

Zoro: ... Didn't you know that place a long time ago?

Sanji: ... This guy is really an idiot.

Bai Ye: I got it, brothers~

"Let's go now!!!"

After Luffy finished speaking, he turned around again, and was about to ride on Viper and fall into the sea for the 10086th time.

[Xun Gua - Wind Rope!!!]

Come back to me!!!

Bai Ye exerted force and pulled the tied Luffy to his side, carrying him directly on his shoulders.

Then, Bai Ye, Zoro and Sanji stepped on the ice skates and prepared to set off.

Before leaving, Bai Ye did not forget to tell Nami:

"Nami, just in case, Uncle Pagaya will be handed over to you."

Nami waved her hand: "Don't worry, just leave it to me."

Sanji said with stars in his eyes:

"Nami-san, do you want a farewell kiss?"

Nami: "Go to hell!!!"

"Okay, let's go!"

After Bai Ye pulled Sanji, the three of them officially set off.

The direction they were heading was the direction where the skull appeared just now.

And the destination of the three people was obviously Arpaiado!

"Ms. Nami, let your friends come back quickly, that is the forbidden place of God!"

At this time, Pagaya, who had just reacted, was very anxious and hurriedly said to Nami.

"Don't worry, uncle,"

Nami comforted Pagaya and said with a smile:

"Luffy and the others' original destination was there."


At the same time, in the shrine of Apagaya, the island of the gods——

The reclining Enel opened his eyes, and a beautiful arc appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Finally found you."

"Pirates from Qinghai?"

He sat up, looked at the divine servant beside him and said:

"The Shandia clan is now outside Apagaya, and their target seems to be you."

"So, don't let me down."

Enel's tone was very relaxed, but with a different kind of majesty.

The divine servant beside him said loudly:

"I will never let you down, Lord Enel!!!"

With that, the divine servant team left the shrine and walked towards the outskirts of Apagaya.

As a combat unit that Enel's command rarely uses, they have also been eager to fight for a long time.

At this time, Enel had turned around and looked at the four priests sitting cross-legged in front of him.

"Next, it's your turn."

"The Shandians will block the divine servants for the Qinghai people, so..."

Enel stopped talking, but his meaning was obvious.

"Oh, I'll let the intruders see my ball dragon."

The ball-like Shadley said excitedly.

"Hmph, my Swamp Trial will make them feel despair."

Gedaz said with a pout.

"My knife! I've been waiting for a long time!"

Om also showed a bloodthirsty smile, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes under the sunglasses.

"No matter who it is, they will regret meeting me."

Shura stroked the spear beside him, his heart full of expectations.

"Hahaha! Then--"

Enel's eyes, which seemed to be unable to wake up, suddenly opened wide, and there seemed to be thunder flashing in them:

"Trial! Begin!!!"


Bai Ye's improved version of ice skates and skateboards have faster speeds and better endurance.

So the four of them soon came to the outskirts of Arpayard and met Wepar and other Shandia soldiers.

"Are you sure?"

Seeing the arrival of several people, Wepar stepped forward and asked Bai Ye:

"Just let us block the extra priest troops?"

Although the battle plan had been discussed long ago, Wepar was still a little worried:

"Do you know what this means? This means that you need to..."

"You need to face the four priests and the so-called god alone."

Bai Ye said casually.

At this time, he was putting down Luffy who was struggling on his shoulder, untying the wind rope, and by the way, running the golden light spell to make him sober.

He didn't care about Wepar's words.

Turning around, he looked at Weipa and said:

"Whether it is the four priests or that god, for us, they are never beings that we need to fight for our lives."

"The reason why we choose to fight is just

Just to feel my recent progress more intuitively. "

Bai Ye's mouth curled up slightly, and his Taoist robe fluttered without wind, and a unique temperament of a strong man came out.

He looked at Wei Pa and said slowly:

"They can't stop us."

After speaking, Bai Ye pointed his finger in another direction, where a group of divine servants were coming out.

"Your opponents are there."

Wei Pa was silent for a moment, and finally uttered two words slowly:

"Thank you. "

After saying that, he put on a mask and led the Shandia clan to attack the priests.

Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction. He was really afraid that Wepar's stubborn temper would cause trouble for him.

In the original work, the Shandia clan had no advantage over the priests.

Even Wepar used the rapier shell, which killed one thousand enemies and damaged one thousand and two of its own, to barely defeat a priest.

Letting them join the battle is pure trouble.

On the other hand, it was also the reason Bai Ye gave just now.

Fighting with the four priests can indeed allow Zoro and others to test their strength.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye also turned around and came to Luffy and the other two.

But before he could speak, Zoro's somewhat excited voice rang out:

"That guy with a knife is in charge of the Iron Trial, right?"

Zoro tied his headscarf and said with a smile:

"He is my prey! "

After saying that, Zoro jumped onto the Cloud River that entered Arpaiado and rushed forward.

Bai Ye: ...

"Hey Zoro, the direction is wrong!!! "

Finally, Zoro followed the three and came to the entrance of the four trials.

In addition to Zoro who chose the Iron Trial.

Sanji also chose the physical master mentioned by Wepar, Gadaz, who was in charge of the Swamp Trial.

As for Luffy, he chose the strongest man mentioned by Wepar, Shura, who was in charge of the Rope Trial.

And Bai Ye also turned and entered the entrance of the Ball Trial.

In the original work, the first trial experienced by Luffy, Usopp and Sanji was the Ball Trial.

The trial site is an area full of [Surprise Clouds].

Trial officer Shadley has filled these clouds with traps. Once accidentally touched, it will cause explosions, spikes and even poisonous snakes.

And because the clouds have a certain elasticity, a single move can affect the entire body, which is likely to trigger a chain reaction.


"It seems that you are the unlucky one? "

When Bai Ye entered the Cloud River of the Ball Trial, such a voice sounded not far away.

Bai Ye turned his head and saw Shadley sitting on a surprise cloud, showing him a cruel smile.

"Come on, let me show you my ball dragon! "

As he said this, Shadley used a rope to pull a ball dragon made of a string of amazing clouds to his side.

However, just when he was about to introduce his most outstanding work, he heard a light shout.

[Xun Gua - Crazy Dragon!!!]


Strong wind!

An indescribable strong wind suddenly formed in front of Bai Ye. In the blink of an eye, including the amazing clouds in Shadley's hand and the one he was sitting on, were swept up by the strong wind.

And all exploded in the air!!!


Hearing this loud noise, Shadley was completely dumbfounded.

Because at this moment, in the entire forest where the Ball Trial was located, except for the Cloud River, there was no cloud at all.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded beside him:

"What dragon did you just say?"

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